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UC policy states:  "Superior intellectual attainment, as evidenced both in teaching and in research or other creative achievement, is an indispensable.

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Presentation on theme: "UC policy states:  "Superior intellectual attainment, as evidenced both in teaching and in research or other creative achievement, is an indispensable."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC policy states:  "Superior intellectual attainment, as evidenced both in teaching and in research or other creative achievement, is an indispensable criterion for appointment or promotion in an academic position.  Merit increases will be awarded only on the basis of continuing excellence in teaching, research and university and public service in the rank at which the candidate is presently serving." One-Step Advancement A balanced record, appropriate for rank and step, with evidence of good achievement in all areas of responsibility. The magnitude and/or impact of accomplishments in each area is expected to increase as faculty advance in rank and step. One-and-One-Half-Step Advancement A larger-than-normal, 1.5-step advancement requires a strong record in all categories of responsibility for that series with outstanding achievement in at least one area among: (1) Research, (2) teaching and (3) department, school, university, community and professional service. Outstanding achievement may be defined using a variety of methods. For performance in any area to be deemed outstanding, the candidate’s dossier must demonstrate how the achievements exceed usual expectations. Tangible scholarly or creative work provides additional support for larger-than-normal advancements. Two-Step Advancement A two-step advancement will require a strong record in all areas of responsibility, with outstanding performance in at least two areas, as well as publications, presentations or other appropriate documentation demonstrating that innovations have been adopted outside the institution.

2 - Your overall research impact and it trajectory
Quantitative information (with citations to sources) included in merit and promotion dossiers is stronger tangible evidence and appropriate documentation than qualitative opinions Strategies for including quantifiable significance to research and creative activities in your merit dossier: - The impact of journals in which you publish (Journal IF, Eigenfactor, citation half-life…) - Your overall research impact and it trajectory - Attention your research draws from: other researchers in your filed researchers outside your field media outlets and the general public The Eigenfactor score, developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal.[1] Journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals.[2] As a measure of importance, the Eigenfactor score scales with the total impact of a journal. All else equal, journals generating higher impact to the field have larger Eigenfactor scores. Eigenfactor scores and Article Influence scores are calculated by, where they can be freely viewed. The Eigenfactor score is intended to measure the importance of a journal to the scientific community, by considering the origin of the incoming citations, and is thought to reflect how frequently an average researcher would access content from that journal.[2] However, the Eigenfactor score is influenced by the size of the journal, so that the score doubles when the journal doubles in size (measured as number of published articles per year).[3] The Article Influence score measures the average influence of articles in the journal, and is therefore comparable to the traditional impact factor. The Eigenfactor approach is thought to be more robust than the impact factor metric,[4] which purely counts incoming citations without considering the significance of those citations.[5] While the Eigenfactor score is correlated with total citation count for medical journals,[6] these metrics provide significantly different information. For a given number of citations, citations from more significant journals will result in a higher Eigenfactor score.[7] Originally Eigenfactor scores were measures of a journal's importance; it has been extended to author-level.[8] It can also be used in combination with the h-index to evaluate the work of individual scientists. Where can you get tangible evidence and appropriate documentation in support of your merit/promotion action?

3 ISI Web Of Knowledge – The impact of your research on other scientist
Web of Science ISI Web Of Knowledge – The impact of your research on other scientist ISI InCites Journal Citation Reports – Are you publishing in “TOP Journals” - Across all fields od science; In your discipline

4 PURE SciVal Your Research Fingerprint is here!

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