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Joint Africa – EU Strategy Tuning Seminars

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1 Joint Africa – EU Strategy Tuning Seminars
Generic competences: consultation with stakeholders in Africa. Some results and a comparison with other regions Pablo Beneitone Cape Town, 15 May 2012

2 Definir Define Analyse Analyse the results of the consultation and redefine the different degrees Identify Consult Build consensus

3 Why a questionnaire? Objectives:
* Initiate joint reflection from updated information * Built on a common concrete language * Start debate * Consult other groups * Offer three levels of reflection: - Institutional - Subject area - GENERAL

4 4 Groups to be considered:

5 3 Variables to be considered:
IMPORTANCE ACHIEVEMENT For both a scale of 1 to 4: 1 = none 2 = weak 3 = moderate 4 = strong RANKING

6 Data Total number of respondents 4323: Areas & university
1051 Graduates 838 Employers 1130 Academics 1304 Students

7 Analysis at GENERAL level
in relation to the 4 GROUPS in relation to the 3 VARIABLES in relation to other REGIONS

8 Analysis at GENERAL level in relation to the 4 GROUPS

9 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement 14 competences over 3,5 ALL competences below 2,8

10 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
ACADEMICS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Ability for creative and innovative thinking Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to UBUNTU

11 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement 15 competences over 3,5 ALL competences below 2,8

12 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
EMPLOYERS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Objective decision making and practical cost effective problem solving Ability to translate knowledge into practice Ability for creative and innovative thinking

13 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement 13 competences over 3,5 ALL competences below 2,8

14 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
GRADUATES RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Self confidence, entrepeneurial spirit and skills

15 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement 8 competences over 3,5 ALL competences below 2,8

16 RATING – Importance vs. Achievement
STUDENTS RATING – Importance vs. Achievement Capacity to use innovative and appropriate technologies

17 Analysis at GENERAL level in relation to the 3 VARIABLES

18 Importance

19 Importance Rating Importance Then ordered according to Academics
Graduates Students Employers Academics Rating Rating Rating Rating Top 5 Top 5 Top 5 Top 5 Importance Rating Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Then ordered according to Academics

20 If groups are similar then in five top and five bottom groups
Importance Graduates Students Employers Academics Rating Rating Rating Rating Top 5 Top 5 Top 5 Top 5 Importance Rating Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Bottom 5 If groups are similar then similar competences in five top and five bottom groups

21 Importance Rating Importance If groups are very different then
Graduates Students Employers Academics Rating Rating Rating Rating Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Bottom 5 Top 5 Importance Rating Top 5 Top 5 Top 5 Bottom 5 If groups are very different then similar competences in opposite groups


23 Importance 2 Common Competences in Top 5:
Ability to translate knowledge into practice Ability for conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis 3 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Ability to work in an intra and intercultural and/or international context Environmental and economic consciousness Commitment to preserve and to add value to the african identity and cultural heritage

24 Importance Much higher for academics than employers:
Ability to work independently Much higher for graduates than academics: Leadership, management and team work skills

25 Importance

26 Achievement

27 Achievement AGREE

28 2 Common Competence in Top 5:
Achievement 2 Common Competence in Top 5: Ability to communicate effectively in official/ national and local language Ability to work independently 2 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Commitment to preserve and to add value to the african identity and cultural heritage Ability to work in an intra and intercultural and/or international context

29 Lower for students and employers than academics:
Achievement Lower for students and employers than academics: Ability to translate knowledge into practice Much higher for graduates than employers: Objective decision making and practical cost effective problem solving

30 Achievement

31 Importance vs Achievement
As usual, Achievement lower than Importance Employers, Students, Graduates and Academics: one of the greatest gaps between Achievement and Importance corresponds to: Ability for creative and innovative thinking Self confidence, entrepreneurial spirit and skills High importance, low achievement

32 Ranking AGREE AGREE

33 Ranking 3 Common Competences in Top 5:
Ability to translate knowledge into practice Ability for conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to UBUNTU 3 Common Competences in Bottom 5: Commitment to preserve and to add value to the african identity and cultural heritage Environmental and economic consciousness Ability to work in an intra and intercultural and/or international context

34 Ranking Much higher for graduates than students:
Objective decision making and practical cost effective problem solving Much higher for employers than academics: Leadership, management and team work skills

35 Ranking

36 Analysis at GENERAL level in relation to

37 EUROPE 2008 AFRICA 2012 Comparison

38 Graduates: Top 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Graduates: Top 5 competences Ab. to apply knowledge in practical situations 1 Ability to translate knowledge into practice 1 Ab. for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis 2 Ability to conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis 2 Ab. to identify, pose and resolve problems 3 Objective decision making and practical cost effective problem solving 3 Knowledge and und. of the sub. area and und. of the prof. 4 Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to UBUNTU Cap. to learn and stay up-to-date with learning 4 5 Leadership, management and team work skills 5

