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List: LBES (List Pickup Batch for Employee by Status

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Presentation on theme: "List: LBES (List Pickup Batch for Employee by Status"— Presentation transcript:

1 List: LBES (List Pickup Batch for Employee by Status
This list allows you to enter a Batch Status and a beginning Emp ID. In this example I have selected the Batch Status of ‘S’ (submitted) for a specific Emp ID. The list starts with the Emp ID I entered in the banner. From here I can mark a name, and then suspend to the command LBSE to see further information.

2 List: LBSE (List Batches for a Status & Employee)
From LBSE I can now see the batch that have been submitted for this Emp ID. At this point I can mark a batch and suspend to LSB to view the surplus assets included in the batch.

3 List: LBSB (List Batches for a Status & BU)
This list will allow you to list surplus batches for a Status and BU.

4 List: LSB (List Surplus assets for a Batch)
I can now view the assets for a specific batch:

5 List: LBC (List Batches for a Control Number)
This list will allow you to enter a Tag number and a list will be displayed showing you which surplus batch it is in.

6 List: LSB (List Surplus assets for a pickup Batch)
This list will list the items that are in a Surplus batch.

7 List: LSS (List untagged Surplus assets by Serial #)
This list can be utilized when you are trying to locate an untagged asset to see if it was in a surplus batch.

8 List: LBSS (List Batches for a Surplus asset Status)
This list will provide you with the surplus descriptions used for a specified Status and Batch number

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