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14-1 Human Heredity Vocabulary: Karyotype Sex chromosome Autosome

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1 14-1 Human Heredity Vocabulary: Karyotype Sex chromosome Autosome
Pedigree Polygenic Carrier Key Concept: How is sex determined? How do small changes in DNA cause genetic disorders?

2 Human Chromosomes KARYOTYPE
To look at human chromosomes, biologist photograph cells in mitosis when the chromosomes are fully condensed (shrunk together) Cut out the chromosomes from the picture and group them together in pairs This type of picture is called a KARYOTYPE

3 Karyotypes What a karyotype can tell you:
Sex (male or female) Irregular numbers of chromosomes (genetic disorder) Basically: all the chromosomes in a cell are in a picture and can be looked at by doctors for anything wrong

4 Remember… Humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pair)
2 of them are sex chromosomes  they determine what sex you are (boy or girl) XX = female/girl XY = male/boy 44 of them are autosomes  they do not determine what sex you are

5 Who determines the sex of a child?
The mother or the father? THE FATHER!!!!

6 Why does the father determine the sex of the offspring???
If the mom is XX, she can donate either one X chromosome or the other X chromosome in her gametes If the dad is XY, he can donate either an X chromosome or a Y chromosomes in his gametes If the offspring receives the father’s X, it is female If the offspring receives the father’s Y, it is male

7 Pedigree Chart Shows how a trait is passed on from generation to generation Each row is a generation Circles represent females Squares represent males Shaded in: person expresses that trait (ex: has the disease) Half shaded in: person is only a carrier (does NOT have the disease cut carries an allele for it) Clear: person does not carry or express that trait


9 Carrier—Definition Carrier= carries the allele for the trait in the genotype but does NOT express it in the phenotype EX: If brown, B, is dominant over blue The carrier’s genotype is Bb But the carrier’s phenotype is Brown

10 You can’t always use a pedigree!
Can’t trace every human trait through a pedigree because some genes are polygenic (coded for by more than 1 gene) Shape of your ears Height Eye color

11 Human Genes The human genome is ALL genetic information in people
Determines characteristics/traits like eye color and height

12 Recessive and Dominant Alleles
Some common genetic disorders are autosomal recessive This means that you need two recessive alleles (on any of the 44 chromosomes—NOT the sex chromosomes) to express the disease EX: Cystic Fibrosis Other genetic disorders are autosomal dominant Only one allele is needed for the trait to be expressed EX: Huntington’s Disease

13 From Gene to molecule In both cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, a small change in the DNA of ONE gene affects the structure of a protein, causing a serious genetic disorder

14 Cystic Fibrosis Caused by a recessive allele on chromosome #7
It is an autosomal genetic disorder Causes digestive and respiratory problems Death around years of age How does it happen? Three bases are deleted from the protein, which removes one amino acid The protein cannot fold properly anymore, and is destroyed Result: airway is clogged with mucus

15 Checking for Understanding
If a person is a carrier for a trait, what does that mean? They have the allele for the trait but do NOT express it What is the difference between an autosome and a sex chromosome? Sex chromosome tells the individual’s sex (2), while autosomes are the rest of the chromosomes (44)

16 Blood Groups Human blood comes in many genetically determined blood groups Using the wrong blood during a blood transfusion can be fatal Blood transfusion= when you need blood and it is given it to you during an operation from someone else Many genes work together to help determine blood type, but we will use one: ABO blood groups

17 ABO Blood Groups This is a case of multiple alleles
There are 3 alleles for this gene—A, B, and o. AND…A and B are codominant! O is recessive to A and B Alleles A and B produce antigens (which are carbohydrates) on the surface of red blood cells O produces NO antigens

18 ABO Blood Groups Antigens and “signs” that are recognized by your body’s immune system cause your body to react and try to defend itself. If the wrong blood is given to a person, the body tries to fight off these strange antigens by making antibodies Antibodies bind to the foreign molecule (the antigen on strange blood cell) and blood clumping will occur Which leads to blood clotting, which leads to death

19 ABO Blood Groups If you have blood type A, then you have:
The “A” antigen on the surface or your RBCs You have anti-B antibodies You can receive type A blood and type O blood Remember: You antibodies attack foreign (strange) antigens—so if you received type AB or type B blood then clumping would occur.


21 Blood Groups Genotype Phenotype AA, Ao Type A blood
BB, Bo Type B blood AB Type AB blood oo Type O blood Why is “o” writtten as a small “o”? Why is the genotype for AB the same as the phenotype?

22 ABO Blood Groups Try this cross
Cross a person who’s genotype is AA with a person who is AB. Give the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children?

