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Just Add Life™ BioCharPro

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1 Just Add Life™ BioCharPro 715-866-8535
AgriGro OPC (Organic Poultry Compost) BIO-CHAR Gypsum Row Crops Poultry Operations Waste Water Treatment Vegetable Growers Green House Operations Swine & Dairy GPS Located Grid & Zone Soil Sampling Services

2 NH3 (Ammonia) & Poultry NH3 in Poultry Production
-Specifically in layer operations from Pullet to Production

3 What Is NH3 (Ammonia)?

4 What Is NH3 (Ammonia)? A compound of Nitrogen & Hydrogen
A colorless gas with a distinctive pungent odor

5 What Is NH3 (Ammonia)? A compound of Nitrogen & Hydrogen
A colorless gas with a distinctive pungent odor Directly or Indirectly used as a building block for the Synthesis (Creation) of many pharmaceuticals

6 What Is NH3 (Ammonia)? A compound of Nitrogen & Hydrogen
A colorless gas with a distinctive pungent odor Directly or Indirectly used as a building block for the Synthesis (Creation) of many pharmaceuticals Caustic and Hazardous

7 Ammonia Level & Safety 15 Minute Exposure Limit for Levels of 35ppm
These levels have been set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

8 Ammonia Level & Safety 15 Minute Exposure Limit for Levels of 35ppm
8 hr exposure levels of 25ppm

9 Ammonia Level & Safety 15 Minute Exposure Limit for Levels of 35ppm
8 hr exposure levels of 25ppm Regular 25ppm can lead to desensitization

10 Desensitization When a person is constantly exposed to NH3 their sense of smell is adversely affected and their ability to detect it decreases

11 Desensitization When a person is constantly exposed to NH3 their sense of smell is adversely affected and their ability to detect it decreases May not be able to detect NH3 levels at even 100ppm This is why when many growers are approached about ammonia issues they claim they don’t have a problem with odor. Besides the fact that the humane society has established that ammonia levels of 20ppm or more is inhumane to animals. No grower wants to think his operation is inhumane.

12 How does NH3 (ammonia) affect chickens and turkeys?
What about Poultry? How does NH3 (ammonia) affect chickens and turkeys? Just how does ammonia affect poultry?

13 The avian Respiratory System
To answer we first need to understand how a bird’s, chickens or turkeys specifically, respiratory system works and it’s key functions.

14 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions:

15 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions: Absorption of O2

16 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions: Absorption of O2 Release of CO2

17 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions: Absorption of O2 Release of CO2 Release of heat (temperature regulation)

18 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions: Absorption of O2 Release of CO2 Release of heat (temperature regulation) Detoxification of certain chemicals

19 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions: Absorption of O2 Release of CO2 Release of heat (temperature regulation) Detoxification of certain chemicals Rapid adjustments of acid/base balance

20 The avian Respiratory System
Involved in the following functions: Absorption of O2 Release of CO2 Release of heat (temperature regulation) Detoxification of certain chemicals Rapid adjustments of acid/base balance Vocalization

21 The avian Respiratory System
Part of the Avian Immune system specifically includes 3 defensive mechanisms

22 The avian Respiratory System
Defensive mechanisms

23 The avian Respiratory System
Defensive mechanisms Cilia

24 The avian Respiratory System
Defensive mechanisms Cilia Mucus

25 The avian Respiratory System
Defensive mechanisms Cilia Mucus Scavenging Cells

26 The avian Respiratory System
What are Cilia and why are they important? Tiny hair like structures found in the trachea. Responsible for propelling entrapped particles for disposal.

27 The avian Respiratory System

28 The avian Respiratory System
Mucus: Produced in the trachea

29 The avian Respiratory System
Mucus: Produced in the trachea Mucus secretions and movement of cilia are well developed in chickens

30 The avian Respiratory System
Mucus: Produced in the trachea Mucus secretions and movement of cilia are well developed in chickens Consistency of the mucus produced is important for the efficiency of the ciliary activity

31 The avian Respiratory System
Mucus: Produced in the trachea Mucus secretions and movement of cilia are well developed in chickens Consistency of the mucus produced is important for the efficiency of the ciliary activity Cilia cannot function when mucus is too thick

32 The avian Respiratory System
Scavenging Cells:

33 The avian Respiratory System
Scavenging Cells: Found in the lungs

34 The avian Respiratory System
Scavenging Cells: Found in the lungs Actively scavenge inhaled particles and bacteria that gain access to the lower respiratory tract

35 The avian Respiratory System
Scavenging Cells: Found in the lungs Actively scavenge inhaled particles and bacteria that gain access to the lower respiratory tract Consumes bacteria and kills them thus preventing their further spread

