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Vocabulary PowerPoint

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1 Vocabulary PowerPoint

2 debut A performing artist is always excited at his or her debut, or first public show.

3 debut – first public appearance

4 Performers with stubborn desire to succeed will continue to work hard.

5 stubborn – determined

6 permission These musicians are allowed to play in the subway. They were given permission.

7 permission – allow something

8 hauling When a band is traveling, workers are hauling equipment from city to city.

9 hauling – carrying; moving

10 mournful The von Trapp family was mournful as they sang at the festival.

11 mournful – sad

12 Performers on stilts have always towered above their audiences.

13 towered – taller than others

14 triumph Becoming a star is a triumph, or victory, most performing artists desire.

15 triumph – victory

16 discouraged Some dancers become discouraged, or disappointed, after a poor performance.

17 discouraged – disappointed

18 toured Ms. Wynkoop’s son, Josh, tours, or travels, with his band, Taylor Thrash.

19 tours – travels

20 border Touring performers often cross an international border such as this one.

21 border – boundary

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