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PHED 3 Contemporary Issues in Sport Drugs in Sport

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1 PHED 3 Contemporary Issues in Sport Drugs in Sport
A2 PE PHED 3 Contemporary Issues in Sport Drugs in Sport

2 Drugs in Sport A2 PE

3 Sporting examples Marion Jones

4 Ben Johnson ran a record 9
Ben Johnson ran a record 9.79 seconds to win the 100-meter gold at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, then tested positive for the steroid stanozolol and was stripped of his medal and time. Manchester City defender Kolo Toure was suspended after testing positive for a specified substance. Rio Ferdinand got an eight month ban and £50,000 fine for failing to take a drugs test

5 Drugs in Sport Aim – to consider the health and social consequences of using drugs in sport Objectives Define the term ‘Doping’ and identify types of drugs in sport. Discuss and Outline issues of performance enhancing substances.

6 Drugs in Sport What is meant by the term drugs in sport?
dop·ing (d p ng) n. The use of an illegal drug or blood product to improve athletic performance. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

7 Why do some performers take performance enhancing drugs

8 Why do some performers take performance enhancing drugs?
To build muscle / Increase energy To mask or recover from injury / reduce pain

9 Steady nerves, control arousal, increase concentration, confidence
pressure to win / from coaches, peers, media to look good / aesthetic reasons

10 reward / money/ fame/ win at all cost ethics / fear of losing lack of education / unaware of dangers belief that every one else is doing it / level playing field poor deterrents / ineffective testing / belief they will get away with it


12 Why are performance enhancing drugs banned by International Sports Federations and Governing Bodies?
Cheating / rule breaking is wrong / legality Unfair advantage / poor win ethic / immoral to take drugs to enhance performance Dangerous to health Lowers status of sport Negative role models / bad example to young people

13 Doping class Effect on performance Dangerous side-effects Stimulants Make athletes more alert and mask fatigue Can cause heart failure, addictive Anabolic agents - steroids Help athletes to train harder and build muscle Increased aggression and kidney damage Diuretics Remove fluid from the body. Used to make the weight, eg in boxing to hide other drug use Causes severe dehydration Narcotic analgesics Mask pain caused by injury or fatigue which can make the injury worse Addictive Peptides and hormones EPO (Erythropoietin) red blood cells - gives more energy HGH (Human Growth Hormone) - build muscle EPO - risk of stroke or heart problems. HGH - abnormal growth, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc

14 Drugs in Sport Blood doping is injecting blood that has been removed from the body a few days earlier, enabling the blood to carry more oxygen. It is banned as it's a form of cheating. It can cause kidney and heart failure. Beta blockers are banned in archery and shooting as they keep the heart rate low and reduce tremble in the hands.

15 Chambers was banned for two
years but has consistently denied willfully taking anything to boost his performance. Linford Christie, who tested positive for the anabolic steroid nandrolone in 1999.

16 East German athletes Doubled their Olympic output from 20 to 40 gold medals in just four years East Germans became a sporting powerhouse in the 1970s and 80s rivalling the much larger USA and Soviet Union Many athletes thought they were simply taking vitamins…instead they were given steroids Negative health side effects included liver cancer, organ damage, hormonal changes and infertility

17 What measures are being or could be taken to solve the continuing problems of drugs and sport?
Ban for a period of time Educate / promote health / morality aspects of the issue / positive role models Stricter more rigorous testing / random testing

18 Research / investment into increasingly efficient and
effective testing Legalise performance enhancing drugs / levelling the playing field Return of medals / financial support Imposing fines

19 Drug Testing The Drug Testing Process

20 Should ‘doping’ be made
Drugs in Sport Task Should ‘doping’ be made legal in sport?

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