36 The avian Respiratory System
The integration of cilia, mucus, and scavenging cells keeps chickens airways free of disease-producing organisms

37 The avian Respiratory System
The impairment of even one of these components permits an accumulation of disease agents in the respiratory tract and may result in

38 The avian Respiratory System
The impairment of even one of these components permits an accumulation of disease agents in the respiratory tract and may result in lost production,

39 The avian Respiratory System
The impairment of even one of these components permits an accumulation of disease agents in the respiratory tract and may result in lost production, disease,

40 The avian Respiratory System
The impairment of even one of these components permits an accumulation of disease agents in the respiratory tract and may result in lost production, disease, and even death

41 The avian Respiratory System
Importance conclusions

42 The avian Respiratory System
Importance conclusions The defense mechanisms of the chickens respiratory system are important

43 The avian Respiratory System
Importance conclusions The defense mechanisms of the chickens respiratory system are important because, with each breath, a chickens respiratory tract is exposed to the inside environment of a poultry house

44 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Poor environments normally do not cause disease directly,

45 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Poor environments normally do not cause disease directly, but they do reduce the chickens’ defenses,

46 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Poor environments normally do not cause disease directly, but they do reduce the chickens’ defenses, making them more susceptible to infection from existing viruses and pathogens

47 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Aerial Ammonia in poultry houses is usually found to be the most abundant air contaminant

48 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Aerial Ammonia in poultry houses is usually found to be the most abundant air contaminant Ammonia-laden air destroys cilia in the trachea, which impairs mucus flow & thickens tissue around the alveoli

49 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Aerial Ammonia in poultry houses is usually found to be the most abundant air contaminant Ammonia-laden air destroys cilia in the trachea, which impairs mucus flow & thickens tissue around the alveoli E. coli has been know to be found in dust particles in the air

50 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Research has shown:

51 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Research has shown: Levels as low as 10-40ppm increases the risk of transmittal of E. coli to a chicken’s air sacs, lungs, via the trachea.

52 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Research has shown: Levels as low as 10-40ppm increases the risk of transmittal of E. coli to a chicken’s air sacs, lungs, via the trachea. As little as 10ppm of NH3 causes excessive mucus production and damages cilia

53 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Research has shown: Levels as low as 10-40ppm increases the risk of transmittal of E. coli to a chicken’s air sacs, lungs, via the trachea. As little as 10ppm of NH3 causes excessive mucus production and damages cilia Levels as low as 50ppm can cause Keratoconjunctivitis

54 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry

55 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva,

56 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, caused by an infection of the eyes.

57 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, caused by an infection of the eyes. Ammonia blindness is seen five to seven days after the damage has been done.

58 Effects of high NH3 levels on Poultry
Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, caused by an infection of the eyes. Ammonia blindness is seen five to seven days after the damage has been done. (This typically happens in the pullet barns when the chicks are very young and closer to the ground)

59 Effects of Ammonia on Production
So, What does it all mean?

60 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Chickens exposed to ammonia showed reduced:

61 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Chickens exposed to ammonia showed reduced: Feed Consumption (results in poor weight gain)

62 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Chickens exposed to ammonia showed reduced: Feed Consumption (results in poor weight gain) Feed efficiency (unable to get the proper nutrients)

63 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Chickens exposed to ammonia showed reduced: Feed Consumption (results in poor weight gain) Feed efficiency (unable to get the proper nutrients) Live weight gain

64 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Chickens exposed to ammonia showed reduced: Feed Consumption (results in poor weight gain) Feed efficiency (unable to get the proper nutrients) Live weight gain Egg production

65 Effects of Ammonia on Production
A study at Bangladesh Agricultural University in 2010 has shown that it is evident that 3000ppm CO2 and 37ppm NH3 levels effect egg production. Feed consumption and egg weight were decreased markedly but not egg shell thickness.

66 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Moreover, feed consumption, egg weight, and egg production were affected when NH3 levels were above just 25ppm

67 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Ammonia concentrations ranging from 25 to 50 ppm over a 4-8 week period have been shown to reduce weight gains and feed efficiency. (The poultry production manual University of Kentucky)

68 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Numerous laboratory and field studies have shown how ammonia levels as low as 10 parts per million (ppm) affect bird health and performance.

69 Effects of Ammonia on Production
Ammonia levels above 25 ppm in the poultry house can damage the bird's respiratory system and allow infectious agents to become established, leading to declining flock health and performance. (Because the ammonia damaged the cilia and other important parts the respiratory system as shown earlier.)

70 It’s time to take back your barn!
How can I safely and economically increase the air quality while increasing production?

71 It’s time to take back your barn!
How can I safely and economically increase the air quality while increasing production? AgriGro!

