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Lifting the Refrigerator Problem

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1 Lifting the Refrigerator Problem

2 STANDARDS S8P3. . Demonstrate the effect of simple machines (lever, inclined plane, pulley, wedge, screw, and wheel and axle) on work.  SPS8. Students will determine relationships among force, mass, and motion. e. Calculate amounts of work and mechanical advantage using simple machines High School

3 A previous customer had you move a refrigerator into their home
A previous customer had you move a refrigerator into their home. Now, that same customer is moving and needs you to move this same refrigerator, weighing 1000N, into their new home. The house sits two meters off the ground for flood insurance purposes and is only accessible by stairs. OSHA requires that the maximum force exerted by a worker cannot exceed 200N.

4 Your task is to investigate simple and compound machines and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each as a method of getting the refrigerator up those steps! Then, you must present three options to your customer and recommend the best solution. You

5 Solution You are to present your solution in the form of a trifold pamphlet outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each machine as a solution to getting the refrigerator up the steps. You must then recommend the solution that you deem the best.

6 Process You will investigate : Work Mechanical advantage
Mechanical efficiency Power As they relate to: inclined planes Levers Pulleys Wheel & axle Screws Compound machines

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