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The Sociological debate - 2

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1 The Sociological debate - 2
Sociological Perspectives Independent work

2 Marxism, Feminism and Postmodernism
In groups of 3/2 take your perspective and create a PowerPoint presentation and handout for your fellow students. In the next lessons you will present your findings.

3 Listening to the presentations, annotating your handout as you do so.
You will be writing a short essay on this topic so ensure that you are ACTIVELY listening. On the next slides are few hints to set you on your way…. Handout the filled in grid from OCR Global Media Delivery guide

4 Marxism ..student presentations
"It's a very strange thing to do [a story about] an American man, and not be able to finance this movie in America. And that's very disturbing, if you think about its implications on any subject that is not overtly pro-American. They say we have freedom of expression; but thought is financed, and thought is controlled, and the media is controlled. This country is very tight on that, and there’s no criticism allowed at a certain level. You can make movies about civil rights leaders who are dead, but it’s not easy to make one about a current man." —Oliver Stone, director of Snowden, on the difficulty of making the film in the U.S. Snowden case study gives an interesting take on Marxist ideas of control, (media see the quote), and governmental.

5 Feminism ..student presentations
Focus on case studies, websites and so on. Many ideas in the textbook. Split in Feminist views. (also some good news/you tube clips)

6 Feminism Video sheds light on harassment women face online

7 Postmodernism ..student presentations

8 Homework Outline and evaluate sociological perspectives on globalisation and social media. Use the studies, articles and language from previous lessons to support your evaluation. As well as the handouts there is ample information in your text book p.9-18. (minimum 800 words, maximum 1000). Due in 10 days.

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