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New Mexico Recycled Metals Program
Compliance Training 101
Why does the government need to regulate my business?
Aside from the state statute requiring regulation, our primary focus is to help in the reduction of metal thefts in the community and to assist law enforcement in apprehending and prosecuting metal thieves. By maintaining a close relationship with scrap dealers and ensuring compliance of the laws, we are able to better monitor where stolen materials end up and identify who is involved in the crime. A group of New Mexico scrap metal dealers along with law enforcement officials were instrumental in crafting the state statutes, known as the Recycled Metals Act, which regulates the scrap dealers today.
Congratulations on receiving your Recycled Metals Registration
You MUST display this certificate prominently in your place of business.
Regulated Materials Regulated Materials include any metallic object containing these ferrous or non-ferrous metals/alloys: Iron Lead Copper Brass Bronze Aluminum
Restricted Materials Restricted materials are identified as materials formed from or containing regulated materials that are higher in value and as a result, have a high occurrence of theft. These specific items shall not be purchased by a scrap dealer without verifying and documenting proof, to the best of their ability, that the items are in the possession or authorization of the rightful owner at the time of sale/purchase.
Purchase Records It is crucial to keep good records of purchases to assist law enforcement in their efforts to reduce metal thefts. It’s also required by statute. Purchase records are maintained by the dealer, at the business location for not less than one year from the date of purchase.
Purchase Records The records shall be available for inspection by law enforcement at any time the business is open to the public. *** The record shall clearly identify the material type, weight and provide a brief description of the end product.
Purchase Record Form
Purchase Record Form It is the dealer’s responsibility to visually verify both the seller’s identification and the seller’s vehicle information to ensure accuracy. The information you record on this form MUST be legible. Failure to accurately and legibly record this information could result in severe penalties.
Scrap Theft Alert Recycled Metal dealers are required to be registered with Scrap Theft Alert and receive current stolen material alerts.
Scrap Theft Alert Though it is not required, I recommend that all dealers print the alerts received, have their employees sign and date them after reading and post them where all employees can view them frequently. Doing so provides proof of compliance. The Scrap Theft Alert process is very effective and has been responsible for the recovery of stolen materials and arrest of the persons responsible.
Understanding the Rules and Laws
Recycled Metals Act NMSA to 14 NMAC to 18
NMSA 57-30-2.1 Issuance of registration; period of registration
The department is authorized to issue registrations to secondhand metal dealers that buy or sell regulated material. Original and renewed registrations shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance, unless the registration is suspended or revoked.
NMSA 57-30-2.2 Secondhand metal dealers; registration required; application; fee
A. A secondhand metal dealer shall not buy or sell regulated without a valid registration issued by the department. B. An application for registration shall be completed, under penalty of perjury, on a form designed and provided by the department and shall include: (1) the full name and business address of the applicant; (2) a list of all locations at which the applicant engages or will engage in the business of buying or selling regulated material; and (3) any other information the department may require by rule. C. An application for registration or for renewal of a registration shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee in the amount not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
NMSA 57-30-2.3 Duties of secondhand metal dealers
A. A secondhand metal dealer shall: (1) maintain a valid registration, issued by the department, and comply with the requirements of the Sale of Recycled Metals Act and rules promulgated pursuant to that act; (2) comply with all federal requirements for scrap metal dealers, including maintaining storm water permits; (3) register for the metal theft alert system, maintained by the institute of scrap recycling industries or its successor organization; and (4) keep all employees who are involved in the purchasing or receiving of regulated material apprised of alerts received on theft of regulated material in the geographic area. B. A secondhand metal dealer who becomes aware that the dealer is in possession of regulated material that was stolen or unlawfully obtained shall not remove the material from the dealer’s premises and shall report the same to a local law enforcement agency within twenty-four hours.
