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ORMs and the DBA How to Make Both Happy.

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Presentation on theme: "ORMs and the DBA How to Make Both Happy."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORMs and the DBA How to Make Both Happy

2 Thank You to All Our Sponsors!

3 Who am I? Dan Mallott Twitter: @DanielMallott
Github: LinkedIn: Senior Consultant for West Monroe Partners In the industry since 2011 Primary experience with SQL Server, starting with SQL Server 2005 Also worked with Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Cassandra Been both a DBA and a developer Have a couple Microsoft certifications DataStax Certified Professional

4 What’s On Deck Introduction (Common) Problems with ORMs
Mitigation Strategies Stored Procedure Solutions Dapper Questions

5 Some Caveats There are no silver bullets (or magic solutions)
ORMs are a valuable tool for certain problems I’m not going to bash any one group more than another – everyone wants the same thing: success of the project!

6 What Is An ORM? Object-relational mapping (ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping tool) in computer science is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems using object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a "virtual object database" that can be used from within the programming language. - ORMs, at a minimum should provide a method of mapping Query result sets into object graphs

7 Address the imbalance between Relational and Object models
Why Do We Use ORMs? Address the imbalance between Relational and Object models Usually provide automated mapping for queries Some provide the ability to generate SQL on the fly “No need” to write SQL Some provide the ability to specify the shape of the database in code “Code first” Viewed by developers as speeding development (although this is an arguable point)

8 “ORMs: They Suck” – Literally Everyone

9 We’ve all seen things like this…

10 Bad SQL (aka Auto-generating Code That Always Works Is Hard…)
ORMs that generate their own SQL have generation strategies These strategies exist to ensure that the SQL will execute, no matter what sort of convoluted code is passed in (especially in the case of a LINQ-to-{x} scenario) The goal of generated SQL is to execute the query successfully, performance is a secondary (at best) concern SQL generation will usually not take advantage of the latest features (or even features available several versions ago) Less version-specific branching in the code leads to more reliable code ORMs usually depend on the consumer to handle Unit of Work scenarios (i.e. Transactions) ORMs usually depend on the consumer to make sure all the data is loaded when it’s needed (i.e. the N+1 query problem, the too-lazy loading problem)

11 A Comparison of Common Complaints About ORMs
Code First migrations never work The DBAs hate them They’re difficult to unit test They make me write a whole lot of extra code They’re slow Code First results in terrible data models The Developers insist on using them It doesn’t seem like developers ever test them They make me do whole lot of extra maintenance They’re slow

12 Mitigation Strategies

13 Mitigation Strategy #1: Pay Attention to Database Design
Proper database design can only be done once – so do it right the first time Poor database design will result in poor query performance no matter the method of access – you will always be fighting the original design Design for the application’s access patterns – discard true relational patterns when it makes sense Avoid falling into an “entity-per-table” trap – use multiple tables per entity when it makes sense Avoid using “Code First” tools – they may accelerate the initial development, but will ultimately result in poor design choices

14 Mitigation Strategy #2: Encourage Proper Storage Techniques
If the application calls for storing unstructured data or data that does not fit easily in SQL Server, consider other database systems It may be tempting to use the JSON or XML features of SQL Server to store unstructured data, but these structures can be difficult to query and make performant Images, PDFs and the like do not belong in the database – choose a proper storage medium and store a pointer to the file in the database

15 Mitigation Strategy #3: Log, Assess and Monitor Generated SQL
Entity Framework, NHibernate and many other ORMs include the ability to log the generated SQL and other statistics Statistics can include time of execution, how long the query took and the actual SQL executed This log output can be sent to the diagnostics trace or actual log files During development, the generated SQL should be reviewed on a regular basis so problems can be detected early

16 Demo Time!

17 A Stored Procedure Solution

18 You Can Call Stored Procedures for Your Data
Entity Framework, along with may other ORMs, allows you to call Stored Procedures and map the result to Entity objects (note we’re still logging off the Database Context):

19 You Can Even Call Stored Procedures With Parameters!
In most ORMs, this is somewhat more complicated

20 But There’s a Small Problem…
How many stored procedures do you want in your database? Who writes those? Who maintains those?

21 Introducing…A Different Kind of Stored Procedure
We can utilize Dynamic SQL, coupled with sp_executesql, to create more flexible stored procedures The query plan is still cached (we’ll look at this in a minute) Full control over “generated” SQL Minimize parameter sniffing issues No implicit conversion (unless you want it) Pattern that is easy to extend without breaking existing code

22 And We Can Extend the Pattern to Multiple Tables!

23 Demo Time!

24 Dapper – A Micro ORM

25 What is a Micro ORM? A Micro ORM usually only provides a thin wrapper around data access and usually forgoes all but the most basic SQL generation The goal of a Micro ORM is to provide the Object-Relational Mapping functionality without “everything else”

26 What is Dapper? Dapper is a Micro ORM developed for use in Stack Exchange and its family of sites (otherwise known as the resource without which we couldn’t do our jobs) It is open-sourced at The primary goal of Dapper is to provide extremely fast performance across a variety of Relational Databases To achieve this, Dapper provides a set of extension methods on IDbConnection (the base ADO.NET connection interface in C#) that allow querying and mapping A sub-project also provides basic CRUD methods

27 Why Use Dapper? Provides full control over all SQL
Except if the CRUD extensions are used Provides excellent performance – faster than every other data access method in C# except coding it all yourself Provides an easy way to provide parameters Since it extends IDbConnection, Dapper can be used with a wide range of Relational Databases Still automates mapping of query results to objects, including object graphs Allows the specification of ANSI or UNICODE strings

28 Demo Time!

29 Tool List Entity Framework - Dapper - Serilog - Demo Code -

30 Questions?

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