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Polycom SirenTM 14 Experience the Difference!

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1 Polycom SirenTM 14 Experience the Difference!
Why you need Siren 14 – the best quality audio: Hear each other better through crystal clear sound Eliminate fatigue associated with straining to hear each participant The natural sound makes remote participants seem as if they are in the room with you Telephone quality (3.5 kHz, G.711) Other video conferencing systems (7 kHz, G.722.1) With Polycom Siren 14 (14 kHz) Instructions: Play audio clips one at a time. Each will last for 20 seconds. To play a clip, run the slide in Slide Show mode and clip on the loudspeaker icon once. Play “Telephone quality” first. Play “Other videoconferencing” second. Highlight how you can hear a few more instruments. Play “Siren 14” last. Notice how much better the audio is, and how many more instruments one can hear - for example, the cymbals. This music clip gives us, in 20 seconds, a sample of the experience one gets in a higher-fidelity call. We can understand each other better – the s’s and t’s, especially when people are speaking teir second languages as is often the case in today’s business environment. There is also a lot less fatigue when users are in a call for long periods of time – 1 or 2 hours. After Siren 14, play Telephone again to see dramatic difference. Hints: Make sure the speakers are good. If you simply play off average laptop speakers, the result may not represent what your hear in a conference room environment. Do not be confused between Siren 14 and the latest 7 kHz standard G (which was codenamed Siren 7). This demonstration clearly shows the difference in quality between the two. Do NOT use this file over a video call without Siren 14 – the quality of the call being lower will not render 14 kHz audio fidelity. Technical details: “Telephone quality” recorded with G.711 consuming 56 kbps of bandwidth “Other videoconferencing” recorded with G consuming 24 kbps of bandwidth “Siren 14” recorded with Siren 14 consuming 32 kbps of bandwidth © 2003 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications and Information subject to change without notice. Polycom, the Polycom logo are registered trademarks and iPower and Siren are trademarks of Polycom, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Click on the to play each audio sample

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