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2018/19 draft APP & Budget June 2017 11/20/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "2018/19 draft APP & Budget June 2017 11/20/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 2018/19 draft APP & Budget June 2017 11/20/2018

2 Documents Tabled documents to be published on
Orientation: Policy priorities Strategy: Strategic Plan Implementation: APP 2018/19 11/20/2018

3 Annual Performance Plan Scope of presentation
Key principles – long term alignment Requirements - FMPPLA Development of APP 2018/19 Management processes Changes from previous APP Long-term outcome milestones Programme structure 2018/19 Strategic objectives per programme In-year monitoring 11/20/2018

4 1. Key principles - long term alignment
Orientate against global, continental and regional perspective AU Agenda 2063 and SADC Master Plan Juxtapose against NDP & New Growth Path Balance with key socio-economic strategies Parliamentary oversight orientated towards results and outcomes 11/20/2018

5 Results Based Approach
Results and Outcomes Framework for Parliament Policy Input Output Outcome Priorities (NDP etc) Societal outcomes Government implementation Monitoring and evaluation 5 years, 10 years, 15 years 2015 2030 11/20/2018

6 Planning Framework UN Post 2015 SDGs AU Agenda 2063 SADC Master Plan
National Development Plan 5-15 year Parliamentary outcome strategic framework 11/20/2018

7 Context of Planning 15 years SDGs post 2015 50 years AU Agenda 2063
SADC Master Plan 15 years NDP 2030 15 years Parliament 5-30 year plan 5 year plan 3 year plan 1 year plan 5 years 10 years 15 years 11/20/2018

8 2. FMPPLA requirements Sections
13. The Executive Authority must— (a) oversee the preparation of Parliament’s strategic plan, annual performance plan, budget and adjustments budgets in accordance with this Chapter; and (b) table the strategic plan and annual performance plan in Parliament. 15. (1) At least ten months prior to the start of the financial year, the Accounting Officer must prepare a draft annual performance plan for Parliament and present it to the Executive Authority. 11/20/2018

9 3. Process followed Strategic review and planning session held from 10 to 12 April The purpose of the session was to: • review long-term implementation outcome milestones and indicators aligned to the policy priorities; • review programme indicators and targets for 2017/18 to 2019/20; • develop operational plans for 2017/18 to 2019/20, to implement the annual performance plan; and • develop resource and budget requirements for 2017/18 to 2019/20, aligned with requirements for the implementation of plans. 11/20/2018

10 3. Change of focus – results orientated
The planning review process specifically aimed to achieve the following: change the operational focus of the existing objectives and indicators to reflect institutional results, reduce the amount of objectives and indicators to a manageable level, integrate objectives and indicators which share common outcome results, and comply to guidelines whereby objectives and indicators should focus on final outputs and outcomes.  The draft Annual Performance Plan and budget for 2018/19 was prepared using the results-based approach to planning and zero-based budgeting. 11/20/2018

11 APP 2018/19 - results oriented
Measuring results such as institutional outcomes and impact. Move from measuring inputs and activities to … 11/20/2018

12 APP 2018/19 now results oriented
Ensuring a prosperous, united and democratic SA NDP targets and goals met Ensure a responsive and accountable governance realised Effective laws passed and oversight exercised Constitutional democracy exercised Plenary meetings. Committee meetings. Constituency work. Capacity building programmes. Advisory and information services. Facilities available to Members. 11/20/2018

13 Monitoring and Evaluation
4. Parliamentary Business Cycle Policy Priorities Planning Budgeting Monitoring and Evaluation Annual assessment 11/20/2018

14 5. Key areas in 2018/19 APP: Summary of the planning process.
Updated situational analysis. 2018/19 APP page 6 Reorganization of the organisational situation, aligned to mandate and business of Parliament. 2018/19 APP page 9 New section on the business of Parliament included. Outcome tables updated against information provided at the 2016 Mid-year review session (Nov 2016) /19 APP page 12 Section on the transitioning of strategic objectives updated. New section on strategic interventions. 2018/19 APP page 17 11/20/2018

15 5. Key areas in 2018/19 APP: Overall budget tables updated.
All programme budget tables updated. New section on Parliamentary Service included. Organogram updated. Programme objectives and indicators adjusted to reflect results. Operational indicators and targets transitioned to Part D - Annexures. Combined models into Oversight and Accountability programme. Outer targets added on operational tables. 11/20/2018

16 6. Long-term outcome milestones: Indicators included
Strengthen oversight and accountability % of NDP goals implemented, accountability index Enhanced public involvement Public involvement index Strengthened co-operative government and inter-governmental relations % of NDP goals implemented Deepened engagement in international participation Influence on, and contribution to regional and international goals Improved quality and impact of legislation Index of societal outcomes (democracy, quality of life, equal society) 11/20/2018

