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SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS (Losing your Balance, Traction or Grip)

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Presentation on theme: "SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS (Losing your Balance, Traction or Grip)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS (Losing your Balance, Traction or Grip)
Types of Falls: Elevated falls- Less frequent but more severe Same level falls- More frequent but usually less severe

2 Loss of traction and balance
Slip and Fall Caused by slippery surface Compounded by wrong footwear Front foot slips forward and person falls backward Rear foot slips back and person falls Loss of traction and balance

3 Trip and Fall Front foot strikes an object and stops
Upper body is thrown forward and fall occurs Slight rise in a walkway can cause a person to stub his toe Loosing your balance

4 Step and Fall Front foot lands on surface lower than expected
Usually falls forward Foot lands on inside or outside of foot causing ankle to turn Usually falls forward and to the side

5 Contributing Factors Proper housekeeping Adequate lighting
Carrying oversized objects that obstruct vision Wrong footwear Walking too fast-running Not using handrails Not watching where one is going

6 Falls From Ladders Ladders long enough that waist is no higher than the top rungs or upper support Do not use top three rungs of straight ladder or top two steps of a step-ladder Lower end of rails have slip-resistant pads Belt buckle never extends beyond side rails Tying off ladder prevents sliding to side Ladder set at 4:1 ratio

7 Falls From Vehicles and Equipment
Keep steps clean and as dry as possible Have good handholds Always face the vehicle Use “Three-Point Contact” Step down backwards, never jump down forward No riders in bed of truck or on running boards-Must have seatbelts!

8 Falls From Loading Docks
Often wet surfaces Stepping backwards off dock Railing replaced after truck unloaded Housekeeping and traffic patterns Skid-resistant surfaces reduce risk

9 Falls on Stairs Well-lighted Sturdy handrails on both sides
Person using should have one hand free Steps should have same rise and depth Visible edges Kept free of obstacles Carry smaller, lighter loads

10 Fixed Ladders Securely attached to structure
Supporting a minimum of 250 pounds Rungs min. 16”wide and max.12” apart 7” of toe space from rung to structure More than 20’ above ground-caged Workers should have both hands free while climbing

11 Fall Protective Devices
Protective cage Lifeline Lanyard Harness Handrails Toe boards

12 Signs and Stripping Safety signs where hazards exist
Yellow stripping to identify walking and working areas No objects placed in stripped area Dropped or spilled materials removed immediately

13 Learning How to Fall Tuck your chin in, Turn your head, and throw an arm up. It’s better to land on your arm than on your head While falling, twist or roll your body to the side. It’s better to land on your buttocks and side Keep wrists, elbows and knees bent. Don’t try to break your fall with hands or elbows

14 Recommendations Regular inspections of work and walking areas
Proper footwear No riders unless a safe seat or workstation is provided All slips, trips and falls should be reported immediately and corrective action taken.


16 Safe Start These four states…..
Rushing, Frustration, Fatigue and Complacency Can cause or contribute to these critical errors…. Eyes not on Task, Mind not on Task, Line-of-Fire, Balance/Traction/Grip Which increase the risk of injury.

17 Safe Start Critical Error Reduction Techniques….
Self-trigger on the state or the amount of hazardous energy Analyze close calls and small errors Look at others for the patterns that increase the risk of injury Work on habits

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