39 Graduates: Last 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Graduates: Last 5 competences 14 Ability to communicate effectively in official/national/local language 27 Ab. to act with soc. responsability and civic awareness Commitment to preserve and to add value to the African identity and cultural heritage 15 28 Ap. of and respect for diversity and multiculturality Ability to evaluate, review and enhance quality 16 Commitment to the conservation of the enviroment 29 Environmental and economic consciousness 17 30 Commitment to safety Ability to work in an intra and intercultural snd/or international context Ab. To show awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues 18 31

40 Employers: Top 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Employers: Top 5 competences Abil. to appl. knowledge in 1 Ability to translate knowledge into practice 1 Ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis 2 2 Ability to conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis Ability to identify, pose and resolve problems 3 Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to UBUNTU 3 Knowledge and und. of the subject area and und. of the prof. Objective decision making and practical cost effective problem solving 4 4 5 Ability to work in a team Leadership, management and team work skills 5

41 Employers: Last 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Employers: Last 5 competences Ability to communicate effectively in official/national/local language 14 Ab. to act with social resp. and civic awareness 27 15 Ability to evaluate, review and enhance quality 28 Ab. to work in an international context Commitment to preserve and to add value to the African identity and cultural heritage 16 29 Ab. To show awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues Environmental and economic consciousness 17 Commitment to the conservation of the enviroment 30 Ability to work in an intra and intercultural snd/or international context 18 Ap. of and respect for diversity and multiculturality 31

42 Academics: Top 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Academics: Top 5 competences Ab. for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis 1 1 Ability to translate knowledge into practice Ab. to apply knowledge in practical situations 2 2 Ability to conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis Knowledge and und. of the subject area and und. of the profession 3 Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to UBUNTU 3 Ab. to identify, pose and resolve problems 4 Objective decision making and practical cost effective problem solving 4 Cap. to learn and stay up-to-date with learning 5 Ability for creative and innovative thinking 5

43 Academics: Last 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Academics: Last 5 competences 27 Ab. to communicate with non-experts of one´s field Ability to communicate effectively in official/national/local language 14 Ability to evaluate, review and enhance quality Commitment to the conservation of the enviroment 15 28 Commitment to preserve and to add value to the African identity and cultural heritage 16 Spirit of enterprise, ability to take initiative 29 Environmental and economic consciousness 30 Commitment to safety 17 Ab. To show awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues Ability to work in an intra and intercultural snd/or international context 31 18

44 Students: Top 5 competences
EUROPE AFRICA Students: Top 5 competences Ability to translate knowledge into practice 1 Ab. to apply knowledge in practical situations 1 2 Ab. for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis Ability to conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis 2 3 Ab. to identify, pose and resolve problems Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to UBUNTU 3 4 Knowledge and und. of the subject area and und. of the profession Ability for creative and innovative thinking 4 5 Ability to work in a team Self confidence, entrepeneurial spirit and skills 5

45 Students: Last 5 competences
AFRICA EUROPE Students: Last 5 competences Ability to communicate effectively in official/national/local language Ab. to act with soc. responsibility and civic awareness 14 27 Commitment to preserve and to add value to the African identity and cultural heritage Commitment to the conservation of the environment 15 28 Ab. To communicate with non-experts of one´s field 29 Environmental and economic consciousness 16 30 Commitment to safety Ability to evaluate, review and enhance quality 17 Ab. To show awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues 31 Ability to work in an intra and intercultural snd/or international context 18

46 Correlations EUROPE AFRICA Academics 0,79 0,96 0,92 0,96 0,97 0,91 0,97 Employers Graduates 0,94 0,92 0,92 0,98 0,97 Students

47 ALL GROUPS: Ranking, Top 5
EUROPE AFRICA ALL GROUPS: Ranking, Top 5 Common 2 competences equal: Ability to translate knowledge into practice Ability for conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis

48 ALL GROUPS: Ranking, Top 5
AFRICA AMERICA LATINA ALL GROUPS: Ranking, Top 5 Common 2 competences equal: Ability to translate knowledge into practice Ability for conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis

49 Some provisional conclusions …
1) All GENERIC Competences rated over 3 in the 4 groups (VALIDATION) 2) Rating (Importance) and Ranking, similar results (CONSISTENT) 3) Wide consultation process (OPENNESS) 4) High correlation between 4 groups (COMPATIBILITY) 5) Similar results in other regions … (COMPARABILITY) 6) Gap between Importance and Achievement (NEED OF FURTHER ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ….)

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