17 Indicative allocations Vs Budget request
2016/17 FINANCIAL YEAR Request R3,145,835b Allocations R2,189,429b Budget Deficit Shortfall R956,406m 2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR Request R3,352,480b Allocations R2,287,500b Shortfall R1,064,980m 2018/19 FINANCIAL YEAR * Request R2,841,506b Allocations R2,371,139b Shortfall R470,367m 11/20/2018 *Parliament to determine the budget request for Core Business and Member Support, information systems, and capital and maintenance budget. – 2018/19 APP page 19

18 Additional Requests in terms of the 05th Parliament’s priorities
Economic classification Indicative amount R’000 Request Shortfall Details Compensation of employees 802,826 1,178,812 (375,986) An additional amount of R54,582m is required for compensation of employees for the operation of offices which were established in terms of the respective Acts (Parliamentary Budget Office and OISD) which were always funded from Parliament’s unspent funds earnings as well as the LSS which was funded from donor funds. The balance of R321,404m is required in respect of the shortfall on indicative amount against filled and 69 vacant critical positions. Goods & Services 537,101 603,360 (66,259) Goods and services for the Joint Services (PBO, and OISD), LSS, institutional projects as well as shortfall across all programmes as per the annual performance plans.

19 Additional requests in terms of the 05th Parliament’s priorities (continuation)
Economic classification Indicative amount R’000 Request Shortfall Details Capital expenditure 4,136 15,141 (11,005) Replacement of computer equipment and purchase of furniture and equipment Transfers 438,743 455,860 (17,117) The budget for transfer to political parties has always been less than the allocated budget and variance funded from moving funds from goods and services. Direct Charges 588,333 Totals 2,371,139 (2,841,506) (470,367)

20 7. Programme structure: Vote 2 Parliament
Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance Political leadership, governance and institutional policy, communication and co-ordination, oversee development and implementation of strategic plan, annual performance plan and budget, Parliamentary Budget Office and Office: ISD. Programme 2: Administration Strategic leadership support and management, institutional policy and governance, development programmes for Members, management and administration, internal audit and financial management, and the Registrar of Members’ Interests. Programme 3: Core Business Procedural and legal advice, analysis, information and research, language, content and secretarial and legislative drafting services for meetings of the National Assembly, National Council of Provinces and their committees. Provide public education, information and access to support public participation. Provide analysis, advice and content support for parliamentary international engagement. Programme 4: Support Services Provide institutional communication services, human resource management, information communication technology, institutional support services and Members’ support services. Programme 5: Associated Services Provide travel, communication and other facilities for Members of Parliament to fulfill their duties as elected public representatives. Provide financial support to political parties represented in Parliament, their leaders and constituency offices. 11/20/2018

21 2018/19 MTEF Budget requests (Page 19 of the APP)
Programmes 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Strategic Leadership & Governance 131,926 141,619 151,715 Administration 219,196 205,911 220,748 Core Business 688,182 736,854 789,239 Support Services 531,011 494,495 515,533 Associated Services 682,858 722,294 764,612 Sub-totals 2,253,173 2,301,173 2,441,847 Direct Charges 588,333 633,233 683,900 TOTALS 2,841,506 2,934,406 3,125,747 11/20/2018

22 2018/19 MTEF : Economic Classification (Page 19 of the APP)
R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 1,178,812 1,271,969 1,372,509 Goods & Services 603,360 536,265 555,663 Capital 15,141 11,263 4,118 Transfers 455,860 481,676 509,557 Sub –Total 2,253,173 2,301,173 2,441,847 Compensation of Members 588,333 633,233 683,900 TOTALS 2,841,506 2,934,406 3,125,747 11/20/2018

23 8. Strategic objectives: Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and governance
The strategic objective seeks to improve the achievement of 5th Parliament outcomes, by increasing the percentage of policy priorities achieved /19 APP page 24 11/20/2018

24 2018/19 MTEF Budget requests (continuation)
Programme 1: Strategic Leadership & Governance (Page 24 of the APP) Divisions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Office of the Speaker 54,786 58,944 63,282 Office of the Chairperson 46,470 49,508 52,789 Treasury Advisory Office Parliamentary Budget office 20,942 22,518 24,211 Office of Institutions Supporting Democracy 9,728 10,649 11,433 TOTALS 131,926 141,619 151,715 Economic Classification 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 109,044 117,768 127,189 Goods & Services 22,576 23,851 24,526 Capital 306 Total 131,926 141,619 151,715 11/20/2018

