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HMI Mission Assurance Manager

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1 HMI Mission Assurance Manager
Edward McFeaters HMI Mission Assurance Manager LMSSC*ATC*LMSAL

2 Outline Mission Assurance Overview Safety Hardware Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance Materials & Processes Contamination Control Reliability and EEE Parts (previously presented)

3 HMI Mission Assurance Overview
HMI Product Assurance Implementation Plan (PAIP) 2H00021 Rev. B submitted to GSFC on 2 February 2004. HMI MA Team has been fully integrated into the HMI Program since the start. Mission Assurance Manager; Edward McFeaters. Quality Engineer; Pete Kacensky, Edward McFeaters Software Quality Engineer; Karen Kao. Reliability Engineer; Dale Wolfe. Systems Safety Engineer; Zaki Kudiya. Materials and Processes Engineer; Chuck Fischer. EEE Components Engineer; Ross Yamamoto. Contamination Control Engineer; Francis Lee. CDR Deliverable MA Data Items per PAIP. Safety Package/System Safety Engineering Assessment. FMEA/Critical Items List/Limited Life List. EEE Parts Stress Analysis. EEE Parts List. Materials & Processes List. Contamination Control Plan.

4 Safety Requirements Requirements flow from SDO HMI PAIP, 2H00021 Rev. B. System Safety Implementation Plan is included in the PAIP. The Safety Engineer is the single point of contact for program, LMSSC ATC and GSFC personnel for safety-related matters. The HMI Safety Data Package, including the Hazard Analysis, is prepared or up-dated for Each Major Program Review. Safety Concerns Are In Two Categories Protection of HMI and its components from damage due to hazards during manufacturing, assembly, test, transport, and pre-launch integration with the SDO. Protection of personnel who will be working with the HMI Instrument from potential hazards originating from the HMI and associated support equipment during the above operations. Safety Package/System Safety Engineering Assessment has been issued for CDR Safety Package/System Engineering Assessment meets the PAIP requirements. Safety Package describes the different aspects of the system. A Hazard Analysis has been presented as the System Safety Engineering Assessment. Nine Hazards have been identified including two hazards (purge and stim-tel) added for CDR. Further analysis to be performed on the sun simulating telescope (stim-tel).

5 Hazards List The Hazards List for HMI:
HMI is dropped while encased in shipping container. Exposure to hazardous materials. HMI is dropped during fabrication/assembly. Launch vibrational loads causing overstress. Electrostatic Discharge damage. HMI components exposed to excessive temperatures. Power Surge damage. Purge System – GN2 usage must be considered. Sun Stimulus Telescope - Laser safety must be considered. Hazards will be closed by PSR. Currently all hazards are open

6 Hardware Quality Assurance
Requirements for the HMI Quality Assurance Program flow down from the PAIP, 2H00021 Rev. B LMSSC and ATC are ISO 9000:2000 Registered, BSI Certificate No. FM 36556, 26 Mar. 97 Date of Original Registration. LMSSC and ATC quality procedures and standards are in accordance with the requirements ISO 9000:2000. HMI specific quality procedures and standards are in accordance with the SDO mission and HMI contract requirements as well as ISO 9000:2000. Controls, processes, verification equipment, fixtures, production resources and skills needed to achieve the desired level of HMI quality are in place. Quality control, inspection, and testing techniques are available. Quality Records are being prepared and maintained. Material Review Board (MRB) is available to process any discrepancies. HMI documents, drawings, specifications and SoWs are reviewed and approved on an individual basis to ensure SDO mission, HMI specific, and HMI contract MA requirements are met. HMI Purchase Requests and Subcontracts are reviewed on an individual basis to ensure Mission Assurance provisions are flowed down to our suppliers, vendors and subcontractors as appropriate. The HMI suppliers, vendors and subcontractors have been selected from the LMSSC Directory of Approved Suppliers, which is based on performance history, supplier ratings, etc., to assure the suitability of suppliers to produce reliable products.

7 HMI Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) activities flow from the SDO HMI PAIP, 2H00021 Rev. B , and the Software Management Plan (SMP), 2H00005. SQA activities adapted from the LMSSC SQA Practices and the LMSSC Standard Software process (SSP). Support HMI software related meetings, reviews. Support customer requests. Review and Approve Software Documents. All released Software Documents are reviewed and approved by HMI SQE Monitor CM Process and Attend SCCB Meetings Perform Software Process Audits in accordance to LMSSC SSP. The following Software Process Audits completed in accordance to LMSSC SSP and audit reports archived. PLN – Software Development Planning Process SPR – Software Peer Review Process SEE – Software Engineering Environment Process SWR – Software Requirements Definition Process SWD – Software Detail Design Process CUT – Software Code & Unit Test Process SCM – Software Configuration Management Process

8 HMI Software Quality Assurance
Perform Software Process Audits in accordance to LMSSC SSP (Continued). One finding from all the audits and it has been closed Finding From SPR Audit - Lack of Software Schedule for Software Peer Reviews has been corrected with Software Schedule on HMI Website Witness Software Acceptance Testing including SUROM Software Acceptance Testing. Verify Test Program Addresses All Software Requirements Verified SUROM Test Report against VCRM Verified Software Code for unit test level approval Participate in the Corrective Action Process. Review all Software Anomaly Reports Developer Anomaly and Improvement (DAI) Instrument Anomaly Report (IAR) Non-Conformance Report (NCR)

