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Canadian History Review

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1 Canadian History Review
Unit 2

2 Topics: Plains of Abraham Seven Years War Revolution and Loyalists
War of 1812 Rebellions of 1837

3 4 short answer (each is worth 5 marks) Essay: 10 marks
10 Multiple Choice 10 True or False 10 Fill in the Blanks 4 short answer (each is worth 5 marks) Choose from 8 questions (DON’T DO ALL EIGHT!!!) Essay: 10 marks

4 The fortress at Louisbourg was important to the French during the Seven Years War because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 General ______________ commanded the English army at _____________________________________ at the end of the Seven Years War, while _______________________________ commanded the French army

6 The Americans attacked Canada in the War of 1812 because _____________________ and _________________________ and ________________________________

7 The Quebec Act allowed the French to ______________ their language, give a _____________ to the church, and to __________ for office.

8 The Royal Proclamation of 1763 guaranteed ___________________________ for Aboriginals. It also created a line so that ____________________ could not go _____________.

9 Louis Joseph Papineau was a __________ before leading the Rebellion in __________________

10 William Lyon Mackenzie was a ___________________________ before leading the rebellion in _____________________________

11 The Loyalists were people who were loyal to __________________ during the _____________________________________

12 The American national anthem was written about a battle during the ____________________________________

13 The Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada were because people were upset with the ________________ and the ___________________ because they __________________________________________________________________________

14 The English won the Seven Years War by attacking the French in _______________________ rather than back in ________________.

15 James Wolfe was a very ______________ man
James Wolfe was a very ______________ man. His men often thought that he was ___________________________.

16 After the Rebellions, the Queen sent a man called _________________ to see what should be done about Canada. He suggested that Canada should ____________, and that we should try something called ___________________ government.

17 The French Reformers in Lower Canada were known as ________________________

18 Who won the war of 1812? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19 Who were some Canadian heroes of the War of 1812
Who were some Canadian heroes of the War of 1812? What did they do that made them heroes? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

20 People who fought against the rebels during the American Revolutionary War were called ________________________. After the war, many of them moved to _________________________.

21 Essay: (Because I’m giving this to you advance, I expect an actual essay, with an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion) What would the subject of your Bio-Poem think about the American Revolution if they lived during that time? Why?

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