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The Fruits of University Education. University is a place of possibilities. Academic achievement and professional preparation often are the two fruits.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fruits of University Education. University is a place of possibilities. Academic achievement and professional preparation often are the two fruits."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fruits of University Education

2 University is a place of possibilities. Academic achievement and professional preparation often are the two fruits being named first in university. However, there are many more fruits, such as APPLES, listed below, available and accessible to you in the university through personal development.

3 A cademic achievement means not only attainment of knowledge but also development of active learning attitudes. To achieve academic success, study skills, time management, effective use of resources, such as library, computer skills, etc. are as important as creative and analytical thinking. Learning how to learn opens the door to the sea of knowledge. A

4 P P rofessional preparation requires solid knowledge of the subject matter as well as other attributes, including: Leadership organizational skills effective presentation, etc. Gain personal experiences through participation in extra- curricula and co-curricula activities To prepare for future career, the 4 Ks, e.g. Know yourself, Know the job, Know the market, and Know the world are the magic steps to follow.

5 P hysical health is needed in carrying out the future plan of action. It involves: regular exercises healthy food balanced rest positive lifestyle Trying sports and nutritious food brings fun to life Doing physical activities with friends helps sustain good inter-personal relationship and relieves stress Personal fitness helps us develop good physique and mental health and thus increase personal productivity P

6 L ife values: form the basis for all of our personal choices relating to, e.g. career friendship fun seeking self-care, and decisions Set our life goals and objectives, direct our plans and actions, and give reference to our moral and ethics. L

7 L ife values are likely to undergo challenges when life experiences expand. Overcoming hurdles and confusions helps consolidate our values and beliefs and thus pave way for a meaningful U life. L

8 E E motional strength is the essence for personal success it enables us: to persist when facing difficulties to keep peak performance under stress to maintain good manner when frustrated to be able to think clearly when overwhelmed with confusion Emotional intelligence enables us to: sustain peace of mind self-control determination resilience

9 S ocial intelligence is vital for us to understand and socialize with people or even influence them. It helps: to build up friendship deal with confrontation offer support to others and work as team-mates Social skills can be learnt and yet need practice to master them. Without empathy people will not be touched. S

10 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Here at the PolyU, APPLES can always be picked at your own choice. Please visit SAO website to join our APPLES picking trip. See you there!

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