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Kansas Light Source Upgrade

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1 Kansas Light Source Upgrade
Scott Palmiter Mentor: Dr. Zenghu Chang Lab Partner: Jason Tackett

2 Kansas Light Source What is the KLS?
Ultrafast High Intensity Laser Facility Provides very short pulses Pulse Duration: 25fs On the order of molecular oscillations Wavelength: 790nm (Infrared) Pulse Energy: 2.5mJ Used for “studying the fastest dynamics in atoms, molecules and other matter under the influence of strong electric fields.”

3 Kansas Light Source How does the KLS work?
Seed pulses with 1nJ at 10fs are stretched to 100ps Avoids damage to amplifying crystal With each successive pass through the crystal, the beam gains energy up to 2.5mJ 14 total passes Amplified beam is compressed to 25fs

4 Kansas Light Source Sample setup Pulse Source Stretcher Gratings
Amplifier Pulse Source Stretcher Final Beam Gratings Compressor

5 Kansas Light Source How does the 790nm beam gain energy?
The pump laser excites the atoms in the Ti:Sapphire crystal to a higher excited state creating a population inversion As the infrared beam passes through the media, it stimulates the atoms and lowers their energy states. As the atoms change energy states, photons are ejected and picked up by the passing beam

6 Kansas Light Source How does the 790nm beam gain energy?
Each pass has more photons, and subsequently causes the ejection of more photons, amplifying the beam

7 Kansas Light Source What are gratings?

8 KLS Upgrade Darwin 527 nm Pump Laser Legend: M – Mirror L – Lens
Ion Pump M6 M4 L3 L6 M2 M3 L2 L1 M5 BS1 L4 L5 Darwin 527 nm Pump Laser Legend: M – Mirror L – Lens BS – Beam Splitter M1

9 KLS Upgrade 1mm spot size Pump Beam 25.4mm Crystal Diverging Lens
Collimating Lens Converging Lens

10 KLS Upgrade From Amplifier 1 Final Beam Compressor Darwin 527 nm
RM1 M13 PM1 PM2 RM2 M6 RM4 M4 Ion Pump M7 L3 L6 Pockel’s Cell RM3 Telescope M2 M3 L2 L1 From Amplifier 1 M10 M5 BS1 L4 L5 M9 P2 G1 G2 P1 Compressor Final Beam M8 Darwin 527 nm Pump Laser Legend: M – Mirror L – Lens RM – Retro Mirror PM – Pump Mirror M1

11 Pump Laser System Darwin 527 nm Pump Laser M4 M2 L1 L2 M3 M6 M5 BS1 L4 L5 M1 L6 L3 Ion Pump Began building the lens-mirror system to achieve 1mm spot size at future location of crystal. Practiced enlarging, collimating, and converging to desired size. Learned convention of measuring spot size.

12 Pump Laser System Disaster: Pump Laser broke down More Problems:
Delay: Next week More Problems: Sapphire Crystal cut wrong Delay: End of August Ion pump not manufactured yet Manufacturing problems with pump mirrors and retro mirrors, telescope mirrors Everything but one telescope lens has arrived, end of Aug.

13 Compressor Construction
Major components: Gratings Periscopes Steps to complete: Align components Use uncompressed beam to optimize and test Use the FROG to estimate resulting pulse width Final Beam P2 G2 P1 WP G1 Amplified Beam M9 Legend: M – Mirror P – Periscope G – Grating WP – Half wave plate

14 Compressor Construction
Grating Alignment Criteria: grooves must be perpendicular to the table = Iris Mirrors Laser Grating Same height for alignment

15 Compressor Construction
Periscope Alignment Criteria: beam entering parallel, exits parallel

16 Compressor Construction
VND Periscope Final Beam CCD CAM Beam Height = 5” Gratings Periscope Beam Height = 5” Beam Height ≈ 3.85”

17 Compressor Construction
Checking Polarization Must make sure polarization of incident beam on the gratings is correct Check by finding the setting on half wave plate that would give us maximum intensity Easiest with zero order

18 Compressor Construction
Optimizing 2nd order dispersion: Finding correct distance between gratings Using a very small focal length lens (30mm), white light is generated and the oscillations in the in the air caused by the laser create noise Find the brightest light and loudest noise level

19 Compressor Construction
Optimizing 2nd order dispersion: P2 G2 P1 G1 Point of white light and noise M9

20 Compressor Construction
Optimizing 3rd order dispersion: Checking parallelism between the gratings The spectrum of the compressed beam should be circular P2 G2 P1 G1 M9

21 Compressor Construction

22 Compressor Construction
FROG (Frequency Resolved Optical Gating) Estimation: Gives a 2D array combining information of time and wavelength called a spectrograph Resulting estimations: Pulse Width: fs Spectral Width: 44.84nm l t

23 THANK YOU!! Dr. Chang, Dr. Weaver, Dr. Corwin
SUROP – Dr. Shanklin, Amelia Asperin KLS Group

24 Sources Diffraction Gratings Brochure. Optometrics Corporation. 28 July PDF File. < gratingbrochure.pdf> Kansas Light Source. 10 February Kansas State University. 23 July < .html>. Paschotta, Dr. Rüdiger. Chirped Pulse Amplification. 06 June RP Photonics Consulting. 23 July < /chirped_pulse_amplification.html>. Pulse Compression Gratings. Newport Corporation. 23 July < lone=Diffraction-Gratings&id=5271&lang=1033>. Siegman, Anthony E. Lasers. University Science Books. Sausalito, California: 1986.

25 Kansas Light Source Methods of measuring spot size
Create a ratio of length to pixels. Multiply be number of pixels the beam takes up. Ratio changes every time the CCD is moved View of CCD Known distance

26 Kansas Light Source Methods of measuring spot size
Create ratio, it remains constant Ratio : mm/pixel 492 pixels 510 pixels CCD Cam Screen 8.47 mm

27 Compressor Construction

28 Compressor Construction

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