NMSA 57-30-2.4 Restricted transactions; additional documentation required
A. A secondhand metal dealer shall not purchase any of the following without written documentation indicating that the seller is the rightful owner or has permission from the rightful owner or that the material was otherwise lawfully obtained: (1) infrastructure grade regulated material that has been burned to remove insulation, unless the seller can produce written proof that the regulated material was lawfully burned; (2) regulated material where the manufacturer’s make, model, serial or personal identification number or other identifying marks engraved or etched upon the material have been conspicuously removed or altered; (3) regulated material marked with the name, initials or otherwise identified as the property of an electrical company, a telephone company, a cable company, a water company or other utility company, a railroad or a governmental entity; (4) a utility access cover; (5) a water meter cover; (6) a road or bridge guard rail; (7) a highway or street sign; (8) a traffic directional or control sign or signal; § Restricted transactions; additional documentation..., NM ST § © Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 11 (9) a metal beer keg that is clearly marked as being the property of the beer manufacturer; or (10) a catalytic converter that is not part of an entire motor vehicle. B. The department shall promulgate rules that more specifically describe the type of documentation required before a secondhand metal dealer may engage in a transaction described in this section.
NMSA 57-30-3 Notice to sellers
A secondhand metal dealer shall at all times maintain in a prominent place in the dealer’s place of business, in open view to a seller of regulated material, a notice in two-inch lettering that: (1) includes the following language: “A PERSON ATTEMPTING TO SELL REGULATED MATERIAL MUST PRESENT SUFFICIENT IDENTIFICATION AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW. WARNING: STATE LAW PROVIDES A CIVIL FINE FOR A PERSON WHO INTENTIONALLY PROVIDES A FALSE DOCUMENT OF IDENTIFICATION OR OTHER FALSE INFORMATION TO A SECONDHAND METAL DEALER WHILE ATTEMPTING TO SELL REGULATED MATERIAL.”; and (2) states the secondhand metal dealer’s usual business hours. The notice required by this section may be contained on a sign that contains another notice if the secondhand metal dealer is required to display another notice pursuant to applicable law.
Notice to Seller
NMSA 57-30-4 Information provided by seller
A person attempting to sell regulated material to a secondhand metal dealer shall: display to the secondhand metal dealer the person’s personal identification document; sign a written statement provided by the secondhand metal dealer that the person is the legal owner of or is lawfully entitled to sell the regulated material offered for sale; provide to the secondhand metal dealer the year, make, model and license plate number of the motor vehicle used to transport the regulated material; and allow the secondhand metal dealer to take a photograph of the seller and the regulated material. B. The secondhand metal dealer or the dealer’s agent shall visually verify the accuracy of the personal identification document and vehicle identification presented by the seller at the time of the dealer’s purchase of regulated material.
NMSA 57-30-5 Record of purchase
A. A secondhand metal dealer in this state shall keep an accurate and legible written record, in a form approved by the department, of each purchase made in the course of the dealer’s business of: (1) copper or brass material; (2) bronze material; (3) lead material; (4) aluminum material in excess of ten pounds; or (5) steel material in excess of one ton, except that a written record shall be kept of each purchase of a stainless steel beer keg. B. The record shall be in English and shall include: (1) the place and date of the purchase; (2) the name and address of each person from whom the regulated material is purchased or obtained (3) the identifying number of the personal identification document of each person from whom the regulated material is purchased or obtained; (4) the year, make, model and license plate number of the motor vehicle used to transport the regulated material; (5) a description made in accordance with the custom of the trade of the type and quantity of regulated material purchased; (6) the statement required by Paragraph (2) of Subsection A of Section NMSA 1978; and (7) the written documentation required for certain transactions pursuant to Section NMSA 1978, if applicable. C. A secondhand metal dealer may take a digital photograph, with a date and time stamp, of: (1) the seller of the regulated material; and (2) the regulated material in the form in which it was purchased or obtained by the secondhand metal dealer.
NMSA 57-30-6 Preservation of Records
A secondhand metal dealer shall preserve each record required by Section NMSA 1978 until the first anniversary of the date the record was made.
NMSA 57-30-7 Inspection of records by peace officers; holds on property.
Upon request, a secondhand metal dealer shall produce to a peace officer, during the dealer's usual business hours, the requested record of purchase as required by Section NMSA 1978. If a peace officer determines, through an investigation or examination of the records kept by the secondhand metal dealer, that the dealer may be in possession of stolen property or property that constitutes evidence in a criminal investigation, the peace officer may place a hold on the property prohibiting the sale or removal of the property from the premises. The hold may remain in effect for up to five days or until the hold is lifted or the property is seized, whichever occurs earlier. The inspecting peace officer shall inform the secondhand metal dealer of the person's status as a peace officer.
