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Come in quietly and take a seat.. Take out a pencil please. 

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Presentation on theme: "Come in quietly and take a seat.. Take out a pencil please. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Come in quietly and take a seat.. Take out a pencil please. 
Joints!!! Come in quietly and take a seat.. Take out a pencil please. 

2 Fibrous Joints **Also known as fixed joints. **Little movement.
EX: Skull and where the tibia meets the fibula right above the foot.

3 Cartilaginous Joints **Moveable in childhood but become fixed when bone growth has ended. **Make it possible for long bones to grow. **Allow us to twist and bend.

4 Plane Joints **Found in area’s where the bones are flat.
**Allow slipping and gliding movement. EX: Found between certain bones in the hands and feet.

5 Ball and Socket Joints **They allow us to make movements in all planes. EX: Found in the shoulder and hips.

6 Hinge Joints **Moves back and forth (like a door hinge) EX: Elbow

7 Pivot Joints **Allow limited rotation of one bone against another.
**Found where the neck joins the head and where the radius and ulna meet, just below the elbow.

8 Saddle Joints **Occur where the thumb meets the palm.
**Each bone has a convex and concave surfaces that join, just like a person sitting in a saddle.

9 Condyloid Joints **Occur in the fingers between the metacarpals and the phalanges. **Condyloid joints allow less movement than saddle joints.

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