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Getting Employers Need

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1 Getting Employers Need
Sandi Sibilio APSE Conference 10/25/17

2 SKILLS GAP? Different perspectives from different stakeholders. Clearly there is a disconnect.

3 What Has Fueled the Skills Gap?
Demographic Changes Technological Advances Shift to a Service-Based Economy Rise of Contract Work and the Gig Economy Employers are More Selective Less Training Takes Place on the Job Transformation from a manufacturing economy to a service based economy. A service based economy is one in which the service is a product. In a service-based economy there is a need for more workers to have soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

4 Employers Say… 92% of business leaders think Americans aren’t as skilled as they should be. 44% of business leaders think Americans are lacking soft skills – communication, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, etc. Adecco (2017)


6 So How Do We help Clients to Stand Out??
We have an opportunity. How do we help the individuals we work with stand out?

7 Assess Job Skills, Determine How to Get Needed Skills and Practice Skills
Job Descriptions O*Net Information Interview Job Shadow Mentor BRS Working Interview or Working Evaluation Volunteer Mock Job Interview Job shadowing – restaurant, administrative, skilled trades. Attending meetings, shadow in the field


9 2 Type of Skills Employers Need

10 1. Soft Skills are personal qualities, attributes and skills that are hard to measure and quantify. Soft skills are also transferable and can be used in any job. Communication Skills Team Work Leadership Flexibility Problem Solving Professionalism Enthusiasm Etiquette Group exercise “Oh”, Nail exercise. Teaching: etiquette, field trip to a business with customer service

11 Society for Human Resource Management found that employers actually care more about soft skills than they do technical abilities like reading comprehension and mathematics.

12 2. Hard skills are defined, specific, measureable and
teachable skills. Microsoft Suite Bicycle Repair Baking SPSS Fork Lift Operation Math Typing Graphic Design Surveying

13 Workforce Training SNAP Employment & Training –For SNAP recipients in
Connecticut who are not receiving TANF money. E&T is a skills-based program that provides short- term vocational programs at community colleges and community-based organizations.  E&T programs are based on labor market information that indicates projected job growth in a given field. TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Examples of training: Booking Certificate, Small Engine Repair, Pharmacy Technician, Web Design

14 WIOA Approved Trainings in Connecticut http://www1. ctdol. state. ct

15 Workforce Training Continued
Online Learning Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, ALLISON Workforce Credentials OSHA Certification Servsafe Certification Customer Service & Sales Certification Computer Skills Literacy Volunteers On-line Learning with Business Analytics, Data Science, Business Writing, Cybersecurity, Critical Thinking

16 Life Long Learning A mind set. Resume is a living document

17 Personality and Career Assessments
Resources Personality and Career Assessments Overview of Career Assessments Holland Code Career Test IPIP Big-Five Factor Markers

18 Skills Assessment Information
Unpaid Work Experiences, Volunteering, and Internships Connect-Ability O*NET

19 Job/Career Assessment Tools
US DOL Connecticut Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook

20 Job/Career Assessment Tools
Job Shadow Informational Interview Skills Gap

21 Soft skills Training Materials

22 On-Line Learning Platforms
ALLISON Udemy Connect-Ability Coursera Computer Training

23 References Adecco (2017, July 26), Watch the Skills Gap. Retrieved from: in-the-american-workforce/ Society for Human Resource Management (2016, October 11), SHRM/Mercer Survey Findings. Retrieved from: and-forecasting/research-and- surveys/PublishingImages/Pages/Entry-Level- Applicant-Job-Skills-Survey-/Entry- Level%20Applicant%20Job%20Skills%20Survey.pdf

24 Sandi Sibilio Director of Career Services Fellowship Place Ext 1209

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