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Read the Quote Below- What does it mean to you? – Journal – 8/11/15

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Presentation on theme: "Read the Quote Below- What does it mean to you? – Journal – 8/11/15"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the Quote Below- What does it mean to you? – Journal – 8/11/15
Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him.” -Booker T. Washington

2 Chapter 1 Objectives Identify and analyze the ethical and social responsibilities or communicators. Identify the components of the communication process and their functions Explain the importance of effective communication skills in personal, professional, and social contexts Recognize your audience as an important element in building responsible communication skills. Realize the importance and impact of both verbal and nonverbal communication.

3 Types of Communication
Written Oral /Verbal Nonverbal

4 Communication Process
Message Words, body language, and symbols that convey an idea Receiver Intercepts and interprets message; transmits feedback Feedback Words, body language and symbols that respond to the sender’s message Sender Transmits Message

5 What stops communication?
Communication Barrier – Any obstacle that gets in the way of effective communication Types- Attitudinal Social Educational Cultural Environmental List examples of each

6 How do we counter these barriers?
To the Sender: THINK before you speak ARTICULATE WATCH- Are they understanding what I’m saying? To the Receiver: ASK Questions LEARN MORE RELATE

7 Practice your communication skills
Find the match to your card and conduct an interview! 1. What’s your name? 2. Grade? 3. What did you do this summer? 4. What do you enjoy in your free time? 5. What would someone not know by looking at you?

8 Symbols In Communication
Symbol- Anything that stands for an idea and is used for communication 1. What are some important symbols you can think of? 2. How can symbolism impact your speech/communication





13 Auto Bio Speech You will have 1 day of class to work on this assignment. Chapter 1 worksheet

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