72 It’s time to take back your barn!
Who or what is AgriGro?

73 It’s time to take back your barn!
Who or what is AgriGro? A 37 year old bio-tech company devoted to increasing yields and lowering production costs by providing cutting edge agricultural products.

74 Helping farmers for 37 years
Who or what is AgriGro? A 37 year old bio-tech company devoted to increasing yields and lowering production costs by providing cutting edge agricultural products. AgriGro produces an answer for both conventional and certified organic growers.

75 Ultra is OMRI Certified
AgriGro Ultra is Omri certified Ultra

76 Ultra is OMRI Certified

77 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
How can AgriGro help?

78 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
How can AgriGro help? AgriGro has been shown to reduce Fecal Coli by up to 95% In studies conducted in wastewater treatment facilities Fecal Coli reduced by up to 95%

79 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
How can AgriGro help? AgriGro has been shown to reduce Fecal Coli by up to 95% Cellulitis (develops after the intrusion of E. coli through a rupture in the skin.) It stands to reason that if the presence of E. coli is reduced then the chances of an outbreak of Cellulitis should also be reduced.

80 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
How can AgriGro help? AgriGro has been shown to reduce Fecal Coli by up to 95% Cellulitis (develops after the intrusion of E. coli through a rupture in the broiler skin.) AgriGro targets 37 beneficial bacteria and microbes Airsaculitis is also a condition that is caused by E. coli particles in the lower respiratory tract of poultry. Because the ammonia destroys the cilia particles are allowed passage to the lower respiratory tract. 58% of all carcasses condemned at the processing stage is due to Airsaculitis and scepticemea.

81 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
AgriGro targets 37 beneficial bacteria and microbes

82 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
AgriGro targets 37 beneficial bacteria and microbes These microbes then explode in numbers

83 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
AgriGro targets 37 beneficial bacteria and microbes These microbes then explode in numbers They then feed on the food source already present in the poultry house

84 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
AgriGro targets 37 beneficial bacteria and microbes These microbes then explode in numbers They then feed on the food source already present in the poultry house The partially undigested feed in the litter and the pathogens found in it

85 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
Pathogens including:

86 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
Pathogens including: Fecal Coli (which produces E. coli)

87 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
Pathogens including: Fecal Coli (which produces E. coli) Fecal Coli is a Facultative type of bacteria

88 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
Pathogens including: Fecal Coli (which produces E. coli) Fecal Coli is a Facultative type of bacteria(can live in aerobic and anaerobic conditions)

89 AgriGro Helps Increase Production
How can AgriGro help? AgriGro has been shown to reduce Fecal Coli by up to 95% With just one 80oz application /25,000 sq’ has reduced NH3 levels from 35ppm to 10ppm in just 48 hrs That’s a 71% reduction!

90 What do the numbers show?
Where NH3 was reduced by 71%

91 What do the numbers show?
Where NH3 was reduced by 71% The grower experienced a 7.6% increase in egg production!

92 What do the numbers show?
Where NH3 was reduced by 71% The grower experienced a 7.6% increase in egg production! From 90% to 97.6% peak In less than 5 weeks

93 What do the numbers show?
In an operation of 19,340 birds

94 What do the numbers show?
In an operation of 19,340 birds That’s an extra 1469 eggs/day!

95 What do the numbers show?
In an operation of 19,340 birds That’s an extra 1469 eggs/day! dozen/day

96 What do the numbers show?
In an operation of 19,340 birds That’s an extra 1469 eggs/day! dozen/day $ per day!

97 What do the numbers show?
$ per day!

98 What do the numbers show?
$ per day! Extra!

99 Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment?

100 Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply

101 What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply Per barn/ application
Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply Per barn/ application

102 What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply Per barn/ application
Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply Per barn/ application 28 applications/ year

103 What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply Per barn/ application
Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment? 1 ½-2 hours to apply Per barn/ application 28 applications/ year $23.00 per application

104 Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment?

105 Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment? That’s only $ per year!

106 For a possible ROI of $220.00/ Day!
Best ROI Ever! What’s the investment? That’s only $ per year! For a possible ROI of $220.00/ Day!

107 Why? Why Does AgriGro work?

108 Why? Why Does AgriGro work? Stress

109 Why? Why Does AgriGro work? Stress Poor air quality

110 Why? Why Does AgriGro work? Stress Poor air quality Lack of nutrition

111 Why? Why Does AgriGro work? Stress Poor air quality Lack of nutrition

112 Why? Why Does AgriGro work? Stress Poor air quality Lack of nutrition
Disease Death

113 What does AgriGro do? AgriGro helps to Remove Stress

114 To increase Production
What does AgriGro do? AgriGro helps to Remove Stress To increase Production

115 AgriGro Removes Stress!
$ / Day!

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