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Andrei Toader, L Tran, Tommy Lin, Joy Wang

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1 Andrei Toader, L Tran, Tommy Lin, Joy Wang
The Guide: Chapter 7.5 Andrei Toader, L Tran, Tommy Lin, Joy Wang

2 Dominant Effect In the second half of chapter 7 in The Guide, Narayan uses the dialogue between Raju’s dialogue to juxtapose his mother’s ideology from the past with Raju’s modern ideas.

3 What is Tumblr? “a microblogging platform and social networking site” (Wikipedia) Create/Reblog posts that are shared with the world in a blog gifs text videos pictures

4 Rationale showcases variety of topics
range from modern topics to issues primarily relevant in the past

5 Rationale (cont.) Structure represents time passing:
Continuous feed of posts Old posts often resurface Posts personal opinions- show Raju’s inner monologue

6 Analysis Raju’s mother represents the ideology of traditional Indian culture. Narayan uses her dialogue in order to contrast and bring new perspective to Raju’s thoughts and actions.

7 Quote #1 “My mother came out of the kitchen formally, smiled a welcome, and said, ‘Be seated on that mat. What’s your name?’ she asked kindly, and was rather taken aback to hear the name ‘Rosie.’ She expected a more orthodox name. She looked anguished for a moment, wondering how she was going to accommodate a ‘Rosie’ in her home.” (109)

8 Analysis: Quote #1 “Why did she call herself Rosie? She did not come from a foreign land...Don’t imagine on hearing her name that she wore a short skirt or cropped her hair.” (4) Raju’s mother thinks frequently about one’s reputation. Traditional vs. Modern : Raju’s mother vs. Rosie

9 Quote #2 “My mother was amazed. ‘Girls today! How courageous you are! In our day we wouldn’t go to the street corner without an escort. And I have been to the market only once in my life, when Raju’s father was alive.’” (11)

10 Analysis: Quote #2 Rare instance - Seems to admire modern culture
Rosie’s response contrasts Raju’s mother’s amazement “Rosie blinked and listened in silence, not knowing how to react to these statements.” (110)

11 Quote #3 “‘Are you a B.A.?’ ‘Yes,’ I corrected. ‘She is an M.A.’ ‘Good, good, brave girl. Then you lack nothing in the world. You are not like us uneducated women. You will get on anywhere. You can ask for your railway ticket, call a policeman if somebody worries you, and keep your money. What are you going to do? Are you going to join government service and earn? Brave girl.’ My mother was full of admiration for her.” (111)

12 Analysis: Quote #3 Continuation of Quote #2
Advocates for the modern independence of women Transition between past and present

13 Quote #4 “‘What a fine mother you have!’ ‘The only trouble is she asks you about marriage!’ We laughed nervously at this joke.” (113)

14 Analysis: Quote #4 -Narayan uses more tension and awkwardness in this piece of dialogue -Uncomfortable mood highlights the disconnect between old and modern cultures -Also highlights the misunderstanding b/t cultures

15 Quote #5 “This cannot go on long Raju - you must put an end to it.” “Don’t interfere, Mother. I am an adult. I know what I am doing.” “You can’t have a dancing girl in your house! Every morning with all that dancing and everything going on! What is the home coming to!” (120)

16 Analysis: Quote #5 -Narayan highlights the clash of cultures between Raju and his mother. -Even though Raju is an adult, his mother still feels the need to give him advice because she thinks the situation is too wrong.

17 Quote #6 “‘Why can’t she go to her husband and fall at his feet? You know, living with a husband is no joke, as these modern girls imagine. No husband worth the name was ever conquered by powder and lipstick alone. You know, your father more than once...’” (121) “...filled the time with anecdotes about husbands...She quoted numerous mythological stories of Savitri Seetha, and all the well-known heroines.” (121)

18 Analysis: Quote #6 -Emphasis on “husband” :Narayan makes it an honorable, powerful title vs. feminine symbols -Lengthy monologue trails off highlights Raju’s boredom -Shows miscommunication b/t generations Wisdom vs. blabbering on

19 Discussion Questions For all question, please explain why, and find quotes to support answers! Does Raju’s mother adhere to traditional ideas, or does she mix modern ideas with traditional more frequently? Raju mentions that he was “afraid of [his] mother” (122). Why does Raju harbor this fear? Remember what you can about traditional Indian culture. In what ways is Raju’s mother similar to Mrs. Bennet and Mrs. Ramsay? Who is she more like? Compare the relationship between Raju and his mother to the other mother-child relationships in To the Lighthouse and Pride and Prejudice. In what ways are the relationships similar/different? Compare and contrast the use of pride and vanity in Pride and Prejudice and The Guide

20 Exit Slip Remember and discuss the times that you and your parent(s) have disagreed on an issue due to generational/culture differences. Thinking back on it now, who should have won the argument? Do you stand by your decision still? Or do you believe your parent(s) was in the right?

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