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Cactus Shadows Curriculum Night

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1 Cactus Shadows Curriculum Night
English 9 and Honors English 9

2 Welcome Lorraine Burke – I would prefer you to text me at or me National Board Certified Teacher 36th year teaching in the CCUSD

3 Communication Types of communication:
Daily messages for homework Weekly Agenda on website with lessons, PowerPoints, & handouts Weekly Agenda You can be invited to monitor Google Classroom progress Google Classroom (You can ask me to be invited and see student progress) Calendar printed bimonthly also available online Check IC regularly Weekly missing/failed assignments Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences: October & March

4 Calendar on my Website

5 Classroom Routines Rules Bathroom Passes: They get 9 passes per quarter that they can use at their discretion or keep for extra points at the end of each quarter. Why? I don’t want them to miss any classtime if it can be avoided and they have time between classes. Behavior: They need to be prepared, come in and get to work, not waste time, and get things done in class, and stay focused. Why? Time is precious, and we have precious little of it. Also, they should have a life outside of school, so whatever can be accomplished during school hours, needs to be done. Materials: They should come to school with their required materials, but in a pinch, there will always be materials available. Why? We are building responsibility, but life happens, and I don’t want anyone to ever have the excuse for not doing something that they didn’t have paper, or a pen or pencil, or whatever.

6 Academic Expectations
I want students to develop Grit: the power of passion and perseverance. I want students to work hard, know that they are making progress, and feel a sense of accomplishment. I want students to be prepared for the remainder of their high school careers and for challenges in their futures: knowing How to get and stay organized and maintain time management, How to be and stay motivated How to read effectively with good comprehension and depth, and How to write well in an organized way that will allow them to develop even further as a writer as they get into higher level classes.

7 Homework Policy How much?
Students should be reading throughout the month for the book report or novel study CommonLit articles and stories occasionally when not enough time in class Vocabulary Worksheets and Flashcards every two weeks to help learn the words Writing will always be started in class and be given ample time, but sometimes students will need to finish at home Why? Readers develop vocabulary, speed, comprehension Practice for Mastery for vocabulary Some students need more than classtime to complete writing

8 Assessments Tests and Quizzes Vocab Tests every two weeks RPS (Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes) Quizzes every Thursday CommonLit Reading Assessments for each article/story Unit Tests Writing Assignments every unit Reading Tests over novels/works of literature Book Reports at the end of each month (except Dec.) Midterms & Final Exams: October, December, March, May Benchmarks Pretests – Now Post tests – December, May State Tests - April

9 Grading Weighted Scale: Reading Assessments = 25%
Writing Assessments = 25% Vocabulary = 10% In-class Assignments = 20% Homework/Participation = 5% Final/Mid-term Exams = 15% Grades will be updated several times a week. If the assignment is there, but empty, it isn’t graded yet and is not affecting the grade. If there is M for Missing, it could be the student was absent, had no name on paper, or just didn’t turn in. That is a zero until fixed. If there is an actual zero, then the student was present and did not do the assignment or failed the assignment.

10 Content 1st Quarter Writing lessons Writing an Essay (Jane Schaffer) MLA Format Works Cited Writing Assessments Informative/Explanatory Character Analysis Reading Themes Education/Non-cognitive Skills Narrative Book Reports August: Book Selfie on Popular YA Lit. September: Classic Lit. 2nd Quarter Writing Assessments Argumentative Literary Analysis Reading Themes To Kill a Mockingbird Prejudice & Discrimination Book Reports October (No report): To Kill a Mockingbird November: Historical Fiction December (No Report)

11 Content 3rd Quarter Writing Assessments Research Writing Informative/Explanatory Reading Themes Animal Intelligence Heroes The Odyssey Oedipus Book Reports January: Nonfiction Animal February: Nonfiction History 4th Quarter Writing Assessments Informative/Explanatory Character Analysis Reading Themes Love Romeo & Juliet Poetry Book Reports March: Biography/Autobiography April: Contemporary Fiction May (No Report): Romeo and Juliet/ Sonnets

12 Syllabus

13 Student Support Office Hours- I am here every day 6:15-7:15 AM and 2:15-3:30 PM for office hours. Students are welcome any time. If needed, I can be available during lunch as well. Free Tutoring- Library Free Tutoring- NHS

14 Attendance Be on time Be there EVERYDAY Be Prepared
5 absences- parent notification 8 absences- warning notice 13 absences- loss of credit

Check IC regularly for grades and assignments Check homework for completion Ask about school Communicate with teachers and counselors IC app for your cellphone!

16 Tips for Student Success
High School students need the same follow-thru, time and attention that an elementary student needs. Parents with high expectations have students who succeed.

17 Parents Make the Difference in Student Success!
Let us know how we can help to support your student and family meet their goals.

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