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Understand how to use and experiment with creative writing techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Understand how to use and experiment with creative writing techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand how to use and experiment with creative writing techniques.
Learning Objective Understand how to use and experiment with creative writing techniques.

2 Creative Writing Techniques

Speed Writing You are going to write non-stop for 8 minutes. You should write quickly and without too much thought. Try to include some of the techniques we have discussed. The theme of your writing is: WHAT HAPPENED TO FRANCES?

4 Watch this


6 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
What is an adverb?

7 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
An adverb is a word that helps to describe a verb (they often, but not always, end in ‘ly’). For example…

8 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words

9 Where would you use a semi colon?
Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Where would you use a semi colon?

10 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon One way to use semi colons is to join two simple sentences that are in some way linked. For example I ate far too much over the Christmas holiday; those mince pies were glorious.

11 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Your forth sentence must contain a simile What is a simile?

12 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Your forth sentence must contain a simile Consider your choice of simile carefully – your comparison should be well thought out. For example: ‘he ran like a cheetah chasing its prey’ is more effective than ‘he ran as fast as a horse’.

13 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Your forth sentence must contain a simile Your fifth sentence must be a complex sentence What is a complex sentence? When might you use a complex sentence?

14 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Your forth sentence must contain a simile Your fifth sentence must be a complex sentence A complex sentence has a main clause and a subordinate clause. A main clause is like a simple sentence – it makes sense on it’s own; a subordinate clause needs the support of the main clause in order to make sense. For example: The man ran, quietly and quickly, down the dark road.

15 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Your forth sentence must contain a simile Your fifth sentence must be a complex sentence Your sixth sentence must include two well chosen adjectives. What is an adjective?

16 Slow Writing Your first sentence must start with an adverb
Your second sentence must contain only three words Your third sentence must contain a semi-colon Your forth sentence must contain a simile Your fifth sentence must be a complex sentence Your sixth sentence must include two well chosen adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Eg. cold, careful, angry, courageous

17 Slow writing continued
Use a thesaurus for an adjective in this sentence. A complex sentence A five word sentence A rhetorical question A sentence starting with a present participle (that’s a verb ending in ‘ing’) A sentence that includes rule of three

18 Remember your SPaG target
Read your work through. This should be a pretty good piece of writing but now read it through and check that it makes sense and that your SPaG is correct. Remember your SPaG target Now read your neighbour’s work. Tell them one thing you liked about it. Let’s hear some...

19 Snowballs What have you learned today? OR
What question do you have about today’s lesson that could be answered in a future lesson on this subject?

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