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9/24 Daily Catalyst Pg. 22 Evolution Evidence

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1 9/24 Daily Catalyst Pg. 22 Evolution Evidence
1. Explain the principle of overpopulation from Darwin’s theory. 2. Davionne is looking into a hyena population. She notices that the hyena teach their pups at a young age to gather meat and separate the meat from the bones since the bones can be eaten at a later time. Is this an adaptation? a. Yes, the trait is an adaptation. b. No, because the trait is not heritable c. No, because the trait does not increase fitness d. No, because the trait is not heritable AND does not increase fitness Survival of the fittest and the fittest will survive and will be able to reproduce Good mutations occur and these mutations cause variations in population and the organisms with the good mutations reproduce and pass on these mutations. Skin color, coat color, long neck

2 9/24 Daily Catalyst Pg. 22 Evolution Evidence
1. Explain the principle of overpopulation from Darwin’s theory. Darwin believed the populations produced more offspring than the environment could support so that at least a few would survive and pass on the “good” traits.

3 9/24 Daily Catalyst Pg. 22 Evolution Evidence
2. Davionne is looking into a hyena population. She notices that the hyena teach their pups at a young age to gather meat and separate the meat from the bones since the bones can be eaten at a later time. Is this an adaptation? a. Yes, the trait is an adaptation. b. No, because the trait is not heritable c. No, because the trait does not increase fitness d. No, because the trait is not heritable AND does not increase fitness B

4 Test corrections are due Friday
9/24 Class Business Test corrections are due Friday Evolution quiz #5 on Friday Materials and methods due Friday

5 Word Wall Looking for two students to manage the word wall.
Management will be done after school, during lunch, or before school. I will provide the markers and paper. Wall needs to be updated at least once a week. You must have neat handwriting so the words can be read and include accurate definitions of chosen words. For the rest of the class, if you come across a good word, share this word and definition with the class for enrichment. We come across a lot of vocabulary in this class from science words to non science words like susceptible and distinct. To build our vocabulary and use all of these amazing words, I would like to create a word wall that is ran by you. I would two students from each class to manage the word wall. I will provide the markers and paper as long as you add the words to the wall that we come across. This can be done after school, during lunch or before school. I would like the wall updated about once a week at least.

6 9/24 Agenda Daily Catalyst Class Business Fossil activity Fossil Notes
Practice Time Homework: fossil worksheet

7 10/1 Objective Explain how DNA evidence and fossil records support Darwin’s theory of evolution

8 Darwin’s Theory-quick recap
1. Species evolved slowly over time 2. Survival of a few 3. The fittest will survive Species evolved from a common ancestor. Of the fittest The fittest will reproduce pass on good traits.

9 Evolution Evidence Pg. 23 FOSSILS
We will fill this page in everyday as we go through the evidence! FOSSILS

10 Fossils Pg. 24 Fossil Evidence

11 Recap… Change over time Evolution: Change in what?
Change in traits (DNA)! Defined as change over time

12 Theories need evidence to be credible!
Darwin believed in natural selection: good traits in a population. This traits say “good” until the environment changes OR a new better traits appears. Good traits increase in a population and are passed on

13 Certain adaptations could be favored in the South American Jungle
Look here, cynogathus was an ancient relative of both of these animals. But since the environments were different, they evolved to be different organisms. ADAPTATIONS- because of their environment. And totally different traits could be favored in the grasslands of Africa

14 Explore activity With your table group
Put the fossils in order from oldest to youngest “S” IS THE OLDEST!

15 Correct Order S C I E N C E !

16 Fossils! Key Point #1: Fossils are the remains of an ancient organism
Fossils can be bones, the exoskeletons, and skin of organisms.

17 Rock Layers Rock layers are like a history book of the earth.
Rock layers (strata) contain fossils. Each rock layer is different and tells us what existed during that time period. We can compare and contrast fossils we find in different rock layers and see how organisms have changed over time. They most likely changed, because the environment changed and the organisms needed to adapt.

18 Class question Surface of the earth Which species is oldest? Species C
Species A Species B and A Species B Species C 2. Which species is youngest? Species A The layers closest to the surface of the earth are the youngest and have recently been formed.

19 Strata Strata is made of Sedimentary Rocks:


21 A little bit harder Intrusion layer: Cut across strata. Made from lava. INTRUSION LAYERS ARE ALWAYS YOUNGER THAN THE STACKED ROCKS!!!

22 Do we have it? A type of rock that is formed as horizontal layers over millions of years Sedimentary strata sedimentary

23 What is YOUNGER, 3 or 6? 3

24 What is older, M or F? F M F

25 KEY POINT #2 Determining age: Radioactive dating Relative dating
As fossils are collected, we look at what is contained in the fossil, but we also want to know how old the fossil is. We can create a timeline of fossils to figure what lived when.

26 1. Radioactive Dating Measures the presence of radioactive elements, like carbon. Gives an actual age in years for a fossil! Radioactive elements are uranium and radium. Radioactive means these elements give off radiation. Yes, this is the same radiation that is used in nuclear bombs and cancer treatment.

27 How you might be tested on this
If there is 1200 lbs of Stronitium left, how old is the sample fossil you are examining? On the EOC, we may be asked to read a graph and use radioactive dating to see how old a fossil layer is. Let’s practice by reading this graph together.


29 Compares two of the same fossils found in different locations.
2. Relative dating Compares two of the same fossils found in different locations.

30 The most important tool for relative dating is INDEX FOSSILS
Index fossil: Compare the newly found fossil to a fossil we do know the age of.

31 If index fossils are found in one group of rocks, then the rocks with these same fossils must be the same age EVEN IF THEY ARE FOUND REALLY FAR APART FROM EACH OTHER Index fossils Index fossils

32 Out loud: What is older, 4 or 5? Why?

33 Key Point #3: What else do fossils tell us?
Key Point #3: Fossils show us how organisms have transitioned over time.

34 Transitional Forms Transitional form: an organism that has traits in between its ancient ancestors and organisms that came after it.

35 Famous fossil record Transitional forms have some characteristics of the old, some of the new. They show change over time!

36 What is younger, fossil 1 or fossil 8?

37 Organism B is known as a ______________________
CAN BITE BUT HAS NO TEETH CAN BITE, CHEWS PREY WITH TEETH B CAN BITE, HAS TEETH BUT SWALLOWS PREY WHOLE transition Transitional form Organism B is known as a ______________________

38 Directions: Complete the following questions in your notebook on page 24. I will check your work tomorrow. Pg. 452 1,2,3,4,6,8, and 9 Homework: read page 450 Biogeography Quiz #7 tomorrow

39 Fossil Range Pg. 23 Fossil Range
Directions: Read the introduction of the fossil range. Carefully read the directions and make a fossil range for the provided fossils. This project goes on pg. 23. Time: Till the end of class Noise: 1 (partner)

40 Work on the worksheet! Directions: Using your notes, complete the fossil homework. This is due tomorrow!

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