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Statistical models for categorical responses

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1 Statistical models for categorical responses
2 by 2 Contingency Tables Odd Ratios Risk Ratios Mantel-Haenszel Test Survival Analysis Logistic Regression Analysis

2 2 by 2 Contingency Tables Risk of disease: p1 or p2
Est: a/(a+b) and c/(c+d) Risk Ratios: p1/p2 Est: a/(a+b) c/(c+d) Odd Ratios: a/b or ad c/d cb

3 2 Mantel-Haenszel Tests
Suppose we have k strata producing k tables such as: Mantel-Haenszel Test for association in stratified 2x2 tables O = a1+…+ak E = (a1+b1) (a1+c1)/n1 +…+ (ak+bk) (ak+ck)/nk M-H = (|O-E|-0.5)2/V Mantel-Haenszel Test for common OR in stratified 2x2 tables

4 Dataset EAR Column Variable Format or Code
1-3 ID 5 Clearance by 14 days 1=yes/0=no 7 Antibiotic =CEF/2=AMO 9 Age =<2 yrs/2=2-5 yrs/3=6+ yrs 11 Ear =1st ear/2=2nd ear

5 Logistic Regression model:
Logistic Regression Analysis When to Use it: Response is categorical Several Confounding factors or Numeric Covariates Logistic Regression model: Logit(p) = log(p/(1-p))= +1x1+…+ kxk

6 Slope=0.1 Slope=0.5 Slope=1 Slope=2 Logistic curves

7 Odds Ratio: Assume that x1 is a binary factor. B is the group x1=0 A is the group x1=1 Then the odds ratio OR = pA(1- pA)/(pB(1- pB)) = exp{1}

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