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Welcome to 6th Grade with:

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1 Welcome to 6th Grade with:
Mrs. Nicole Brawley, Mrs. Allison Elo, Mrs. Jenn Lane & Mrs. Lucia McCormick

2 The Beauty of Organization!
High school teachers were asked what skills their students should have upon entering high school. The #1 answer: ORGANIZATION As a 6th grade team we have provided a specific system to help keep your child organized with their many classes, homework, tests, and projects. Nicole

3 Planners and Binders Each student is asked to write in their planner as he/she visits each class. Some teachers have them write ONLY homework and others combine class work and homework. Each assignment is kept in a specific location in their binder according to the class and assignment number. Nicole

4 Assignment Log Each assignment is given an assignment number. That number becomes the page in that section of their binders. Students are expected to keep an updated Assignment Log page along with their numbered assignments until a Portfolio/Binder Check is announced. The Portfolio/Binder grades include points for completed work, organization of the assignments, and correct assignment log page. Nicole

5 Nicole

6 Literature In 6th grade, students are required to read 30 minutes each night according to our district policy. No AR points this year!!! Students will be required to log their nightly reading minutes on a monthly reading log, which requires a parent’s signature. Jenn

7 Jenn

8 Online Grades- Coming Soon!!!!
Login information will be mailed out the day after labor day…. Check your mail next week! Call (tech) for any questions regarding accessing online grades. Online Grades are Updated Weekly Printed Progress Reports Every three weeks- MUST BE SIGNED and returned the next day! First progress report – Tuesday, September 13th Allison

9 Classroom Webpages Check Regularly
You will find: Announcements Homework Links/Resources And much more! Allison

10 Conferences This year students will be participating in student .
Parent/Teacher Conferences at the end of first and second trimesters Report cards at the end of each trimester Phone

11 6th Grade Information Page

12 CPM (College Preparatory Mathematics)
Core Connections, Course 1

13 TEAMS New habits of mind- Shift from procedural learning to conceptual learning! 8 Math Practice Standards Peer Collaboration- TEAMS Real life applications/problem solving/ project based curriculum More writing!!!

14 Classwork completed in Spiral Bound Math Notebook
Math Notebooks Classwork completed in Spiral Bound Math Notebook .

15 Interactive Student Math Notebooks
In addition to working in TEAMS, students will also be given direct instruction on the 6th grade math standards. Instead of taking traditional notes, students will be creating a interactive math notebook in a composition notebook.

16 Interactive Math Notebook Sample Pages

17 Math Homework Skills based homework worksheet assigned Monday thru Thursday nights. Scored out of 5 points for completion Should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Students often have time to finish this in class after they are done working on their TEAM tasks. Sometimes students will need to finish tasks their TEAM did not finish in class at home for homework.



20 Quizzes EVERY FRIDAY! Same concepts as homework for that week.
Must be SIGNED! Can come to OTI hours to for help, then do corrections for half point back on each problem.

21 OTI Hours (Opportunity to Improve)
Posted weekly on board & on website! Homework Help Quiz Corrections Use supplies or Chromebooks for assignments Check grades/ Ask questions about grades Quiet place to work

22 Math Projects Menu Must Complete 30 points by end of First Trimester.
All students required to complete the “Must Do” project. Can choose whatever projects they are interested in to get the rest of their trimester points. Some class time to work on these during Sub days or when they are finished with their TEAM tasks early.

23 THANK YOU We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to work with your sons and daughters this year. Together, they make a wonderful middle school class. And when we – teachers and parents – work together, we increase the success of our children tremendously!

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