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F.Forti, INFN and University, Pisa Paris, May

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1 F.Forti, INFN and University, Pisa Paris, May 9 2007
The Detector Things to add Btau nu Beta’ Ks LFV F.Forti, INFN and University, Pisa Paris, May

2 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Outline Detector requirements and considerations The SuperB Baseline Detector SVT DCH PID EMC IFR Trigger/DAQ Computing Budget and Schedule May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

3 Experimental considerations
Babar and Belle designs have proven to be very effective for B-Factory physics Follow the same ideas for SuperB detector Try to reuse same components as much as possible Shifted physics emphasis Rare decays t physics Decays involving n’s. Additional emphasis on: Angular coverage Improve n reconstruction Resolution&efficiency Tracking & vertexing Energy resolution Particle ID Muon ID Often more relevant for background rejection than for signal reconstruction May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

4 F.Forti - SuperB Project
SuperB Detector Main issues Machine backgrounds Higher than and different from PEP-II/KEKB Beam energy asymmetry Smaller: 7+4 GeV  bg=0.28 Strong interaction with machine design Of course, as in Babar and Belle Impact on Detector segmentation Radius of beam pipe and first sensitive layer Radiation hardness Aging Several components are not reusable because of aging, even if the design would be ~OK. May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

5 Detector Layout – Reuse parts of Babar (or Belle)
BASELINE OPTION May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

6 SuperB Layout with dimensions
May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

7 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Backgrounds More details in Gianni’s talk Dominated by QED cross section Low currents / high luminosity Beam-gas are not a problem SR fan can be shielded May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

8 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Pair production Huge cross section (7.3 mbarn) Produced particles have low energy and loop in the magnetic field Most particles are outside the detector acceptance May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

9 We have an IR design coping with main BKG source
Radiative BhaBha Need serious amount of shielding to prevent the produced shower from reaching the detector. May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

10 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Backgrounds SuperB beam currents (2A) are similar to PEP-II/KEKB Background is not too much larger than what with have today Except for SVT Layer0 Detailed simulations ongoing, especially for radiative Bhabhas and Touschek backgrounds Need to design a robust detector with the enough segmentation and radiation hardness to withstand surprises (x5 safety margin) IR design is critical Shielding More studies needed May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

11 Beam Pipe Radius and Detector
Small beam pipe radius possible because of small beam size Studied impact of boost on vertex separation (Bpp) Rest of tracking is Babar Beam pipe needs to be cooled.Study is in progress to keep total thickness low in the order of % of rad 7+4GeV Boost bg=.28 Instead of 0.56 Separation significance Proper time difference resolution May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

12 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Beam pipe 1.0 cm inner radius Be inner wall ≈ 4um inside Au coating 8 water cooled channels (0.3mm thick) Power ≈ 1kW Peek outer wall Outer radius ≈ 1.2cm Thermal simulation shows max T ≈ 55°C Issues Connection to rest of b.p. Be corrosion Outer wall may be required to be thermally conductive to cool pixels May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

13 F.Forti - SuperB Project
SVT 40 cm 30 cm 20 cm Layer0 Baseline: use an SVT similar to the Babar one, complemented by one or two inner layers. Question on whether it would possible/economical to add a layer between SVT and DCH, or move L5 to larger radius Cannot reuse because of radiation damage Beam pipe radius is paramount inner radius: 1.0cm, layer0 radius: 1.2cm, thickness: 0.5% X0 May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

14 F.Forti - SuperB Project
SVT Layer 0 7.7 cm Depends critically on background level Striplet solution (baseline) Basically already available technology but more sensitive to background. OK for 1MHz/cm2 Some margin to improve background sensitivity Monolithic Active Pixel Solution solution (option) R&D is still ongoing but giving a big safety margin in terms of performance and occupancy Cooling and mechanical issues need to be addressed See talks in the afternoon 1.35 cm U V May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

15 Striplets detector concept
May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

16 F.Forti - SuperB Project
DCH Basic technology adequate. Cannot reuse BaBar DCH because of aging Faster gas and smaller cell would be beneficial Baseline: Same gas, same cell shape Some gas improvement possible (order 20%) Reducing cell dimension deteriorates resolution Carbon fiber endplates instead of Al to reduce thickness Backgrounds simulated, dominated by radiative Bhabhas Depend critically on shielding About 7% occupancy with current solution, could be reduced to 1.5% Options/Issues to be studied: Miniaturization and relocation of readout electronics Critical for backward calorimetric coverage Conical, Carbon fiber endplate Further optimization of cell size/gas May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

17 F.Forti - SuperB Project
DCH Gas and Cell Size May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

18 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Particle ID Barrel PID essential for hadron PID above ~0.7GeV. DIRC baseline Quartz bars are OK and can be reused Almost irreplaceable PMTs are aging and need to be replaced Keep mechanical support Barrel Options Readout options motivated by reduction of background generated in SOB SOB: Faster PMTs using the standoff box and water coupling Smaller SOB: Pixilated MaPMTs and fused silica coupling No SOB: Focusing readout with pixilated MaPMTs May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

