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Intellectual Development of Infants

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1 Intellectual Development of Infants
Chapter 9

2 Early Learning Abilities
During the first year of life, children undergo a greater change than they ever will again. Signs of Intellectual Growth Remembering Experiences Making Associations Understanding Cause and Effect Paying Attention (attention span)

3 Stimulating the Senses
Taste – stimulated as he or she is fed Sight – stimulated with mobiles hung 12” away, brightly colored objects, soft stuffed toys with large eyes and smiles Hearing – recognize voices, calm loving voice, talking, reading singing and humming – build language development Touch – stimulated as he or she is changed, being cuddled, rocked and patted – builds sense of trust and security

4 Periods of Learning Jean Piaget
Sensorimotor – birth to 2 years; children learn through their senses and own actions. Preoperational – 2 to 7 years; children think in terms of their own activities and what they perceive at the moment. Concrete Operations – 7 to 11 years; children can think logically but still learn best through experience. Formal Operations – 11 to adult; people are capable of abstract thinking.

5 Object permanence – concept that objects will continue to exist, even when they are out of sight.
Imaginative play – pretending (18-24 months) Symbolic thinking – the use of words and numbers to stand for ideas. This is the foundation of reading.

6 Encouraging Learning Depends on the attention, knowledge, and time that parents and other caregivers can give to the child. Learn about child development Age appropriate – suitable for the age and individual needs of a child Give the child time and attention Provide positive feedback Express love Read Talk, talk, talk

7 Developing Communication
Communicating without words Different cries, pushing food away, clinging to a parent, giggles Sign language – no, eat, more, milk, dog Learning to Speak Use simple words – but not baby talk First words – 8-15 months Reading teaches speech – children need to hear speech and learn that sounds have meanings before they can develop language skills of their own.

8 The Importance of Play Birth to Three Months – bright colors, moving objects, interesting sounds Four to Six Months – things to touch, handle, bang, shake, suck and chew. Toys that squeak or make noise. Seven to Nine Months – all of the things above plus blocks, balls, large plastic beads that pop apart and toys that can be kicked or pushed. Pots and pans with lids… Ten to Twelve Months – push or pull toys; manipulatives –to work with the hands (containers)

9 Choosing Toys Usefulness – household items vs expensive educational toys Look for ones that will be interesting and appropriate for a number of years Safety – choking hazard

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