9 Materials and Processes Requirements
Requirements Flow From SDO HMI PAIP, 2H00021 Rev. B Requires the control of materials and processes to various NASA and Lockheed Martin documents through the use of a Materials and Processes Control Board (MPCB). Requires the Materials and Processes Selection List as a deliverable item. 2H00035 Rev C prepared for CDR – released and submitted to GSFC 26 Oct 2004 HMI Materials and Processes Control Board Operational. Chaired by LMSSC Materials Engineer. Membership: LMSSC HMI Program Office, Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Contamination Control Engineering, Quality Engineering, and NASA GSFC SDO Materials Branch. HMI Program Materials & Processes List, 2H00035. Rev C updated and released for CDR as the HMI design matured. Heritage M & P - prior usage on Solar B program hardware (plus SXI, MDI, TRACE). Living document - will capture design changes for MPCB approval. 87% complete; More than 317 items documented; less than 40 open items 8 MUAs (Material Usage Agreements) identified to date 7 in process; 1 submitted and approved

10 Contamination Control Plan
Requirements flow from SDO HMI PAIP, 2H00021 Rev. B. PAIP Requirements for Contamination Control Plan (Section 11 of PAIP) Instrument shall meet performance requirements without unacceptable degradation due to contamination Contamination Control Plan shall maintain instrument cleanliness through end of life on orbit Materials selection and outgassing requirements are per Section 10 of the PAIP Cleanliness verification required prior to delivery to GSFC Caps, covers, protective measures and red-tag cover lists shall be in the HMI CCP Ascent vent (ascent depressurization) and on-orbit molecular venting shall meet instrument safety and performance requirements Bakeouts and outgassing verification shall be performed to meet the instrument performance requirements Shall meet requirements of SDO CCP 464-SYS-PLAN-0002 for non-cross contamination of SDO instruments

11 Contamination Control Plan
Science & Other Performance Requirements (degradation allocations: HMI CCP Section 3.1.2) Pixel Outage: <0.001% (167 pixels) pixel outage allowance for contamination (about 42 particles < 100 µm). HMI is relatively insensitive to pixel outage due to the large number of pixels in the array (4096 x 4096). Throughput loss due to hydrocarbon film and particle obscuration: Allow 20%loss at 6000Å wavelength. Visible-light throughput relatively insensitive to moderate levels of hydrocarbon film and particle contamination. Scatter and stray light: HMI is not sensitive to scatter and stray-light before the shutter, and is relatively insensitive to moderate levels of particle contamination between the shutters and the CCD detectors. Thermal control: The thermal control surfaces on HMI are relatively insensitive to visible levels of particulate contamination. There are insignificant changes for the molecular deposits per GSFC contamination analysis for SDO.

12 HMI Contamination Control Plan (2H00045) Status
Draft submitted to GSFC for comment as apart of CSR (July 03). Draft CCP accepted in GSFC review and comments received. Preliminary CCP provided at PDR. Released for CDR 15 October 2004.

13 Contamination Control Requirements
Contamination Budget (Section and Surface Cleanliness Requirements -- Derived from Performance Requirements (all requirements per Mil-Std 1246C or JSC-SN-C 0005) HMI CCP Section and Tables and Hardware components: Interior 300A; Exterior 500A CCD and interior of CCD housing at assembly: 100A Instrument at delivery to spacecraft: Exterior VC-HS / 500A Radiators and MLI at delivery to spacecraft: VC-HS / 500A At delivery to orbit:Thermal control surfaces (radiators & front door) 750A End of Life on orbit: Thermal control surfaces (radiators & front door) 750C End of Life on orbit : Front window 300A Outgassing Requirements (PAIP Section 10, HMI CCP Section 3.1.3) Materials screened to meet JSC-SN-C 0022/ 1.00%TML, 0.10% CVCM per ASTM E595 Certify to levels in SDO CCP 464-SYS-PLAN-0002 Bakeout of major sub-assemblies and integrated instrument Cleanroom Requirements (HMI CCP Section and 4.5.1) Class 100 for CCD detector assembly Class 10,000 or better for structure, optics, telescope, instrument exterior, and thermal control surfaces through assembly, test and environmental test. Nitrogen Purge Requirements (HMI CCP Section 3.8 and ) No purge required for HMI optics if environment is Class 10,000 or better and humidity is <50%, but purge may be used as an additional protective measure. Backfill for storage containers and shipping (Section 4.8.3, 4.9.1)

14 Facilities, Cleaning, and Verification
Venting ( HMI CCP Section ) Ascent vents & molecular venting designed to vent away from EVE and other sensitive surfaces Facilities (HMI CCP Section 4.5) Parts cleaning facility in vertical flow Class 100 cleanroom. CCD assembly in Class 100 laminar flow bench in clean area Bakeout chambers dedicated to LMSAL bakeout and thermal cycling operations Class 1000 laminar flow bench in clean enclosure for vacuum chamber loading and unloading operations Class 10,000 vertical laminar flow tent for instrument assembly and test (removable wall panel to allow testing with heliostat) Clean tent with HEPA filtration, capable of Class 10,000 particle counts enclosing thermal vacuum chamber Cleaning and verification plan (HMI CCP Section 3.9, 4.12) Piece part precision cleaning and verification at fabrication (Section 4.6.2, 4.7 & 4.12) Periodic cleaning and re-verification of optic package during assembly and test Periodic inspection (clean if necessary) of window and exposed optics Final cleaning and inspection of optic package at delivery (Section 4.12 per requirements) Bakeout of selected sub-assemblies (HMI CCP Section 3.2.2, and 4.11) Mechanisms, cable harnesses, MLI, electronics boxes baked in certified vacuum chamber as required

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