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G.O. Bond Survey Results Presentation for

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1 G.O. Bond Survey Results Presentation for
Bonsall Unified School District by Isom Advisors, a Division of Urban Futures, Inc. April 12, 2018 17821 E 17th St., Suite 245 – Tustin, CA 92780

2 There are 10,597 registered voters in the District
Methodology There are 10,597 registered voters in the District The Bonsall Unified School District is currently assessing the feasibility of placing a general obligation bond measure on an upcoming ballot. A survey was conducted from Tuesday March 6th through Thursday March 15th to assess support for the proposed bond measure. The survey tested voter attitudes regarding the District, projects, and tax tolerances. 400 households were contacted which results in a margin of error of +/- 4.80%.

3 Majority of voters satisfied with the quality of education
General Questions Majority of voters satisfied with the quality of education Would you say that education in California is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction? How would you rate the quality of education provided by the Bonsall Unified School District? Do you have any children or grandchildren who are now attending school in the Bonsall Unified School District?

4 Voters believe in the need for more funding
General Questions Voters believe in the need for more funding Good schools improve property values? Because the state continues to reduce funding for facility improvements such as the renovation and modernization of classrooms, local voters need to do more to protect the quality of facilities in their local public schools.

5 Support for measure is above the Prop. 39 55% threshold
Ballot Measure Support for measure is above the Prop % threshold At this time, the Bonsall Unified School District is looking to make classroom and school facility improvements and is considering placing a school improvement bond measure before voters in your community on an upcoming ballot. Let me read you the proposed measure: “To improve the quality of education; update technology at all sites, improve safety and security on all campuses, renovate and upgrade existing facilities, and construct a new high school to reduce student overcrowding; shall Bonsall Unified School District issue $41,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levy approximately 4 cents/$100 assessed value, generating approximately $2,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens’ oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?”

6 All projects tested below received 70% support and above
G.O. Bond Projects All projects tested below received 70% support and above For each project, please tell me whether it would make you More Likely or Less Likely to vote in favor of the measure if you knew funds would be used to: 55%

7 Voters support a new high school
Additional Questions Voters support a new high school Well, what if you knew that: 55%

8 Voters were sensitive to highest tax rate
Tax Tolerances Voters were sensitive to highest tax rate The proposed measure would cost property owners $50/$40/$30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation per year, would you vote “yes” in Favor of or “no” to Oppose the measure? $50.00 $30.00 $40.00

9 Support remains strong after voter education
Ballot Measure Support remains strong after voter education Now that you have heard some more information regarding the proposed projects and cost, if the election were held today, would you vote YES in favor of the measure or would you vote NO to oppose the measure? Pre-education

10 Conclusions and Recommendations

11 Conclusions & Recommendations
Majority of voters believe in more funding 76% of District voters believe in the need for more funding. Initial support for the measure was 62.8% Yes (2.8% Lean Yes), with 4.5% Undecided; after education support for the measure was 61.8% Yes (3.5% Lean Yes), with 2.8% Undecided. All facility projects tested received over 70% support. There was some tax rate sensitivity, but support increased with lower tax rates. Support is above the 55% voter approval threshold; we recommend the District continue to reach out and educate the community on the possibility of a November 2018 bond election.  

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