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Lab 2—Flame Test Introductions Purpose Materials Cautionary notes

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1 Lab 2—Flame Test Introductions Purpose Materials Cautionary notes
Experimental Procedures or methods Questions Conclusions Conclusion statement that ties everything together.


3 1 2 3 4 Solution Grid Na+ K+ A Li+ Ca+2 B Ba+2 Sr+2 Cu+2 HCl C #1 #2

4 Solutions A1 NaNO3 B1 SrNO3 A2 KNO3 B2 BaNO3 A3 LiNO3 B3 CuSO4 A4 CaNO3 C3 Unknown #1 C4 Unknown #2

5 Data Table Metallic Ion Data Na+ K Li+ Ca+2 Sr+2 Ba+2 Cu+2 Unknown #1

6 Data standards Metallic Ion Data Na+ Bright Orange
K+ Violet- Purple/pink Li+ Purple to red orange Ca Yellowish orange to red orange Sr Red/Crimson to orange to yellow Ba Green/Yellowish Cu+2 (non halide) Blue/green to orange Unknown #1 Unknown #2

7 Questions 1. Inaccuracies maybe involved in using the flame test for identification purposes? 2. Which pairs of ions produce similar colors in the flame test? 3. Explain how the colors observed in the flame tests are produced? What is happening to the element? 4. What colors did the unknowns produce in the flame? What are the unknowns? 5. Suppose you were a firefighter and you were called to a chemical plant fire. Upon arrival you see a bright violet/purple flame. What chemical (metal) would that tell you is burning? 6. If you were watching a firework burn with a red color, what chemicals are used in the fireworks? 7. If you observed another firework burn which started yellow and then turned blue, which two chemicals were used?

8 Glossary Terms Conclusions A). Ground State B). Excited State
A). Write conclusions using CER format B). Make sure to have a conclusion statement at the end that ties everything together and tells what you determined your unknowns were based on your observations.

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