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Rocket Car Hub Twilight Information Session – Series 2

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1 Rocket Car Hub Twilight Information Session – Series 2
This is the Presentation that will be given to Rocket Car Competitors, when they are assembled at the Hub school in order to collect their Rocket Car Kits 15 November, 2016

2 Presentation summary Rocket Car Competition Rules
Rocket Car Kit – Components Rocket Car – Design Constraints – Build Your Own Car Rocket Car – Hub School Timings – Going Forward Pre Race day – Checklist , Spreadsheet, Tera Term, Video resource Rocket Car – Hub Race Day – Format Health and Safety – Review Summary of the Presentation and how the slides are organised

3 Competition Rules – Years 3 to 11 England / Wales
OPENS - Now : CLOSES - 20th MARCH 2017 NATIONAL FINALS - TOP 15 PRIMARY TEAMS AND TOP 15 SECONDARY TEAMS JUNE 2017 Finals venue for England and Wales  - SANTAPOD RACE WAY Northamptonshire Prizes - All finalists will have their school names added to the tail fin of Bloodhound SSC. 1st prize – The winning team of students and one teacher from the winning School will win an all-inclusive trip to South Africa to spend a week with the BLOODHOUND Race team on the Hakskeen Pan and enjoy a week of activities in the area. In the event that the BLOODHOUND SSC undertakes a test run or record breaking run during that week the winners will be invited to watch as part of the BLOODHOUND team. 1st place cash prize of £1000 (inc VAT) for the school 2nd Prize - £ for the school 3rd Prize - £ for the school The competition rules Entry cars must use only the materials in the Micro:bit model rocket car Kit supplied by Bloodhound education and available free from HUBs and can be purchased in our shop. Entry Cars must run with a Micro:bit accelerometer on board Data gathered by the internal Micro:bit and Micro:bit timing gates must be entered into the leader board system. Video evidence of the run must be loaded into the school community and linked to the timing entry   The goal is simple – the fastest car through the timing gate, set so cars enter it at the 15 metre mark, with a functioning Micro:bit on board able to gather acceleration data and upload it into the leader board wins! These are the rules taken from for the England and Wales competition

4 Reference Information – Series 2

5 Competition Delivery – Series 2
A week by week guide can be located within ‘4. Design & Build Your Rocket Cars’ You can find a large range of teaching resources behind tile 7.

6 Rocket Car Kit Blue Foam Block 2 Axles 4 Wheels 2 Wall Anchors
2 Eyelets Explain the different components of the Rocket Car kit. Foam Block – Go through the orientation of the block and how to translate the markings on the following slides. Make sure the competitors understand the minimum allowed dimensions. Two Axles – Explain the two axle holes, and also explain that if the car width has been reduced, within the minimum guidelines, and after the wheels have been put on the axles, the axle length can be trimmed if necessary. So that the axle finishes flush with the outer edge of the wheel Wheels – These are best fitted with a small hammer, knocking down onto a hard surface. The Wheel orientation is with the raised flange face next to the Foam body of the car Wall Anchors – These screw into the underside of the car at the position shown as BackEye and FrontEye on the drawing. Their function is to provide a secure anchor for the eyelets. Eyelets – These screw into the wall anchors and then become the tether line guides. Note Is is best to assemble the Eyelets into the Wall Anchors and then fit the combined item into the Foam Block

7 Design Constraints - 1 This is the Drawing of the Foam Block. Identifying the Design Limitations

8 Hub School Timings – Going Forward
A Race Day will be convened at this Hub School – Date to be advised in the Forum area of the Race HUB community This Race Day will be organised to occur between the 1st & 17th March 2017 Your School will be given a time slot during the day in which your cars will be raced. When you turn up at the school on the day you should have :- Constructed Cars minus Rocket Motors (Hubs will keep motors for use on the day) Laptop with Spreadsheet configured ready to load data Laptop with terminal emulator – Tera Term for uploading from Micro:bit Video Camera and personnel to record video evidence The Hub School may well want to populate this slide further. The dates / times given are the high level competition time restrictions

9 Pre Race Day – Checklist
Rocket Cars to be constructed in accordance with competition rules Data gathering hardware and software to be prepared: Hardware Laptop Loaded with Excel 2016 and preloaded with competition spreadsheet and Bloodhound add-in (or 2010 version but will not work with add-in) – both found in ‘5. Getting Ready For Race Day.’ Loaded with Micro:bit communication software, Terminal Emulator – Tera Term Software Competition Spreadsheets, Spreadsheets preconfigured with Team Names, Token Number, School Name etc. This slide identifies the additional things, other than car building that the competitor school needs to address before the Race day. They are best being Self Sufficient when they turn up for the day. Armed with their own laptop running Microsoft Excel 2016, and loaded with the competition spreadsheet which they will need to pre fill in with Secret Token, School Name, Team Names etc. etc. They will also need to be able to upload from a microbit, using a terminal emulator such as Tera Term. This data will then be cut and pasted into the preloaded spreadsheet after the run. It is also important that one member of their team needs to be responsible for obtaining video evidence, this evidence will need to be tagged to the competition entry. Stress the importance of referencing bloodhoundblast, as all the detail is contained within the platform, Equipment and Personnel identified to record video evidence

10 Team Data – Spread-sheet Example
Things to be able to do: Secret Token Number School Name Team Names Mico:Bit Upload capability Additional information / summary of the additional items that need to be completed Schools must come to race day with a spreadsheet prepared to receive the data form their race cars. They can use their own micro:bits in preparation for the race day, by downloading the firmware and accelerometer hex file to their own school micro:bits, however the race HUB will supply all accelerometers on the race day itself.

11 Race Day – Hub School Format / Timings
Race days will run between the 1st to 17th March 2017 and the date and timings will be announced in the Race HUB forum and ed to all schools. You will be supplied with a time slot for your teams to come and race in.

12 Health and Safety Please be well aware that there are very strict Health and Safety Guidelines in place with respect to running a Rocket Car Race Day and taking part in this competition. Fundamentally these guidelines stipulate- ONLY licensed Hub Practitioners should run race activity Only unmodified Hub Launch Kits should be used to launch race cars Only cars constructed with Bloodhound Rocket Car Kit materials should be used Only Cars built to the specific competition build guidelines should be raced. Any deviation from any one of the above requirements will constitute a breach of Health and Safety codes and the competitor will NOT be covered under the Health and Safety / Insurance arrangements in place for this competition. This is a Health and Safety statement page, its very important that this is stressed, also point to areas on the platform where additional Health and safety information can be found. Further Details Can be obtained from see below

13 Go and Build your Own Rocket Cars
So go and build your own cars, remember!! Have Fun, Social Media links – Twitter @bloodhound_ssc @dendrite_me

14 Questions | Thank You | See You Soon
Please Remember Use the Extensive Reference Material available on line at and in the Bloodhound Channel. Utilise YOUR Race Hub Community for Reference Utilise “Ask the Experts” button for any queries Invite all your fellow STEM teachers and students into your Private School Community. We want this platform to be the most vibrant STEM collaboration space on the planet – but it requires you to use it! Lots more STEM channels like Bloodhound launching in the months to come! Any questions, remember to point them to their Hub community on the platform and use the reference resource and also any questions use the “Ask the Experts Button”

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