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M. C. Escher & Tessellation Creations

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Presentation on theme: "M. C. Escher & Tessellation Creations"— Presentation transcript:

1 M. C. Escher & Tessellation Creations

2 What is a Tessellation? Definition: a repeating shape that covers a surface without overlapping or leaving gaps The word “tessellation” comes from the Latin word “tessera” which means “small stone cube” The earliest tessellations were found as mosaic pictures on floors in old Roman buildings


4 Modern-day Tessellations
Soccer balls Bathroom floors Wallpaper designs

5 M. C. Escher Most famous creator of tessellations
Born in Holland in 1898 (died in 1972) Originally studied architecture before becoming interested in woodcuts and printmaking Did 137 tessellations in his lifetime

6 M. C. Escher, Cycle

7 Bulldog (Tessellation 97)

8 Lizard (Tessellation 104)

9 How to make a tessellation
1 2 3 4



12 Pegasus (Tessellation 105)

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