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Middle East Governments

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1 Middle East Governments

2 Types Of Government Monarchy: A monarchy is a form of government in which supreme power is absolutely placed in the head of state, often for life. Example : King, Dictator. Republic: A republic is a state or country that the people, or at least a part of its people, have an impact on its government. Can rule like a dictator. Can be limited or unlimited based on the power given once elected

3 Types of Governments Continued
Democracy - is a form of government in which power is held by " the people" under a free electoral system. Can never have a dictator. Emirate: An emirate is a political territory that is ruled by a dynastic Arab Monarch styled emir. Emir is a commander or general. Parliamentary -are characterized by no clear-cut separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches. This is a more group shared where the power is spread apart.

4 Types of Government Conclusion
Federation - is a union comprising a number of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central ("federal") government. Their power is unlimited due to the number states or regions being governed. Abdallah or Abdullah is a common name among Muslims that means “servant of God”

5 Countries King Salaman of Saudi Arabia

6 Iran conventional long form: Islamic Republic of Iran
Ayatollah Ahmadinejad conventional long form: Islamic Republic of Iran conventional short form: Iran Government type: theocratic (religion based) republic Chief of state: Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI (since 4 June 1989) head of government: President Mahmud AHMADI-NEJAD (since 3 August 2005); Constitution: 2-3 December 1979; revised 1989 to expand powers of the presidency and eliminate the prime ministership (Led to Unlimited Power) Unlimited Religion: 99.7% Islamic

7 IRAQ conventional long form: Republic of Iraq conventional short form: Iraq Government type: parliamentary democracy (Transitioning) (since 3 October 1932) chief of state: President Jalal TALABANI Has 3 branches of Government Limited (Transitional) Religion: 98.9% Islamic

8 (14 May 1948) ISRAEL conventional long form: State of Israel
President Peres conventional long form: State of Israel conventional short form: Israel Government type: Parliamentary Democracy (14 May 1948) Limited chief of state: President Shimon PERES Religion: 17.7% Islamic, 75% Jewish

9 Jordan conventional long form: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
King Abdullah conventional long form: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan conventional short form: Jordan Government Type : constitutional monarchy (25 May 1946) Limited chief of state: King ABDALLAH II   Religion: 98.8% Islamic

10 Lebanon conventional long form: Lebanese Republic
conventional short form: Lebanon Government Type: republic (22 November 1943) Unlimited chief of state: President Michel SULAYMAN Religion: 59.7% Islamic

11 Saudi Arabia Religion: 97.1% Islamic
conventional long form: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia conventional short form: Saudi Arabia Government type: absolute monarchy (23 September 1932); Unlimited chief of state: King and Prime Minister Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud 2015 (Arabic: سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود‎‎ Religion: 97.1% Islamic

12 Syria (Currently Revolting)
                                Syrian President al-Assad Syria (Currently Revolting) conventional long form: Syrian Arab Republic conventional short form: Syria Government Type: republic/dictatorship under an authoritarian military-dominated regime (maybe) (17 April 1946 ); Unlimited chief of state: President Bashar al-ASAD Religion: 90% Islamic

13 United Arab Emirate conventional long form: United Arab Emirates
Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan President of United Arab Emirates conventional long form: United Arab Emirates Government Type: Federation with specified powers delegated to the UAE federal government and other powers reserved to member emirates (2 December 1971)  Unlimited Religion: 76% Islamic

14 Yemen conventional long form: Republic of Yemen
conventional short form: Yemen Government Type: Republic (Currently Protesting) 22 May 1990 Unlimited chief of state: President Ali Abdallah SALIH (since 22 May 1990, the former president of North Yemen, assumed office upon the merger of North and South Yemen); Religion: 99 % Islamic

15 Free Write We live in a democratic republic, right?
What would it be like for you to transition or move from our country to a country that had unlimited power, such as the rule of a king or a dictator? How would your life change?

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