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HETUS Pilot Group 3 Survey questionnaires Focus on child diaries

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1 HETUS Pilot Group 3 Survey questionnaires Focus on child diaries
Group members Tania Cappadozzi – Italy – coordinator Idris Beyazit – Turkey Dragana Djokovic Papic – Serbia Kimberly Fisher – United Kingdom Jonathan Gershuny – United Kingdom Hannu Paäkkönen– Finland Giczi Johanna – Hungary Urszula Wagrowska – Poland External expert Renzo Carriero – Italy – University of Turin Joanne Corey – Australia – Australian Bureau of Statistics Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

2 Background information: HETUS Guidelines 2000 and 2008
Age in sample design: all people aged 10 years or older Survey forms and data collection mode: Household and Individual questionnaires, collected in a face-to-face interview (PAPI or CAPI). Full-scale post-coded day diary, collected in a paper and pencil self-completed mode, where respondents write down in their own words what they have done (main and secondary activities) and other context information (where, with whom, …) during 24 hours. Weekly schedule of working time filled in by all jobholders in the household, collected in a paper and pencil self-completed mode. Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

3 Proposal for new HETUS Guidelines 2020
Age in sample design: lower the age limit to include children less then 10 years old… Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

4 The IMPORTANCE of collecting data on daily life of children
New Social Studies of Childhood the child as a real social actor, who is able to influence adult's lives and able to take decisions with relation to the constraints of his environment… Sleep and learning Childhood obesity Eating habits Active leisure vs Passive leisure Video game and social media addiction Independence and autonomy Unsupervised time Gender equality A triangular approach to the study of gender division of housework in households Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

5 Children's time cannot be inferred by adults’ diaries
Children time use while they are without parents - Italian TUS Child characteristics Time spent without parents (alone or with others) Total Personal care (not sleeping) Study Household and family care Voluntary work and meetings Free time Travel 7:58 0:48 3:45 0:08 0:03 2:45 0:30 AGE 3-5 5:30 3:11 0:01 0:00 1:41 0:07 6-10 6:54 0:39 3:38 0:04 2:17 0:14 11-14 9:04 0:54 4:08 0:10 3:12 0:35 15-17 10:29 1:10 3:58 0:18 3:50 1:09 GENDER male 8:00 0:46 3:41 0:05 2:54 female 7:57 0:49 3:49 2:35 TYPE OF FAMILY dual earner couple 8:09 0:50 3:48 2:50 0:29 male breadwinner couple 7:16 0:40 3:31 0:02 2:28 0:27 single parent 9:24 1:05 4:06 0:11 3:15 0:43 Moreover in the adults’ diaries is detected only the presence of children in the with whom column but not what the kids are doing. Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

6 Collect children’s diaries is possible: we do it!
In Europe Italy and UK have already lowered age limit in TUS Italy ( , , , ) Age limit: 3+ Proxy admitted up to 10 years Only one diary day, to reduce the burden on respondents and to contain the non-response rate. This is possible mainly for the large sample size: about 25,000 households for a total of more than 55,000 individuals The day diary have the same form both for adults and children, with some different explanation in the examples pages. Australia UK UK ( , ) Age limit: 8+ No proxy admitted Two day diaries In : simplified form for children up to 13 (no secondary activity and simplified instructions) In : the same form both for adults and children In some other countries were collected children’s time use diaries within specific Longitudinal research on children development: UK, Australia, USA, Quebec, New Zealand... Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

7 Questions discussed by Pilot group
- What is the age lower limit to be adopted by HETUS Guidelines 2020? What is the survey form to collect children’s time? - How reduce statistical burden on respondents?

8 Proposal for new HETUS Guidelines 2020
Full-scale diary for self compiling respondents: Change age lower limit from 10 to 8 years or older (following UK and Australian experience) The child diary form may contain standard information as adults, but adding fun elements should make completing the instrument more appealing to children. The diaries of children aged 3-7 years should be collected in proxy by parents. If the WG will approve lower the age limit to include this part of the population in the survey, it would be necessary to conduct tests on the type of diary to be adopted. Several participating countries ask to test a pre-coded or/and simplified diary, to reduce the statistical burden on parents and the non-response rate. Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

9 Proposal for new HETUS Guidelines 2020
Proposals to further reduce burden and costs: Make voluntary the collection of Weekly schedule of working time, never collected by Eurostat, leaving the estimation of weekly hours of work as a theme of the Labor Force Survey. Admit to collect only one diary per respondent, loosing data on intra-personal variation, but acquiring very important data on children’s times, currently unknown in Europe, reducing costs and burden. Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

10 - Testing lower limit for self compiling (7+,8+,9+,10+)
Possible pilots - Testing lower limit for self compiling (7+,8+,9+,10+) - Testing different types of children diaries: - pre-coded light diary post-coded full-scale diary with fun elements post-coded simplified diary - Testing new “child oriented” codes Source: UK Millennium Cohort Study Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

11 Elements for other Pilot Groups
Adapt the lower limit of the age. Pilot Group 2 The light diary can be useful to collect proxy information from parents, reducing burden. Pilot Group 5 Children activity are different from the adult ones, so if children are included in the survey it is necessary to adapt coding list  Tania Cappadozzi – Eurostat TUS WG - Luxembourg January 2016

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