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Identify the nouns, verbs, and adjectives

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Presentation on theme: "Identify the nouns, verbs, and adjectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify the nouns, verbs, and adjectives
Social Studies Opener: Mesoamerica #1 Write down today’s Learning Target and answer the following prompt. Identify the nouns, verbs, and adjectives The region known as Mesoamerica stretches from the central area of Mexico to the northern part of Central America. It was in this region that the earliest civilizations began in the “New World.” 5.1.2 Connected Events

2 Correct the spelling, grammar, and punctuation:
Social Studies Opener: Mesoamerica #2 Write down today’s Learning Target and answer the following prompt. Correct the spelling, grammar, and punctuation: The early civilization of the Aztecs inca and Maya settled in to the fertile lands of centrel and south America. Crops such as beans chocolate and corn we’re farm. 5.1.2 Connected Events

3 Social Studies Opener: Mesoamerica #3 Write down today’s Learning Target and answer the following prompt. Please turn to pg.469 in your textbook and analyze the map at the top of the page titled, “Maya Civilization” After analyzing the map answer questions #1-2 in “Interpreting Maps.”

4 Please turn to pg. 466-467 in the textbook. Read the section titled,
Social Studies Opener: Mesoamerica #4 Write down today’s Learning Target and answer the following prompt. Please turn to pg in the textbook Read the section titled, “Analyzing Historical Information: Maya Way of Life” After the reading, answer questions #1-2 on pg. 467.

5 Please turn to pg. 476 in the textbook. Read the section titled,
Social Studies Opener: Mesoamerica #5 Write down today’s Learning Target and answer the following prompt. Please turn to pg. 476 in the textbook Read the section titled, “History Close-up: Tenochtitlan” After the reading, answer the question at the bottom of the page.

6 Please turn to pg. 484-485 in the textbook. Read the section titled,
Social Studies Opener: Mesoamerica #6 Write down today’s Learning Target and answer the following prompt. Please turn to pg in the textbook Read the section titled, “History and Geography: Inca Roads” After the reading, answer questions #1-2 at the bottom of the page 485.

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