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Edy van Renselaar 9 January 2018

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1 Edy van Renselaar 9 January 2018
11/20/2018 Assessor Training 1 Edy van Renselaar 9 January 2018

2 Contents Basic Training
Introduction to the assessment (9 January) Practising with assessment tools (30 January) Evaluating and reporting (20 February) Practice assessment with student (after the summer) Peer assessment and certification (after the summer)  Follow-up masters training (5th and 19th of March)

3 Programme meeting 1 Pause
Initial situation: experience and learning questions Basic attitude of the assessor + assessor competencies Assessment and assessment tools Pause SBL Competencies Proof of competence Closing and feedback

4 Initial situation Getting to know each other: Name and school
Your English teaching context In teams of three to four teachers (15 minutes): Sharing - experience with or image of assessments - learning questions before the training

5 Basic attitude of the assessor
Individually (5 min.) Think back to a concrete (training) situation in which your skills were assessed. What contributed to you having either a good or bad feeling during the assessment? In teams of three to four teachers (15 minutes): Share your experiences: LSA Write down 2 or 3 tips for an assessor Plenary (10 min.) Linking to assessor competencies

6 Transferring information
Assessment objectives Different types of assessment Assessment features and tools Guiding and evaluating using different types of assessment

7 Assessment objectives
From: Aan de slag met assessment (Sinke, 2011)

8 Assessment objectives
Qualifications for the profession: Give students a fair chance to show what they really know and can do. Development: this also means: Support the learning process by giving students feedback on competencies they need to develop.

9 Various assessments at the Archimedes Institute

10 Assessment features and tools
Single assessments of specific situations Summary evaluation of additional results from different situations Observation situation measurement d a t value decision situation measurement situation measurement situation measurement From: Aan de slag met assessment (Sinke, 2011)

11 Assessment features and tools
Authenticity Practice Assignment Intensity of the procedure Simulation Performance CBI Portfolio 360° feedback from: Aan de slag met assessment; G.P.J. Sinke, Chapter 11

12 Assessment features and tools
Assessments at the Archimedes Institute Portfolio Presentation Criterion-Based Interview (CBI)  Evaluation

13 Assessment features and tools
Fixed assessment procedure Multiple evaluation: based on multiple results that refer to evaluations from different angles Give a summative final evaluation: based on the concurrent and cohesive evaluation of all results In relation to the standard: SBL competence requirements Leads to making a reasoned and substantiated decision

14 Coaching and evaluating
Assessments are programme-independent Candidates can be competent in different ways No assessment rubric, but indicators Distinction between coaching and evaluation Working on intersubjectivity

15 SBL competencies Game: competence waste race
Objective: (better) knowledge of the competency indicators

16 Proof of competence Illustrate typical situations by means of:
quick scan, self-evaluation situation reports, reflection reports observation, feedback and assessment reports lesson plans, lesson reports self-made or adapted teaching materials video recordings of parts of lessons student survey results (e.g. Leary Rose) professional products

17 Proof of competence Individually: In teams of three to four students:
Watch the video compilation of a student: which competency indicators do you think are demonstrated in this video? In teams of three to four students: Compare and ask each other questions regarding the differences: What did you see in the video? What do you think this says, in your opinion?

18 Proof of competence In teams of three to four teachers:
Which supporting documents (proofs) do you think would be the most and the least convincing? What makes a supporting document convincing?

19 Proof of competence situations effect action Competence visible
invisible Competence

20 Proof of competence situations effect action action repertoire
visible invisible action repertoire knowledge responsibility professional opinion professional attitude qualities motivation inspiration unique personality

21 Proof of competence In each case:
Description of your own actions in concrete situations - actions - effect (tip of the iceberg) Substantiating one’s choices1 & reflection (iceberg under the surface) 1 Substantiation: not just your own ideas, but supported by literature!

22 Proof of competence

23 Proof of competence Requirements for supporting documents Authentic
Current Relevant Quantity Variation Also see assessment manual, Appendix 5

24 Proof of competence Looking back at meeting 1
Getting acquainted and learning objectives Basic attitude of the assessor + assessor competencies Assessment and assessment tools SBL Competencies Proof of competence

25 Proof of competence Looking ahead towards meeting 2
Criterion-Based Interview (CBI) Conversation techniques of the CBI The STARR method Using the note-taking form

26 Proof of competence Preparing for meeting 2
Read Sinke, chapter 1 through 4 + pp.153, § 11.5 Write a brief reflection on meeting 1   Describe a characteristically specific situation taken from your professional practice as a teacher or teacher trainer that demonstrates that you have (partially) mastered one of the 8 competences. Also include a supporting document. Bring two printed copies to the meeting on January 30

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