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Decision Support Systems Directory – an Envirolink Tools Project

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1 Decision Support Systems Directory – an Envirolink Tools Project
A web-based searchable directory of Decision Support Systems (models, tools, frameworks) that: provides key metadata for each DSS; provides relevant case studies of DSS use; and thereby assists Councils to assess opportunities to use DSS’s to help meet their management needs. The development of this DSS directory is funded as an Envirolink Tools project with support from Tasman District Council and Waikato Regional Council Its aim is to provide a web-based directory of a wide range of both spatial and non-spatial decision support systems It aims to provide a wide range of relevant metadata for each DSS and also provide key relevant case studies as examples of how these have been used.

2 An Envirolink Tools project
Why it was created Demand for ‘library’ of models and DSS’s was identified at earlier EERNZ (SP2) and Envirolink workshops in and 2010 Support from Regional Councils for development and use of a ‘tools’ directory Project Team: Massey University/EERNZ (Research Provider) Tasman District Council & Waikato RC (Sponsors) Alchemists Ltd (Project Co-ordination) (Web design) This Envirolink Tools project was funded and undertaken to meet a need that was identified at several workshops during held during on spatial planning and the use of DSS’s There has been support from RC’s for having such a resource developed so that there is a better understanding to the available tools and how they can be used. This can help to build capabilities within Councils to utilise more of these tools. The project team for developing this Directory included: Dr Marjan van der Belt from Ecological Economics Research New Zealand at Massey University – The Research Provider Mr Steve Markham from Tasman District Council – Project Sponsor Dr Beat Huser –from Waikato Regional Council – Project Sponsor Tony Fenton from Alchemists Ltd – Project Coordinator Mark Huser – – wed designer An Envirolink Tools project

3 An Envirolink Tools project
Home Page - by DSS type by management domain by use in planning cycle The web directory is a sub-domain of the Envirolink website Home page is designed to provide easy access to the DSS’s and Case studies 3 areas are dedicated to allow quick access to DSS database The Home page also provides an area to highlight new or key case studies and access to supporting information in an ‘About’ section With the funding available - we aimed to get at least one or more DSS for each management domain Under the contract Envirolink Contract we were required to collate metadata for at least 30 DSSs – At the end of the project we manage to load data for at least 42 DSS’s and 34 case studies 3 easy ways to search An Envirolink Tools project

4 An Envirolink Tools project
Advanced Search Options Searching by topic of interest Can then be restricted by a metadata field Multiple metadata fields can be selected to refine the search The search functionality was seen as important to end users to be able to easily access the directories database – especially as the Directory grows larger. Aside from the “Standard” search box on the Home page we have provided an Advanced Search option which takes the user to a specific page This Advanced search page allows users to enter a topic of interest and then narrow the search using one or more of the metadata fields. Having an advance search facility like this will become more and more useful as the number of DSS and Case studies in the database increases in the future. An Envirolink Tools project

5 An Envirolink Tools project
DSSs and Case Study Tabs DSS’s listed alphabetically Links to full metadata page for each DSS Same approach used for case studies The ‘Menu Tabs’ for DSS’s and Case studies takes the user to a web page that represent the database information in summary boxes in alphabetic order. In each box a link to the full metadata page is provided The metadata page provides a wide range of information about the technical aspects of the DSS (software requirements, scope, analytical technique, data requirements, licencing), user information (User interface, documentation and support) and case study links The Case Study ‘tab’ presents the database information in a similar fashion to the DSS tab (i.e summary boxes in alphabetical order) Narrowing down the information or finding specific DSS’s or topics can be done using the search facilities supplied An Envirolink Tools project

6 Some of the DSS’s in the Directory
MCA NZeem NZFARM ROTAN Overseer CALPUFF RiVAS CBA WISE Mediated Modelling CLUES An Envirolink Tools project

7 An Envirolink Tools project
Future Development Strategies being put in place to maintain currency of content Promotion to encourage uptake Aim to broaden the range of DSS’s Needs on-going support to develop content and get uptake The Envirolink project is seen as the first phase in the development of the Directory – the web page and database structure has been created and 42 DSS’s and 34 case studies have been loaded into the database Strategies are being put into place to ensure that the content of the directory will remain current and relevant – this includes asking that future relevant Envirolink Tools projects and MOBI funded DSS’s have metadata loaded into the directory as part of the researchers completion of their project. There if also some initial co-funding support from Regional Councils (Waikato RC and Tasman DC) to support some further update of metadata and case studies, and to provide some promotional support. It is seen as important that we promote the directory around potential end users to ensure good uptake of the resource and to receive further feedback on future improvements. A number of promotional actions are being advanced including getting links to the directory from as many other relevant web sites as possible, promotion through RC SIG networks and other planning and management networks. Currently content of directory is weighted towards land, water, catchment management. Which reflects the historic focus of RC’s – we would like to broaden this range of DSS’s out to improve coverage of the full range of council current needs Suggestion of other DSS that could be added were limited from end-user feedback which was surprising – but now that people can see the directory the may more readily make further suggestions – we want people to know that we are still looking for ideas about what else to add in future reviews and updates Will also look to add more case studies that are relevant and current. Continued support from Regional Councils and Central Government agencies is required for the directory to be successful by meeting the needs and expectations of users. What has been developed to date is a starting point for a useful tool but it will be important to keep both the content current and to expand its coverage of DSS’s to meet the needs of the wide range of end users that it can benefit. An Envirolink Tools project

8 An Envirolink Tools project
- have a look and were open to suggestion for more DSS’s and improvements To conclude here is the link again to the directory Also as mentioned we are wanting to further develop the content of the directory over time and keep it current so any input from end users and suggestions of new DSS’s or relevant case studies that could be added would be appreciated. Any feedback or suggestions can be made through the ‘Suggestion Box” facility on the web site An Envirolink Tools project

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