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Neuroscience and Behavior T/F: We only use 10% of our brains: Lucy

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Presentation on theme: "Neuroscience and Behavior T/F: We only use 10% of our brains: Lucy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neuroscience and Behavior T/F: We only use 10% of our brains: Lucy
It’s all about the body! crash course

2 Neural Communication Neuron – a nerve cell; “building block” of the nervous system Icons of Science

3 Neuroanatomy (include glial cells) Khan Academy, stop @ 3:30

4 Neuroanatomy Synapse – the junction (space) between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another Neurotransmitter – chemicals that carry messages across the synapse from one neuron to another

5 How a Neuron Fires Khan: stop @ 4:45
an electrochemical process Electrical inside the neuron; chemical outside the neuron (neurotransmitters). called an action potential an “all or nothing” process like a gun greater intensity of stimulus does not equal faster/more intense firing; greater stimulus can mean more neurons firing or more frequent firing 5

6 Action Potential Resting Potential - the neuron is ready to fire
Reaches its threshold , then fires based on the all-or-none response Polarization  Depolarization opens up portals in axon letting in positive ions (Sodium) which mix with negative ions (Potassium) that are already inside the axon process continues down axon to the axon terminal Terminal buttons convert electrical charge into chemical response (neurotransmitter) and sends message to next neuron, across the synapse 6

7 Action Potential 7

8 8

9 The Role of Neurotransmitters
Excitatory - neurotransmitter effect that makes it more likely that the receiving neuron will generate an action potential or “fire” Inhibitory - neurotransmitter effect that makes it less likely that the receiving neuron will generate an action potential or “fire” 9

10 Specific Neurotransmitters

11 Acetylcholine (ACh) vital role in movement and memory
too much – muscle contractions, convulsions some spider venoms cause floods of ACh too little – immobility, extreme lethargy Botulin causes paralysis by blocking its release Undersupply of ACh has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease

12 Dopamine deals with movement, learning, attention & emotion
lack of dopamine has been linked to Parkinson’s Disease too much has been linked to Schizophrenia

13 Serotonin involved in mood control, hunger, sleep / arousal
lack of serotonin has been linked to clinical depression (Prozac and other antidepressants raise serotonin levels)

14 Endorphins “endogenous morphine” involved in pain control
most addictive drugs work with endorphins

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