19 Forward/Backward PID option
Extending PID coverage to the forward and backward considered Possibly useful, physics case needs to be established quantitatively Serious interference with other systems Material in front of the EMC Needs space cause displacement of front face of EMC require miniaturization and displacement of DCH electronics TOF seems the only viable option Technologies Aerogel-based focusing RICH Working device Requires significant space (>25 cm) Time of flight Need about 10ps resolution to be competitive with focusing RICH 15-20ps OK. 10ps seems to be achievable, although not easy May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

20 F.Forti - SuperB Project
EMC Barrel CsI(Tl) crystals Still OK and can be reused (the most expensive detector in BaBar) Baseline is to transport barrel as one device Various other transportation options Background simulation indicates the need for a careful shielding design dominated by radiative Bhabha’s Forward Endcap EMC BaBar crystal are damaged by radiation and need to be replaced Occupancy at low angle makes CsI(Tl) too slow No doubt we need a forward calorimeter Backward EMC option Because of material in front will have a degraded performance Maybe just a VETO device for rare channels such as Btn. Physics impact needs to be quantitatively assessed DIRC bars are necessarily in the middle DCH electronics relocation is critical for the perfomance May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

21 F.Forti - SuperB Project
EMC Backgrounds Integrated over f 120 crystals in the barrel, 100 in the forward Limit for CsI(Tl) at about 1MeV/us/crystal More detailed studies and optimization are needed May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

22 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Forward EMC crystals Both pure CsI and LSO could be used in the forward EMC LSO more expensive, but more light, more compact, and more radiation hard Now LSO is available industrially Cost difference still significant, but not overwhelming. Use LSO as baseline Gives better performance Mechanically easier to assemble Leaves PID option open CsI option still open in case of cost/availability issues May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

23 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Crystal properties May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

24 F.Forti - SuperB Project
IFR and steel BaBar configuration has too little iron for m ID > 6.5 lI required; 4-5 available in barrel Fine segmentation overdid KL efficiency optimization Focus on m ID : fewer layers and more iron  Is it possible to use the IFR in KL veto mode ? Baseline: Fill gaps in Babar IFR with more iron Leave 7-8 detection layers Need to verify structural issues Scintillator bars à la MINOS Cost effectiveness of steel reuse needs to be fully assessed May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

25 F.Forti - SuperB Project
IFR Backgrounds Rates in the range of a few x 100Hz/cm2 May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

26 Electronics and Trigger/DAQ
L1 Trigger rate of KHz Unless a hardware Bhabha rejector is developed Up from 5KHz current Babar rate Some electronics could be reusable Especially front-end cards, maybe power supplies The bulk of the electronics is obsolete and unmaintainable Should be remade with state-of-the-art technology Clearly a major cost driver Costed using recent experiments experience (LHC) May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

27 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Computing Computing model extrapolated from Babar Scales with luminosity Requires distributed computing on the grid May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

28 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Cost estimate A full cost estimate of the SuperB project has been done Based on Babar/PEP-II actual costs Escalated from 1995 to 2007 Bottom-up for almost all elements Separate new components from reused elements Replacement value of reused components = how much would it cost today to rebuild those components (extrapolated from Babar/PEP-II costs) New costs: everything that’s needed today, including refurbishing Transport is not included, but disassembly and reassembly is. Keep separate categories: EDIA: engineering, design, inspection and administration (man-months) Labour: technicians (man-months) Materials and Services: Euros. All details available in the CDR We have not tried to fully optimize the cost yet. Some reduction might be possible May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

29 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Detector cost Note: options in italics are not summed. We chose to sum the options we considered most likely/necessary. May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

30 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Computing costs Computing depends critically on the time scale Moore’s law Evaluated in two scenarios: startup in 2011 or 2012 Not included in basic detector budget LHC model: distributed computing resources provided by many partners The on-site computing center is included in the estimates should probably called out as a separate entity May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

31 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Schedule Overall schedule dominated by: Site construction PEP-II/Babar disassembly, transport, and reassembly We consider possible to reach the commissioning phase after 5 years from T0. May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

32 The Università di Roma Tor Vergata Site
Area available Strong interest of University and INFN Tunnel at about -12m Synergy with approved FEL (SPARX) Engineering group created Issues: water, power 750m May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

33 F.Forti - SuperB Project
Summary and outlook A SuperB detector based on Babar has been developed It could be based on Belle as well Technology is available Some areas require focused R&D to be finalized (see David’s talk) Final technology choices will need to be made Main goals for the workshop Understand the needed R&D effort Create some structure to move forward Longer term Arrive to a Technical Design Report in 1-2 years May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project


35 Accelerator and site costs
Note: site cost estimate not as detailed as other estimates. May 9, 2007 F.Forti - SuperB Project

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