25 8. Strategic objectives: Programme 2: Administration
Secretary to Parliament Legislative Sector Support Strategic Management and Governance Finance Management Office Internal Audit Registrar of Members’ Interests The strategic objective put forward in Programme 2 seeks to build an effective and efficient institution and Sector by increasing the rate of strategy execution. 2018/19 APP page 28 11/20/2018

26 2018/19 Budget requests (continuation)
Programme 2: Administration (Page 29 of the APP) Divisions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Office of the Secretary 23,127 24,177 25,311 Finance Management Office 67,314 72,699 78,515 Strategic Management & Governance 38,565 41,178 44,108 Registrar of Members Interest 3,543 3,824 4,128 Internal Audit 16,562 17,612 18,503 Projects 31,300 4,500 5,000 LSS Administration 38,785 41,921 45,183 TOTALS 219,196 205,911 220,748 Economic Classification 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 132,243 142,823 154,249 Goods & Services 86,502 62,723 66,117 Capital 451 365 382 Total 219,196 205,911 220,748 11/20/2018

27 8. Strategic objectives: Programme 3: Core Business
Core Business Branch National Assembly National Council of Provinces Core Business Support Knowledge and information International Relations & Protocol Improve Oversight and Accountability programme to ensure that the Executive implements objectives of the MTSF by 2019. Improve quality and timeliness of information services /19 APP page 32 11/20/2018

28 2018/19 Budget requests (continuation)
Programme 3: Core Business (Page 34 of the APP) Divisions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Deputy Secretary – Core Business 4,000 4,500 5,000 National Assembly 45,674 49,578 53,701 National Council of Provinces 56,289 60,162 64,313 International Relations & Protocol 42,709 45,760 49,099 Core Business Support 321,689 341,977 363,850 Knowledge and Information Services 217,821 234,877 253,275 TOTALS 688,182 736,854 789,238 Economic Classification 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 551,389 595,499 643,140 Goods & Services 134,303 140,807 145,544 Capital 2,490 548 554 Total 688,182 736,854 789,238 11/20/2018

29 8. Strategic objectives: Programme 4: Support Services
Support Services Branch Parliamentary Communication Services Human Resources Information Communication Technology Member Support Services Institutional Support Services Improve stakeholder management and increase Members’ satisfaction with services. 2018/19 APP page 38 11/20/2018

30 2018/19 Budget requests (continuation)
Programme 4: Support Services (Page 39 of the APP) Divisions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Deputy Secretary – Support Services 4,084 4,413 4,764 Institutional Support Services 213,367 179,916 197,709 Information Communication & Technology 103,407 108,447 104,497 Human Resources Management 93,448 79,957 82,062 Members Support Services 31,517 33,377 35,213 Parliamentary Communication services 85,188 88,385 91,288 TOTALS 531,011 494,495 515,533 Economic Classification 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 328,738 355,037 383,439 Goods & Services 190,379 129,108 128,912 Capital 11,894 10,350 3,182 Total 531,011 494,495 515,533 11/20/2018

31 8. Strategic objectives: Programme 5: Associated services
Improve facilities for Members Review the facility needs of Members, and provide a seamless support service. Ensure effective financial management of resources Party Leadership Support provides financial support to political leadership of parties represented in Parliament. Political Party Support provides financial support to political parties represented in Parliament. Constituency Support provides financial support to parties represented in Parliament, for constituency offices. 11/20/2018

32 2018/19 Budget requests (continuation)
Programme 5: Associated Services (Page 41 of the APP) Divisions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Members Facilities 226,998 240,618 255,055 Transfers to political parties 455,860 481,676 509,557 TOTALS 682,858 722,294 764,612 Economic Classification 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 57,398 60,842 64,492 Goods & Services 169,600 179,776 190,563 Transfer payments 455,860 481,676 509,557 Total 682,858 722,294 764,612 11/20/2018

33 2018/19 Budget requests (continuation)
Direct Charges Divisions 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 National Assembly 518,330 557,915 602,555 National Council of Provinces 70,003 75,318 81,345 TOTALS 588,333 633,233 683,900 Economic Classification 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Members 588,333 633,233 683,900 Total 11/20/2018

34 9. Monitoring and evaluation: In-year monitoring
Monthly financial statements (S51) – year to date expenditure. Quarterly performance reports (S52) – performance per quarter in implementing the annual performance plan. Mid-year budget and performance assessment (S53) – assess performance in implementing annual performance plan. 11/20/2018

35 End Tabled documents to be published on
Orientation: Policy priorities Strategy: Strategic Plan Implementation: APP 2018/19 11/20/2018

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