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2 What is this commercial trying to imply?
Round-robin What is this commercial trying to imply? Round robin then share out in groups.

3 What is this commercial trying to say?
Think-pair-share What is this commercial trying to say? Think pair share certain groups…. This is all good practice toward discussions and setting the tone

4 Lets talk about air Balloon demo
"I'm curious, is it matter? Or something else?“ Soooo what's the question here? what data do you need to answer the question, and how can you collect that data how could you investigate We will come back to this in a second Blow up a balloon and have students use the balloon as evidence

5 Lets look at what we know about air
whiteboard then share Lets look at what we know about air You tell me… don't forget about our demo Write observations about balloon you blew up

6 What is the question as it pertains to air:
Whiteboard What is the question as it pertains to air: Can you make a claim to answer the question Write what students think the question should be on the board. Have them whiteboard as a group (round robin style). Then come to a single answer/claim. 6

7 What evidence do we have?
Round-robin What evidence do we have? Ask class to provide facts they know about air and write on board. 1. Balloon gets bigger with more air. 2. Definition of matter 3. Balloon becomes heavier This should be good for now as evidence. (students may only come up with one or two pieces of evidence. This should be good. 7

8 What reasoning do we have to make such a claim about air?
Class discussion What reasoning do we have to make such a claim about air? Matter takes up space, balloon gets bigger, thus air is matter.

9 What's the point The whole point of CER is to create an explanation to a specific question


11 Claim An answer to a question one sentence/statement
Testable or measureable examples: “the more you study, the better you do on tests” “plants need sunlight to survive” “mules are smarter than horses”

12 Evidence Scientific data that supports the claim Could be from:
An experiment Data tables or graphs Observations Reading material Needs to be sufficient (enough to support claim clearly) Needs to be appropriate (from a reliable source)

13 Reasoning Clearly explains why EACH piece of evidence supports the claim Links the evidence and claim together Often uses background knowledge or scientific theory May include formulas that describe why the evidence supports the claim

14 Example CER about air Air is matter (claim). We found that the weight of the balloon increases each time we pumped more air into it (evidence). This shows that air has weight, one of the characteristics of matter (reasoning).

15 Alien video Identify: Claim, evidence, reasoning
Have different table groups identify claim evidence or reasoning. Rotate group roles as videos change.

16 identify the claim, the evidence, and the reasoning – or rule – that connects the evidence to the little girl's claim that her dad is a space alien.

17 Identify: Claim, evidence, reasoning
Monty Python Video

18 identify the claim, the evidence, and the reasoning – or rule – that connects the evidence to the villagers claim that the woman is a witch. Have different table groups identify claim evidence or reasoning.

19 Curiosity rover video Identify: Claim, evidence, reasoning
Have students look at the evidence they provided and make a claim that answers the question. 19

20 What are these scientists curious about -- what do they want to know?
What data has the rover collected? How will this data help scientists answer -- make claims about -- their questions? What is their reasoning?

21 Let’s try creating an experiment
Question: Do boys or girls have faster reaction times? Share your prediction with your group and discuss how we could measure your prediction.

22 Let’s try creating an experiment
Question: Do boys or girls have faster reaction times? Let’s gather data and share it.

23 Let’s try creating an experiment
Question: Do boys or girls have faster reaction times? Using the data: -What claim can you now make? -What is your evidence? -What is your reasoning that explains how your evidence supports your claim?

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