NMSA 57-30-8 Furnishing of report to department.
As of January 1, 2014, a secondhand metal dealer shall, not later than the second business day after the date of the purchase or other acquisition of regulated material for which a record is required pursuant to Section 57305NMSA 1978, upload to the database maintained by the department a report containing the information required to be recorded pursuant to that section. A local governmental entity shall not impose any reporting requirements on secondhand metal dealers regarding the purchase or acquisition of regulated material.
NMSA Database. The department shall establish and maintain an electronic database containing the records required to be preserved pursuant to Section NMSA 1978, which database shall be accessible to law enforcement agencies and the department. Records received by the department pursuant to Section NMSA 1978 shall be available in the database by the end of the second business day following receipt by the department.
NMSA 57-30-10 Powers and duties of superintendent.
The superintendent has authority to promulgate reasonable regulations for the administration and enforcement of the Sale of Recycled Metals Act and is expressly authorized to make regulations regarding records of purchase of regulated material and the database required pursuant to that act.
NMSA 57-30-11 Waiting period for disposal of regulated material.
A secondhand metal dealer shall not process or permit to be removed from the dealer's premises regulated material until at least twenty-four hours have elapsed since the dealer acquired the regulated material.
NMSA 57-30-12 Prohibited acts.
A person shall not, with the intent to deceive: A. display to a secondhand metal dealer a false or invalid personal identification document in connection with the person's attempted sale of regulated material; B. make a false material statement or representation to a secondhand metal dealer in connection with: (1) that person's execution of a written statement required by Subsection A of Section NMSA 1978; (2) the dealer's efforts to obtain the information required pursuant to Subsection B of Section NMSA 1978; or (3) the written documentation required for certain transactions pursuant to Section 16 [ NMSA 1978] of this 2012 act; or C. deliberately remove or alter a manufacturer's make, model, serial or personal identification number or other identifying marks engraved or etched upon property that is regulated material.
NMSA 57-30-13 Civil penalty; suspension or revocation of registration.
A. A person who violates any provision of the Sale of Recycled Metals Act may be assessed a civil penalty by the superintendent not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation. B. The superintendent may suspend or revoke the registration of a secondhand metal dealer when the superintendent finds that the dealer has intentionally violated a provision of the Sale of Recycled Metals Act. C. Prior to the imposition of a civil penalty or the suspension or revocation of a registration, the superintendent shall provide notice and an opportunity to be heard pursuant to the pertinent notice and hearing provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act [Chapter 61, Article 1 NMSA 1978].
NMSA Applicability. The provisions of the Sale of Recycled Metals Act shall not apply to a purchase of regulated material from a manufacturing, industrial or other commercial vendor that sells regulated material in the ordinary course of the vendor’s business. In order to exercise this exemption the dealer MUST obtain approval from the Recycled Metals Program legal department by providing contract or written agreement information regarding the supplier and materials purchased.
Penalties for violations of the Act.
Each provision of the statute is a separate section as the legislature has set out the law. A penalty may be assessed for a violation of any provision. Therefore, each violation may be fined up to $1,000 per violation. As an example: If you fail to enter the seller’s vehicle license plate on three separate purchases, you will be subject to $3,000 in penalties. If you violate any two provisions of the same section, you will be subject to $1,000 in penalties for each provision. Repeated violations may constitute a pattern of conduct that shows intent and thus could lead to suspension or revocation of your registration.
Now what?
Purchase Record As of January 1, 2017, the department will require the use of the drivers license image purchase record. Pursuant to NMSA (A) Exception to this rule is dealers who have obtained approval from the Recycled Metals Program and maintain digital records which contain all of the required seller information including a digital image of the sellers drivers license. NMSA
What purchases do I have to record?
It might be easier to list the items you do not have to record. Food and Beverage containers. Aluminum weighing less than ten pounds. Steel / Iron (ferrous metals) less than one ton (2,000 lbs.). Plastic Glass Paper/cardboard/wood Use caution when deciding not to record an item, if it contains regulated materials as described in the act, record it.