23 Cross a person who’s genotype is AA with a person who is AB.
Gametes= A, A and A, B Cross: A A A AA AA AB B AB

24 Genotypes= ½ AA, ½ AB Phenotypes = ½ Type A, ½ Type AB

25 Lou Gehrig: died at 37 of ALS
14-2 Human Chromosomes Vocabulary: Sex-linked gene Sex-influenced gene Sex-limited gene Nondisjunction Key Concepts: Why are sex-linked disorders more common in males than in females? What is nondisjunction, and what problems does it cause? Lou Gehrig: died at 37 of ALS

26 Sex Linked Genes REMEMBER… genes on the same chromosome are LINKED together They can be separated during meiosis through CROSSING OVER Genes located on the sex-chromosomes are said to be sex-linked Many sex-linked genes are found on the X-chromosome The Y-chromosome only contains a few genes

27 Sex Linked Genes Genes carried on the X or Y chromosome are sex linked because they are on the sex chromosomes The X chromosome has many genes that are important for growth and development All X-linked traits are expressed in males WHY??????? Males only have 1 copy of the X chromosome so they express whatever is on it, while females need 2 copies of the defective gene to express it

28 Sex-Linked Gene Disorders
Colorblindness 3 human genes associated with color vision are located on the X-chromosome In males, a recessive version of any one of these produces colorblindness Females must receive 2 copies of the allele to be colorblind XCXc XCXC XCY XcY

29 The Test

30 Sex-Linked Gene Disorders cont.
Hemophilia 2 important genes on the X-chromosome that code for proteins control blood clotting A recessive allele in either of these 2 genes may lead to hemophilia “bleeders disease”= they don’t stop bleeding normally—they keep bleeding if they have a cut Injections of normal clotting proteins prevent death

31 Sex-Influenced Genes A person’s phenotype is affected by their sex
Ex: Pattern Baldness WOMEN: MEN: BB: not bald BB: not bald Bb: not bald Bb: bald  bb: bald bb: bald

32 X-Chromosome Inactivation
Females have 2 X-chromosomes… if 1 is enough for males, how does the cell “adjust” to the extra x-chromosome in females? One X-chromosome is randomly turned off Condenses (shrinks) and is called a Barr body

33 Chromosomal Disorders
Most of the time, meiosis works well, but things can go wrong The most common error: NONDISJUNCTION The chromosomes don’t separate The result? Abnormal numbers of chromosomes (the wrong number of chromosomes)

34 Nondisjunction Prefixes: dis = absence of / opposite of non = not
Root Word: Junction = joining together disjunction = the act of separating nondisjunction = the act of not separating





39 Examples of Chromosomal Disorders
Down Syndrome Klinefelter’s Syndrome Turner’s Syndrome Triple X Syndrome                 

40 Examples of Nondisjunction resulting in Chromosomal Disorders
Down's Syndrome: 47 chromosomes with 3 #21 chromosomes. Triple-X Syndrome: 47 chromosomes caused by 3 X chromosomes. Klinefelter's Syndrome: 47 chromosomes caused by 2 X chromosomes and 1 Y chromosomes.

41 14-3 Human Molecular Genetics

42 DNA FINGERPRINTING DNA fingerprinting is a technique developed to analyze sections (pieces) of DNA that have little or no known function (job). these areas are different among different people This technique can be used to identify individuals based on banding patterns in the resulting DNA fragments (pieces) uses restriction enzymes proteins that cuts DNA at specific sites along the nucleotide chain (cuts at specific base pairs). Is used to determine paternity (who is the father) or match a suspect to a crime scene

43 THE PROCESS human DNA is cut with restriction enzymes; this makes DNA fragments of different lengths/sizes mix the DNA fragments with a probe(“marker”) that glows in UV light the probe will stick to certain parts of DNA

44 **smaller pieces will travel through the gel faster
run the DNA pieces through a clear gel negative end DNA goes in wells at the top DNA has a "-" charge · DNA will move to the "+" end of the gel positive end **smaller pieces will travel through the gel faster


46 4. Smaller pieces of DNA will travel through the gel faster
Large DNA fragment negative end positive end Small DNA fragment

47 In order to see these DNA pieces, the gel is looked at under UV light.
The result: The DNA pieces with the probe will glow & you will see a banding pattern **Because each person's DNA is different, the restriction enzyme will cut the DNA in different places for different people and every person will have a different band pattern.

48 DNA_DetectivePC.exe

49 Gene Therapy Gene therapy is the process of changing the gene that causes a genetic disorder. This way, the body can make the correct protein or enzyme it needs which takes away the cause of the disorder. 1st attempt to cure a genetic disorder by gene transfer: 1990 French girl apparently cured of an inherited immune disorder after cells from her bone marrow were removed, modified in the laboratory, and then placed back in her body


51 Gene therapy today remains a high risk,experimental procedure.
Ethical Questions raised as we learn more about the human genome and gene therapy: 1. If we can change genes to cure disease, does this also give us the right to change our bodies? (determine eye color, whether you are tall/short, hair color, sex, blood type...) 2. What will happen if biologists successfully clone human beings? Science meets Hollywood: Issues like these were the basis of the movie, GATTACA

52 Checking for Understanding
What is the purpose of gene therapy? Gene therapy is a process designed to change the damaged (“bad”) gene with a normal gene.

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