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Objectives: 7.01- Assess the degree to which discoveries, innovations, and technologies, have accelerated, change. 7.03- Examine the causes and effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: 7.01- Assess the degree to which discoveries, innovations, and technologies, have accelerated, change. 7.03- Examine the causes and effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: 7.01- Assess the degree to which discoveries, innovations, and technologies, have accelerated, change. 7.03- Examine the causes and effects of industrialization and cite its major costs and benefits.

2 Industrialization in the US
Starts with textiles Samuel Slater Moses Brown First factory, Pawtucket Rhode Island

3 Factory Towns Lowell, Mass Young single women
The company owned everything

4 Causes of America’s Boom
LLC Natural resources Inventions Growing immigration RR’s

5 Expansion of RR


7 Rise of Corporations Corporations- owned by stockholders who share in the profits, able to raise money Stock-rights of ownership

8 Titans of Industry in America

9 Vanderbilt Railroads

10 Morgan Banking

11 Rockefeller Standard Oil

12 Carnegie Carnegie Steel Company

13 Continental Europe More by region than country
Physical and political obstacles Belgium Textiles Germany Coal, RR’s

14 Impact of Industrialization
Growing gap between wealthy and poor Colonies are exploited Imperialism would follow Transformation of society

15 Review Q’s What early industries mechanized in the United States?

16 Review Q’s “Country girls were naturally independent, and the feeling that at this new work the few hours they had of everyday leisure were entirely their was a satisfaction to them. They preferred it to going out as hired help. It was like a young man going into business for himself. Girls had never tried that experiment before, and they liked it.” Lucy Lacrom Do you think her feelings about working in the mills are typical? Why or why not?

17 Review Q’s Why do you think Britain was unable to keep industrial secrets away from other countries?

18 Review Q’s What was the most significant impact of the Industrial Revolution? Support your answer.

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