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France: 1700’s Absolute monarchy Feudal Social Structure

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2 France: 1700’s Absolute monarchy Feudal Social Structure
Unpopular Queen Economic problems New bourgeoisie class Enlightenment movement

3 Louis XVI Became King in 1774
Helped American Revolution, which put him in debt. To relieve this debt, he tried to tax the nobles Had to call the Estates General

4 Marie-Antoinette Austrian Princess
Austria and France were long time enemies “Madame Deficit”- Spent money even though France was in debt.

5 L’ancien Régime The Old Regime
The First Estate The Second Estate The Third Estate

6 The First Estate Catholic Clergy 10% of land
No direct tax- “free gift” 2% of income

7 The Second Estate The Nobilty 2% of population 20% of land
No taxes paid Held highest offices in the Church, army, government and courts.

8 The Third Estate 98% of population 70% of land
Comprised of three groups 1. Bourgeoisie 2. Sans-culottes 3. Peasants

9 Bourgeoisie Urban Middle Class- doctors, lawyers, bankers, etc…
Some as rich as nobles, but legally treated like peasants Many believed in Enlightenment ideas

10 San-Culottes Urban Working Class (Proletariat)- butchers, cooks, servants, etc… Poorer than bourgeoisie Survival dependent on bread/grain prices

11 Peasants 4/5 of population Half of income to taxes
Corvée- tax paid with work Paid taxes to King, nobles and Church

12 Four Phases of the Revolution
Moderate Reign of Terror Thermidorian Reaction Napoleon

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