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Active Traffic Alternatives

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1 Active Traffic Alternatives
Modern Roundabouts James H. Ito, P.E. 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

2 Active Traffic Alternatives
Introduction Modern Roundabouts became an effective Traffic Control strategy in 1966 when the British adopted the “Yield upon Entry” rule. I am currently the Traffic and Lighting Traffic and Lighting Design Engineer for the City of Milwaukee and the President of Active Traffic Alternatives. 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

3 Active Traffic Alternatives
Topics of Discussion I will identify the distinguishing features of Modern Roundabouts You will learn why Modern Roundabouts are being built You will see images of Wisconsin’s Modern Roundabouts, those in use and some of those proposed Today, I want to introduce you to Modern Roundabouts 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

4 What is a Modern Roundabout?
Modern Roundabouts are part of the Family of Circular Intersections 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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6 What is a Modern Roundabout?
Modern Roundabouts are part of the Family of Circular Intersections Distinguishing Features Yield at Entry Speed Control by Deflection 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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French Roundabout 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

8 Why Build Modern Roundabouts? They Enhance Safety & Reduce Delay
Conflict Points Reduced 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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10 Why Build Modern Roundabouts? They Enhance Safety & Reduce Delay
Conflict Points Reduced Crash Reduction Statistics 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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Before and After Results for 24 Intersections in US Converted from Stop Sign or Traffic Signal Control to Modern Roundabouts 89% Reduction in Fatal and Incapacitating Injury Crashes 76% Reduction in All Injury Crashes 39% Reduction for All Crashes 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

13 Why Build Modern Roundabouts? They Enhance Safety & Reduce Delay
Conflict Points Reduced Crash Reduction Statistics Traffic Delays Minimized 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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15 Active Traffic Alternatives
What Do They Look Like? Howard Roundabouts 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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Cardinal Lane (N-S) and Lineville Road, County Trunk M (E-W) Forest Glen Elementary School 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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Cardinal Lane and Lineville Road looking NE 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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Rockwell Lane (N leg) and Lineville Road, County Truck M (E-W) Bayview Middle School to the east and New High School to the north 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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What Do They Look Like? Howard Roundabouts Proposed Roundabout in Milwaukee 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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What Do They Look Like? Howard Roundabouts Proposed Roundabout in Milwaukee Proposed Roundabout in Mount Horeb 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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What Do They Look Like? Howard Roundabouts Proposed Roundabout in Milwaukee Proposed Roundabout in Mount Horeb Proposed Roundabout in Brookfield 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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25 Traffic Control Panacea?
Modern Roundabouts should not be used in a Traffic Signal System Modern Roundabouts can be installed next to Signalized intersections Modern Roundabouts complement Traffic Calming Devices Modern Roundabouts enhance Street Landscaping and are often used to create Area Gateways 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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What This Means Modern Roundabouts offer Communities and Neighborhoods an Attractive, Safe, and Efficient form of Traffic Control Modern Roundabouts can be more Efficient and Safer than traffic signals Modern Roundabouts should not be used in a Traffic Signal System 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

29 Active Traffic Alternatives
What Has Happened Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Safety funded Training, 1998 through 2001 Howard Modern Roundabouts have been constructed Roundabouts have been designed for several Wisconsin locations Wisconsin DOT has an Engineer on staff with Modern Roundabout Design Experience from Colorado 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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Who To Contact? Ray Smith, Brown County Highway Department, Mark Johnson, Wisconsin DOT, District 1, James Ito, City of Milwaukee, DPW, Your BOTS Regional Program Manager 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

31 Geometric Design Recommendations
Iterative Process Hand Sketching Preliminary Designs Fastest Vehicle Paths Truck Swept Paths Radial Alignment of Entries Vehicle Path Overlap Extended Splitter Island Treatment Successive Curves on HS Approach 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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Capacity Software ARCADY – British method with 50 % confidence limits. Capacities predicted have been measured. Has crash prediction module. RODEL – Same as ARCADY but with user specified confidence limits. SIDRA – Australian method based on gap acceptance processes. 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

49 Active Traffic Alternatives
Simulation Models Simulation model results are best used for relative comparisons. Do not conclude that the values found from the model are the same as field data. Perform sensitivity analysis by changing selected parameters over a range and comparing results. 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? 11/20/2018 Active Traffic Alternatives

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