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MLA Facts That You May Not Know Already

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Facts That You May Not Know Already"— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Facts That You May Not Know Already

2 How to Cite More Than One Author
Two Authors Jackson, Marty, and Justin Brooke. Three Authors Jackson, Marty, Justin Brooke, and Carrie Payne. Four or More Authors You have two options: List all of the names in order that they appear on title page. Jackson, Marty, et al.

3 Works That Are Written by the Same Author
Jackson, Marty. “The Second Article Only Needs Three Hyphens to Indicate That It Is Written by the Same Author.” [INCOMPLETE ENTRY] ---.“This Is One Article by Marty Jackson.” [INCOMPLETE ENTRY] Alphabetize the entries by author, but if two articles are written by the same author, alphabetize by title (do not include articles -- a, an, the).

4 Capitalizing Titles “In a title or subtitle, capitalize the first word, the last word, and all principal words, including those that follow hyphens in compound terms. Therefore, capitalize the following parts of speech:” nouns, pronouns, verbs (including IS), adjectives, adverbs, and “[s]ubordinating conjunctions (e.g. after, although, as if, as soon as, because, before, if, that, unless, until, when, where, while…)”

5 What NOT to Capitalize “Do not capitalize the following parts of speech when they fall in the middle of a title:” articles (a, an, the), prepositions (e.g. to), coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS), and the to in infinitives

6 Punctuating Titles Underline names of books.
Enclose short works, like articles, in quotation marks (“ ”). Separate titles from subtitles by inserting a colon (:) in between them. Doe, John. Book Title: Subtitle. [INCOMPLETE ENTRY]

7 *These are NOT MLA facts anymore!
A Couple of Reminders

8 Photocopies For print sources that are books, you must photocopy and submit the following to me: title page copyright page pages that you took notes from (regardless of what type of note it is)

9 Number of Sources If you have at least one print source, you need to have at least five (5) sources total. If you only use online, or electronic, sources you must have at least seven (7) sources total. Interviews are acceptable but count as NEITHER print or electronic sources

10 Any Questions?

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