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Paul Scherrer Institut

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1 Paul Scherrer Institut
Carl Beard SwissFEL ELOG PSI, PSI, 20. November 2018 20. November 2018

2 Abstract SwissFEL has commenced installation and rapidly approaches the first stages of commissioning. Due to the complexity of the machine, communication amongst the groups and services for SwissFEL is imperative. The electronic logbook has been chosen as a tool for the tracking of all SwissFEL relevant activity. The purpose of this talk is to provide an overview of the SwissFEL ELOG s and aid in preparation for commissioning…… Overview of the SwissFEL ELOGs – Definition / Use / Structure Clarify who writes in which ELOG Current Experience with RF/LLRF – searching, filtering,… Discuss what the next stages should be.. Open issues etc. PSI,

3 A location for recording ALL SwissFEL related activity
Definition A location for recording ALL SwissFEL related activity Not the same logbooks (ideally same server) A vital aid to Commissioning, leading seamlessly to Operations. Critical for On-call duty personnel. To identify potential faults Repeated faults / with possible short term fixes. Modifications to SwissFEL systems that affect the operation of the machine Must be recorded in the commissioning logbook. Work on systems unaffecting beam operation to be recorded in Group/service logbooks. Commissioning Team or Operators to record events only in the `SwissFEL commissioning`logbook

4 ELOG Administration ELOG server -
Secured Location within PSI firewall. Login to server requires VPN when off-site. Standard PSI username and password ELOG General Administrator / Technical Support – Andreas Luedeke SwissFEL Commissioning ELOG Administrator – Didier Voulot Individual Group ELOGs – Defined by the service or group Latest Version of ELOG will be maintained. Attachments ELOG is NOT a document repository Do not attach text based documents to ELOG entries. Slows down the search for all users Text documents to be stored on Alfresco Link to the document could be provided instead Images can be attached. If there are many images taken, a link to alfresco location is recommended

5 Location – GFA Elog Server -
Current SwissFEL logbooks Test Injector Archived logbooks ELOG administrator

6 Whats Changed/Improved
SLS Operations Structure has been adopted (where possible). Two commissioning Logbooks SwissFEL Commissioning – (Manual Entries) Shift Summary – Overview of the Shift achievments – See T.Schietinger Measurement Summary - Overview of the Measurement Results – See T.Schietinger Procedures or Workarounds – Temporary changes in procedures to continue operation Problems – Fault Tracker – Faults/issues to groups systems to be recorded here. – Discussed Next Info – General Information not covered with other options Überbrucküng – Overriding of alarm handler recorded here Pre-beam Checks – Checklists for routine start-up – See D.Voulot SwissFEL Commissioning Data – (Automated scripts) – See T.Schietinger Section (or Service) Logbooks RF – coordinated with LLRF improved structure - Discussed Later LLRF – coordinated with RF improved structure Vacuum – Standard layout covering all machines Laser – Very Basic Layout Controls – Utilised but not standardised to SwissFEL Diagnostics– Still mostly on a seperate ELOG server. Standardised naming convention: To allow filtering and easier searching No ambiguity PSI,

7 Recording Problems/Faults
Any Fault / Observation / Problem that effects the operation of the machine must be recorded on the commissioning ELOG. The type of fault may not be known exactly, however, the first system that prohibits operation should be highlighted under the System Tab. Often the final problem may be due to a subsystem or service, however the expert group identified should take the responsibility to ensure the problem is transfered to the required group/service. The status of the fault will be tracked such that any outstanding issues can be monitored. The commissioning Team or Operators identifying the fault will record the issue. It is NOT necessary to record the activity in the Group/service specific ELOG. Once a Problem is recorded, the group identified will recieve an (to pre-identified members) that will assess the problem. PSI,

8 Commissioning Logbook Structure
SwissFEL Standard Commissioning Specific Domain Section Category System Effect Injector SINEG01 Shift Summary RF Downtime Linac1 SINSB01 Measurement Summary LLRF Emmitance Linac2 SINSB02 Procedures Magnet Intensity Linac3 SINSB03 Problems Power Supplies Rep. Rate SINSB04 Info Laser

9 RF Logbook Structure SwissFEL Domain Section System Sub-system Subject
Standard Group Specific Domain Section System Sub-system Subject Injector SINEG01 Moduator Pre-amp Conditioning Linac1 SINSB01 Klystron HVPS Operation Linac2 SINSB02 Structure HPSU Linac3 SINSB03 Waveguide PDU WHLA SINSB04 Meeting OIL OBLA

10 Commisioning Logbook Entry - Organisation
Predefined names to avoid miss-spelling or ways of displaying the name..e.g. Jan Chrin, J.Chrin, CJ84, Chrin, Jon Chin… Depending on the Category chosen, the remaining categories and entry choices are filtered. On some selectable options a predefined table is generated. Drag and Drop attachments

11 SwissFEL RF Logbook – Already Operational
Many groups already have an ELOG, but not excessively used. Vacuum, RF and LLRF have centralised their ELOGs and already in an operational state

12 Data Entry – RF ELOG A comprehensive structure reduces the need for the detailed explanations. Fast and Simple to complete Enables filtering and speeds searches

13 Filtering Filtering allows a fast method for collecting information on a specific topic. The selected filters can also be saved as Browser Favourites A well defined structure, provides a much improved filtering

14 All Log book search Only possible with a standardised categorisation
Allows the possibility of searching all log books at a specific location Helpful for fault finding

15 All Log book search 2 By filtering the data for location, time, or system, it is possible to identify what work has been carried out. This may identify any activity that may have had an impact on the machine behviour or fault.

16 Status – Next Steps Commissioning ELOG progressing well…
Still time to Plan/Prepare the logbook structure (before commissioning) A good structure encourages more people to make entries. Consistency amongst entries Easier for shift worker / commissioning team / operator to find a solution to common faults. Reduces the number of call-outs / machine down-time Quick to track commissioning progress/outstanding issues Next Steps Each group/section should define what information is relevant for commissioning/operations. Commissioning/Operations Team to define what information MUST be recorded. A designated Spokesperson for each group/section to ensure the logbooks are structured/relevant to the groups needs. The logbooks are not optimal, thereofore Everybody should have a look at the SwissFEL logbooks and identify any improvements/changes/suggestions.

17 Thank You PSI, PSI, 20. November 2018 20. November 2018

18 Advanced options (Future Talk)
I’ve only concentrated on the very basic ELOG configuration Andreas Luedeke could advise in the future on Automated Shift entries Fault Tracking Form generation Checklist options. Plus many more time saving applications ;-)

19 Systems Overview We have many systems for recording Machine information, the functions are clearly defined as: Alfresco documents repository Specifications Data sheets, reports, photos, etc. Wiki General Information Overviews of Systems Procedures Inventory database Information relevant to each device item location Item history ELOG NOT a repository for documents Recording day to day operation of the machine Recording test results Changes to systems URLs can be used to link to Alfresco, Wiki and PSI,

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