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The PEFA Program – roll-out, impact and future focus

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1 The PEFA Program – roll-out, impact and future focus
World Bank Fiduciary Forum March 28, 2008 Frans Ronsholt, PEFA Secretariat

2 Content PEFA background Status on rolling-out
Impact on the Strengthened Approach Future focus of the PEFA program

3 PEFA background Objective: Results orientation in development of PFM systems & harmonization of PFM analytical work Established: in 2001 by WB and six other agencies. Today working in tandem with 25 donor members of OECD-DAC Joint Venture on PFM. Strategy: the Strengthened Approach to supporting PFM reform A country-led reform program A donor-coordinated program of support A common information pool – based on the PFM Performance Measurement Framework launched in June 2005

4 PEFA Assessments : roll-out trend
The workflow of about 15 assessments developed in six months and has remained constant. Whilst 2 donors (WB and EC) have dominated the leading and funding assessments, at least 20 others have participated in various roles. Governments have initiated self-assessments in a number of cases, though still limited.

5 Geographical distribution

6 Assessment coverage Very good progress – globally
Increasingly used for Sub-National govt guidelines for SN application issued March 2008 High country coverage in many regions BUT …… Few high-income countries assessed Middle-income countries want models to compare with Norway - self-assessment close to completion Few repeat assessments to date needed to track and document performance changes

7 Ownership and publicity
High buy-in from donor agencies 13 agencies have taken a leading role – 10 others involved in reference groups etc Most assessments led by WB (52%) or/and EC (34%) Few assessments are truly government-led and owned Zambia, Bogota, Norway, Bolivia, Nepal, Maharashtra, Belarus Some other cases: Substantial government leadership (Ghana) or initial self-assessment (Nicaragua) Publicity of reports creates a truly common information pool linked to government ownership of assessment

8 Quality is key to credibility
Methodology becoming well known by assessors few methodological mistakes, but still scope for improving extent and transparency of ‘the evidence’ and the analytical summary Ex-ante and ex-post measures to ensure quality Government engagement Full donor collaboration A well planned and managed process Adequate resources, quantitative & qualitative Multi-stakeholder review arrangements for CN and Reports

9 Impact of PEFA assessments
Conclusions from Impact Study 2007 based on 12 country case studies The workflow of about 15 assessments developed in six months and has remained constant. Whilst 2 donors (WB and EC) have dominated the leading and funding assessments, at least 20 others have participated in various roles. Governments have initiated self-assessments in a number of cases, though still limited.

10 Impact factors at country-level
Government ownership and use of the assessment: Active government engagement in the process (but can be constrained by capacity) Assessment clearly intended to assist government (i.e. not seen primarily as a donor requirement for aid) Comprehensive stakeholder involvement from an early stage Donor coordination for and use of the assessment: Strength of existing cooperation among donors Existence of a joint framework for dialogue with government Can the PEFA experience help the development of joint approaches to analytical work among non-traditional collaborators in other areas?

11 Strategic areas of PEFA focus
Maintain/enhance assessment quality Tracking of PFM performance changes through repeat assessments Enhance government engagement in and ownership of the assessments Improve dissemination to partner governments – how? Provide training for government officials to substantially participate in or lead assessments – funding!! Help governments set up reform M&E systems to include PEFA indicators Timely completion and publication of assessment reports to create true common information pool Multi-year plans for PFM analytical work in each country with buy-in from all major stakeholders

12 Thank You for Your Attention

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