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Benefits Implementation phases: July 2007 for New-Hire enrollments

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1 Benefits Implementation phases: July 2007 for New-Hire enrollments
August 2007 for Open Enrollment elections Approximately January 2008 for: Qualified Life Events changes; Leaves of Absence requests. Interim change and leave of absence processes will continue to be “paper” forms available at www. <add web address> Declaration for Change Form New Leave of Absence Form How does an employee with a hire date during the year figure out their forfeiture date this year?

2 Declaration of Change

3 Leave of Absence Form

4 Benefits Most benefits will be effective the first of the next pay period. Dependent and beneficiary information can be: Viewed online in July; Updated online during Open Enrollment (Aug – Sept); Before and after Open Enrollment, changes can be made using the interim Declaration of Change form. Approximately January 2008, changes can be made online. Premiums will be withheld: 26 pay dates for employees being paid on a 12-month schedule; Less pay dates for employees on 8-, 9-, or 10-month pay schedules; Additional pre-collected benefits deductions to cover the summer months will be withheld beginning January of each year. How does an employee with a hire date during the year figure out their forfeiture date this year?

5 Pre-Collected Health Premiums Sample

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