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Water Pollution in NC.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Pollution in NC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Pollution in NC

2 Point Sources Pollution that enters the water from a known source
Ex. Factories, septic tanks, wastewater treatments plant

3 Non-Point Source Pollution from sources that are hard to find or are scattered Ex. Runoff from farms, construction sites, or golf courses

4 Pollution

5 Excess Nutrients Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Excess nutrients come from sewage systems, septic tanks, fertilizer 80% of excess nutrients are caused by humans

6 Eutrophication Caused by high levels of nutrients in a lake/pond
Excess nutrients causes algae to grow and die The bacteria decomposing the algae uses all the oxygen Kills fish Turns into a meadow

7 Hog Farms Hog population has increased More hogs = more waste
SOME waste can be used for fertilizer, but the concern is how to get rid of the other waste?

8 Lagoons Large holes in the ground that are used to store and treat hog waste They may leak excess nutrients and harmful bacteria

9 Pfiesteria Fish become lethargic and develop sores on their bodies
Caused by warm water and high nutrient levels

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