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I wonder how plants can make new plants?

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Presentation on theme: "I wonder how plants can make new plants?"— Presentation transcript:

1 I wonder how plants can make new plants?
Life Cycles: Plants I wonder how plants can make new plants?

2 I wonder about the Living World...
Life processes Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive. Evolution Recognise that there are lots of different living things in the world and that they can be grouped in different ways. I wonder about the Living World... Achievement Objectives Investigating in science Extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through exploration, play, asking questions, and discussing simple models. Communicating in science Build their language and develop their understandings of the many ways the natural world can be represented. Participating and contributing Explore and act on issues and questions that link their science learning to their daily living.

3 What do you know about plants?

4 These are the ways I need my brain to think...
Thinking Skills Recalling/Retrieving Can recall prior knowledge from long or short-term memory to complete a task Understanding by...Classifying Determining that something belongs to a category Analysing by...Comparing Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between ideas These are the ways I need my brain to think... My brain needs to think about these BIG ideas… Plants have special parts that help them to reproduce. What plants DO to make a new plant.

5 What do you wonder about plants?

6 Is it alive? Is it a plant? Is it an animal?
Classifying pictures into two groups Am I a Plant or Animal? Brainstorm...why is a plant a plant? Why is an animal an animal? Is it alive? Is it a plant? Is it an animal?

7 Special names for the parts: Parts of a plant rap song
Identify plant parts… Where do the seeds come from? Let’s cut some fruit and flowers in half… What’s hiding inside? Put your ideas here... Parts of a plant Special names for the parts: Parts of a plant rap song

8 Parts of a plant… What did you find out?
Put your photos here… Parts of a plant… What did you find out?

9 Germinating the seeds... Magic School Bus Goes to Seed
Set up the following experiments… Alfalfa sprouts on wet cotton wool, bean seeds in a jar, courgettes?, fancy lettuce? Control experiments, in the dark, no water, too much water, in the fridge Observe what happens… Germinating the seeds... Magic School Bus Goes to Seed How does a seed become a plant? How does a seed grow?

10 Put your photos here… Germinating the seeds...

11 How does the new plant grow?
Thirsty does the water get to the the ends to make the new bits grow? What happens to the new leaves if we stop watering? Why are the plants in the sun green and the ones in the cupboard yellow? How does the new plant grow? Magic School Bus How a Plant Makes Food Time lapse of lima beans Needs of a plant Song- Cute!

12 How does the plant make a seed?
Can you remember the things a plant does to make a seed? How does the plant make a seed? Pollination The whole life cycle

13 Breakout Room Make grass heads Find the hidden plants
Put life cycles together Cut flowers in half Matching activities

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