What items should I NOT buy?
Restricted materials as listed in the Recycled Metals Act have a much higher burden of proof that the items being sold are not stolen. Purchases of restricted materials must be recorded on the purchase record form along with additional documentation attesting rightful ownership. Proper identification of the material linking it to the additional documentation and purchase record is a must. Any restricted item found on the business property shall be assumed purchased, therefore additional requirements apply.
What is a Restricted Item?
Any Regulated material that has been identified as a high theft item by statute and is listed in NMSA These items include but are not limited to: Burnt wire, water meter covers, manhole covers, highway / street signs, beer kegs, catalytic converters, property identified as government or utility company owned or materials with altered or removed owner identification.
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials
Restricted Materials Documentation
Though purchasing RESTRICTED MATERIALS from the public is discouraged, it is legal to do so with proper documentation. Using your good judgment is crucial in avoiding undesirable attention from law enforcement. It is preferred that the dealer obtain a letter from the property owner on company letterhead, describing the material and contact information. If it is not practical to obtain a business letter, using the restricted material documentation will suffice. Make sure the form is complete with a description on the material and an image of the seller’s identification card.
Restricted Materials Documentation
It is also very important to properly identify and document your restricted material purchases. Using a numbering system to tie the documentation to the item is essential. A suggested method is to use the current date, along with a sequential number such as: Assuming that today’s date is January 25, 2017 and this is the first restricted item received today. Alternatively, if your existing system assigns a unique number to each purchase record making recovery of purchase data easily accessible, this would satisfy the requirement. This number MUST be on both forms AND displayed on the item.
Purchasing/Receiving stolen property
Recycled Metals Act (B) Duties of secondhand metal dealers. (2012) A secondhand metal dealer who becomes aware that the dealer is in possession of regulated material that was stolen or unlawfully obtained shall not remove the material from the dealer's premises and shall report the same to a local law enforcement agency within twenty-four hours.
Purchasing/Receiving stolen property
New Mexico Statutes Chapter 30, Article 16, Section 11 A. Receiving stolen property means intentionally to receive, retain or dispose of stolen property knowing that it has been stolen or believing it has been stolen, unless the property is received, retained or disposed of with intent to restore it to the owner. B. The requisite knowledge or belief that property has been stolen is presumed in the case of a dealer who: (1) is found in possession or control of property stolen from two or more persons on separate occasions; (2) acquires stolen property for a consideration that the dealer knows is far below the property's reasonable value. A dealer shall be presumed to know the fair market value of the property in which the dealer deals; or (3) is found in possession or control of five or more items of property stolen within one year prior to the time of the incident charged pursuant to this section.
Purchasing/Receiving stolen property
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck… It’s probably a Duck.
Purchasing/Receiving stolen property
How do I protect myself and business from a violation or criminal charges relating to stolen property received in a normal recycled metal business transaction.
Purchasing/Receiving stolen property
Use your good common sense! There are several things you can do to protect yourself.
Purchasing/Receiving stolen property
Options: Refuse to purchase a suspected stolen item. (Not the best option) Purchase, then call the police to have them determine if it’s stolen. (Best option, because suspect information is collected) Call the owner (if known) to inquire if the seller has permission to sell questionable item. Call the Recycled Metals Compliance Officer.
But wait, there’s more….
Uploading your purchase data to the state database is also required .
It is required that the dealer login to the state approved database no more than the second business day, following the purchase of regulated material, to upload the purchase data. This data must be accurate and reflect the purchase record on file at the business location.
Uploading There are two methods for uploading this data, the first is to manually enter each purchase record individually. The second is to enter the data on a Excel spreadsheet then upload all of those purchase records at the end of the day with only one entry. A user manual for uploading to the database is available on the Recycled Metals website. (
Recycled Metals Reporting System User Manual
Recycled Metals Reporting System
Recycled Metals Reporting System
Recycled Metals Reporting System
Individual purchase record upload page.
Recycled Metals Reporting System
Sample Upload Excel Spreadsheet
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