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By Mimi, Harriet, Hamish and Charlotte

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1 By Mimi, Harriet, Hamish and Charlotte
Gloriana  By Mimi, Harriet, Hamish and Charlotte

2 Our ! 

3 Democracy To have a right to say who you like your president or priminister to be. You also have a say in what will happen. As well as that you are allowed to vote on different laws instead of one person signing a piece of paper saying that that should be a law.

4 Mutual Respect In Gloriana one of our values is mutual respect . We believe that everyone should be respected the same no matter how different they are. For example: religion, skin colour, opinion and gender.

5 Individual Liberty In our country we believe that as long as you don’t break the law you can be free to do whatever you like. You can also have your own opinion about things.

6 Respect of Religion We believe that everyone should believe in what they like even if somebody else doesn't like it. Nobody should be teased for being religious it just makes everyone ever so sad if you're picked on. There should be religious places for each and every religion there is and then a few religious places for all religions so if people want to pray together they can.

7 Rule of Law In Gloriana everyone should be looked after so there is a police force to protect anyone that is worried or has had something bad happen to them. Everyone will hopefully be really happy in Gloriana.

8 Bill of Rights We have the right to freedom of thought and expression so long as it is not unlawful. We have the responsibility to tolerate the thoughts and views of those whose views of others whose views are different from our own. We have the right to be spoken to honestly and to except honesty from others. We have the responsibility to be honest to others at all times. We have the right to be treated fairly at all times. We have the responsibility to treat other people fairly. We have the right to study and acquire knowledge through education throughout our lives.

9 National flag Red – Blood and life Green -nature Blue-Wisdom
White-death Sun-power and the shape of our island Stars-means strength and that we have 12 states

10 National anthem Be glorious like our holy god Live for liberty and thankfulness Thank him for our beautiful land And all of our lovely people Say thank you to our holy god Live on peace and love

11 Our history Our history is full of exiting events, but also quite scary. Back in there was a war that lasted for 11 years!! Precisely five years after the first was in 1761,, there was a second war that lasted 16 years!! It all started because there was no democracy or rule of law, so everything was chaotic and quite dangerous!! A few years later, in 1827, we invented the pear phone! It is now famous all over our country!! We make over 1,000,000 cindrals per hour!

12 Our settlement This is a map of a square of our country ; In our country there are lots of amazing places and views . Kaken ( where the map is placed ) has the 5th highest mountain in the world ( some one actually lives up on it). There is a long river called the river hidadibac , pronounced hid-a-dib-a . We have showed you this part because it has lots of tourists and famous people visit it . Also it is famous for its beautiful meadows

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